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Merge pull request #6565 from piwik/deprecate_usersettings
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Remove duplicate reports from UserSettings plugin refs #3962
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Matthieu Aubry committed Nov 26, 2014
2 parents b161911 + 9d9a7c8 commit 61a7032
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28 changes: 21 additions & 7 deletions
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,20 @@

This is a changelog for Piwik platform developers. All changes for our HTTP API's, Plugins, Themes, etc will be listed here.

## Piwik 2.10.0

### Breaking Changes
* Some duplicate reports from UserSettings plugin have been removed. Widget URLs for those reports will still work till May 1st 2015. Please update those to the new reports of DevicesDetection plugin.

### Deprecations
* The API method `UserSettings.getBrowserVersion` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getBrowserVersions` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getBrowser` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getBrowsers` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getOSFamily` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getOsFamilies` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getOS` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getOsVersions` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getMobileVsDesktop` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getType` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getBrowserType` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getBrowserEngines` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getWideScreen` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `UserSettings.getScreenType` instead

## Piwik 2.9.1

### Breaking Changes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,13 +62,13 @@ This is a changelog for Piwik platform developers. All changes for our HTTP API'

### Deprecations
* The `Piwik::setUserHasSuperUserAccess` method is deprecated, instead use Access::doAsSuperUser. This method will ensure that super user access is properly rescinded after the callback finishes.
* The class is `\IntegrationTestCase` deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\SystemTestCase` instead.
* The class is `\DatabaseTestCase` deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\IntegrationTestCase` instead.
* The class is `\BenchmarkTestCase` deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\BenchmarkTestCase` instead.
* The class is `\ConsoleCommandTestCase` deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\ConsoleCommandTestCase` instead.
* The class is `\FakeAccess` deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\Mock\FakeAccess` instead.
* The class is `\Piwik\Tests\Fixture` deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\Fixture` instead.
* The class is `\Piwik\Tests\OverrideLogin` deprecated and will be removed from February 6ths 2015. Use `\Piwik\Framework\Framework\OverrideLogin` instead.
* The class `\IntegrationTestCase` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\SystemTestCase` instead.
* The class `\DatabaseTestCase` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\IntegrationTestCase` instead.
* The class `\BenchmarkTestCase` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\BenchmarkTestCase` instead.
* The class `\ConsoleCommandTestCase` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\ConsoleCommandTestCase` instead.
* The class `\FakeAccess` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\Mock\FakeAccess` instead.
* The class `\Piwik\Tests\Fixture` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\Fixture` instead.
* The class `\Piwik\Tests\OverrideLogin` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6ths 2015. Use `\Piwik\Framework\Framework\OverrideLogin` instead.

### New API Features
* The pivotBy and related query parameters can be used to pivot reports by another dimension. Read more about the new query parameters [here](
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4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions LEGALNOTICE
License: LGPL

Name: UserAgentParser
License: New BSD

Name: Piwik/Decompress
License: LGPL v3.0
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252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions core/Updates/2.10.0-b1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
* Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later

namespace Piwik\Updates;

use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\DataAccess\ArchiveTableCreator;
use Piwik\DataTable;
use Piwik\Db;
use Piwik\Updater;
use Piwik\Updates;
use DeviceDetector\Parser\Client\Browser AS BrowserParser;
use Piwik\Plugins\Dashboard\Model AS DashboardModel;

* This Update script will update all browser and os archives of UserSettings and DevicesDetection plugin
* In the future only DevicesDetection will handle browser and os archives, so we try to rename all existing archives
* of UserSettings plugin to their corresponding archive name in DevicesDetection plugin:
* - *UserSettings_browser* will now be *DevicesDetection_browserVersions*
* - *UserSettings_os* will now be *DevicesDetection_osVersions*
* Unlike DevicesDetection plugin, the UserSettings plugin did not store archives holding the os and browser data without
* their version number. The "version-less" reports were always generated out of the "version-containing" archives .
* For big archives (month/year) that ment that some of the data was truncated, due to the datatable entry limit.
* To avoid that data loss / inaccuracy in the future, DevicesDetection plugin will also store archives without the version.
* For data archived after DevicesDetection plugin was enabled, those archive already exist. As we are removing the
* UserSettings reports, we need to move the existing old data to the new archives, which means we need to build up
* those archives, where they do not exist.
* NOTE: Some archives might not contain "all" data.
* That might have happened directly after the day DevicesDetection plugin was enabled. For the days before, there were
* no archives calculated. So week/month/year archives will only contain data for the days, where archives were generated
* To find a date after which it is safe to use DevicesDetection archives we need to find the first day-archive that
* contains DevicesDetection data. Day archives will always contain full data, but week/month/year archives may not.
* So we need to recreate those week/month/year archives.
class Updates_2_10_0_b1 extends Updates

static function getSql()
$sqls = array('# ATTENTION: This update script will execute some more SQL queries than that below as it is necessary to rebuilt some archives #' => false);

