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Frontend Mentor - Single price grid component solution

This is a solution to the Single price grid component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the component depending on their device's screen size
  • See a hover state on desktop for the Sign Up call-to-action


My submission


My process

Built with

  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow

What I learned

Code Reuse with a Template.

I noticed that for the past challenges, I was reusing a lot of the same initial content ideas. I created fet and started this challenge from that started code, and will do the same for future ones!

Using CSS Grid.

My first feeling was to go and complete this challenge using only flexbox, but I decided to go against that and learn more about grids.

  • I use grid-template-areas with identifier values to specify how I want to organize the grid. Then, I use grid-area on each of the areas to associate them to the template.
  • I use grid-template-columns to specify that I want both columns to take the same amount of space (thanks to StackOverflow! :)) — no need for the *-rows equivalent at this time.

Mobile-first workflow & media queries.

This is the first challenge that I use both of these and I'm very happy how they turned out.

  • I implemented the design with a mobile layout first through the Firefox web tools, simulating a screen size similar to that on the Figma spec
  • I added a media query to specify a different grid-template-areas (non-vertical stacking of the bottom columns) for screen sizes larger than 600px — I was happy with this value after testing

Having the sign-up button's padding match the available width.

This was difficult initially, but I realized that I could just make it's parent (.sign-up) be a flex column container and that way have the desired effect.

Continued development

It was great to see my current and former efforts pay off to arrive to this solution — I feel that I am getting more confident and able to identify issues and solutions faster.

I'd like to continue to work on the following:

  • CSS Grid: this is a topic I've scratched a bit but I feel there's much more to learn, so I look forward to doing so in later challenges and with some of the supplementary content/references/etc.
  • CSS Preprocessors: I'd originally planned to use one here, but decided against it — I think I'd find more use in them in larger challenges where I can take advantage of some of their features, and I think I'd prefer to run into those hurdles they solve first to understand the motivation behind them and knowing when they're most applicable.
  • Naming schemes/organization: Same as preprocessors above, I feel this isn't so impactful for simpler projects, but for larger ones I'd like to experiment with different ways/approaches of organization and naming — one I've heard of so far is BEM.

Useful resources

  • Conquering Responsive Layouts - This has been amazing to get in a good mindset of how to make things responsively easily and not in a convoluted way. Being able to look at a design and mentally "break it up" to know how to approach working on it and getting it done.
  • MDN — Grid - MDN continues to be a great resource for anything web development related. This helped me get some of the intuition behind grid's and arrive at grid-template-areas solution.
  • Stack Overflow Answer — this detailed answer helped me understand how to have both columns take up the same space.
