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Efficient bandwidth extension of musical signals using a differentiable harmonic plus noise model

This repo contains code for the paper: Efficient bandwidth extension of musical signals using a differentiable harmonic plus noise model [1]. It uses a DDSP [2] approach to reconstruct the missing high frequency content of a signal sampled at 16 kHz with only the low frequencies up to 2 kHz. Results of the paper can be reproduced looking at section 2. Processing low-band input signal is explained in section 3. Demonstration of different model reconstructions can be found in the audio samples page

1 - Setup Instructions

To install the required dependencies, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

2 - Preparation and preprocessing of datasets

If you want to replicate paper results, you need to download the required datasets, namely Medley-solos-db, OrchideaSOL, Gtzan, and MedleyDB datasets. Monophonic and synthetic datasets are obtained by using scripts and Preprocessing on a particular dataset is done by using

python3 --name config_file_name --split split

where config_file_name is the name of the config file without extension, i.e., config if you are using the provided default config file config.yaml in the config folder, and split is either train or test.

In each dataset folder, you should have two split folders labeled train and test containing the .wav files. Modify to provide your own dataset paths.

3 - Training models

Once your data has been preprocessed, you can train the model specified by config.yaml using

python3 --name config_file_name --steps num_steps --retrain retrain

where config_file_name is the name of the config file (typically the same as with, num_steps is the number of training steps (which will be rounded to perform a whole number of epochs, depending on the dataset size), and retrain is a boolean specifying if the training must be continued from a previous saved model (if applicable, and with the same name) or if the model is retrained from zero.

The model are normally automatically saved in a folder models/model_name which contains the original config file config.yaml, the model state state.pth and a log file training.log.

4 Evaluating models

Once your model has been trained and saved, you can evaluate it using:

python --name config_file_name --dataset dataset_name --max-n-sources max_number_of_sources

where config_file_name is the name of the config file, dataset_name is the name of the dataset which can be the same as entry dataset of data in your config file or another one (be careful of checking your dataset paths in, and max_number_of_sources corresponding the maximum number of f0 that are considered in the polyphonic mixture.

5 Config file entries

Below we detail what each entry of the config file correspond to in our experiment/models:

  • data
    • dataset: dataset name (be sure to modify with your own paths)
    • extension: sound file extension
    • input: LB if you input a low-band signal in your model, WB if you input a full-band signal
    • mean_loudness: automatically added by, computed as the mean loudness over the whole dataset
    • std_loudness: automatically added by, computed as the standard deviation of the loudness over the whole dataset
  • model
    • block_size: size of blocks in the model
    • device: cpu or cuda, device on which computation is done
    • hidden_size: size of some hidden layers in the model
    • max_sources: max number of f0 considered in the model
    • n_bands: number of frequency bands in the estimated noise transfer function
    • n_harmonics: number of harmonics considered by the additive synthesizer
    • sampling_rate: sampling rate of input and output signals
  • preprocess
    • block_size: block size used in the pitch estimators
    • downsampling_factor: ratio between the highest frequency wanted in the output signal and the actual highest frequency in the input signal (4 in our experiments)
    • oneshot: true if we crop the preprocess signal to the first chunk of lenght signal_length, false if we just frame it with chunks of size signal_length
    • sampling_rate: sampling rate of the considered signals
    • signal_length: length of the chunks obtained by preprocessing, which correspond to the model input signal length
  • train
    • HF: true if MSS loss is computed only on reconstructed high frequencies, false if it is computed on the whole band
    • batch: batch size
    • model: model type: ddsp, ddsp_noise, ddsp_poly_decoder or resnet
    • overlap: frame overlap used in MSS loss
    • scales: FFT sizes used in MSS loss
    • start_lr: start learning rate during training
    • stop_lr: last learning rate


[1] link to our paper

[2] Engel, J., Hantrakul, L., Gu, C., & Roberts, A., “Differentiable digital signal processing” 2020, arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04643.