// update scheduled reports to use new plugin
$reportsToReplace = array(
'UserSettings_getBrowserVersion' => 'DevicesDetection_getBrowserVersions',
'UserSettings_getBrowser' => 'DevicesDetection_getBrowsers',
'UserSettings_getOSFamily' => 'DevicesDetection_getOsFamilies',
'UserSettings_getOS' => 'DevicesDetection_getOsVersions',
'UserSettings_getMobileVsDesktop' => 'DevicesDetection_getType',
'UserSettings_getBrowserType' => 'DevicesDetection_getBrowserEngines',
'UserSettings_getWideScreen' => 'UserSettings_getScreenType',

foreach ($reportsToReplace as $old => $new) {
$sqls["UPDATE " . Common::prefixTable('report') . " SET reports = REPLACE(reports, '".$old."', '".$new."')"] = false;

// update dashboard to use new widgets
$oldWidgets = array(
array('module' => 'UserSettings', 'action' => 'getBrowserVersion', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'UserSettings', 'action' => 'getBrowser', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'UserSettings', 'action' => 'getOSFamily', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'UserSettings', 'action' => 'getOS', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'UserSettings', 'action' => 'getMobileVsDesktop', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'UserSettings', 'action' => 'getBrowserType', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'UserSettings', 'action' => 'getWideScreen', 'params' => array()),

$newWidgets = array(
array('module' => 'DevicesDetection', 'action' => 'getBrowserVersions', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'DevicesDetection', 'action' => 'getBrowsers', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'DevicesDetection', 'action' => 'getOsFamilies', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'DevicesDetection', 'action' => 'getOsVersions', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'DevicesDetection', 'action' => 'getType', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'DevicesDetection', 'action' => 'getBrowserEngines', 'params' => array()),
array('module' => 'UserSettings', 'action' => 'getScreenType', 'params' => array()),

$allDashboards = Db::get()->fetchAll(sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s", Common::prefixTable('user_dashboard')));

foreach($allDashboards AS $dashboard) {

$dashboardLayout = json_decode($dashboard['layout']);

$dashboardLayout = DashboardModel::replaceDashboardWidgets($dashboardLayout, $oldWidgets, $newWidgets);

$newLayout = json_encode($dashboardLayout);
if ($newLayout != $dashboard['layout']) {
$sqls["UPDATE " . Common::prefixTable('user_dashboard') . " SET layout = '".addslashes($newLayout)."' WHERE iddashboard = ".$dashboard['iddashboard']] = false;

return $sqls;

static function update()
Updater::updateDatabase(__FILE__, self::getSql());

$archiveBlobTables = self::getAllArchiveBlobTables();

foreach ($archiveBlobTables as $table) {

* Returns all available archive blob tables
* @return array
public static function getAllArchiveBlobTables()
static $archiveBlobTables;

if (empty($archiveBlobTables)) {

$archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();

$archiveBlobTables = array_filter($archiveTables, function($name) {
return ArchiveTableCreator::getTypeFromTableName($name) == ArchiveTableCreator::BLOB_TABLE;

// sort tables so we have them in order of their date

return (array) $archiveBlobTables;

* Find the first day on which DevicesDetection archives were generated
* @return int Timestamp
public static function getFirstDayOfArchivedDeviceDetectorData()
static $deviceDetectionBlobAvailableDate;

if (empty($deviceDetectionBlobAvailableDate)) {

$archiveBlobTables = self::getAllArchiveBlobTables();

$deviceDetectionBlobAvailableDate = null;
foreach ($archiveBlobTables as $table) {

// Look for all day archives and try to find that with the lowest date
$deviceDetectionBlobAvailableDate = Db::get()->fetchOne(sprintf("SELECT date1 FROM %s WHERE name = 'DevicesDetection_browserVersions' AND period = 1 ORDER BY date1 ASC LIMIT 1", $table));

if (!empty($deviceDetectionBlobAvailableDate)) {


$deviceDetectionBlobAvailableDate = strtotime($deviceDetectionBlobAvailableDate);

return $deviceDetectionBlobAvailableDate;

* Updates all browser archives to new structure
* @param string $table
* @throws \Exception
public static function updateBrowserArchives($table)
// rename old UserSettings archives where no DeviceDetection archives exists
Db::exec(sprintf("UPDATE IGNORE %s SET name='DevicesDetection_browserVersions' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_browser'", $table));

* check dates of remaining (non-day) archives with calculated safe date
* archives before or within that week/month/year of that date will be replaced
$oldBrowserBlobs = Db::get()->fetchAll(sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE name = 'UserSettings_browser' AND `period` > 1", $table));
foreach ($oldBrowserBlobs as $blob) {

// if start date of blob is before calculated date us old usersettings archive instead of already existing DevicesDetection archive
if (strtotime($blob['date1']) < self::getFirstDayOfArchivedDeviceDetectorData()) {

Db::get()->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE idarchive = ? AND name = ?", $table), array($blob['idarchive'], 'DevicesDetection_browserVersions'));
Db::get()->query(sprintf("UPDATE %s SET name = ? WHERE idarchive = ? AND name = ?", $table), array('DevicesDetection_browserVersions', $blob['idarchive'], 'UserSettings_browser'));

// rebuild archives without versions
$browserBlobs = Db::get()->fetchAll(sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE name = 'DevicesDetection_browserVersions'", $table));
foreach ($browserBlobs as $blob) {
self::createArchiveBlobWithoutVersions($blob, 'DevicesDetection_browsers', $table);

public static function updateOsArchives($table) {
Db::exec(sprintf("UPDATE IGNORE %s SET name='DevicesDetection_osVersions' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_os'", $table));

* check dates of remaining (non-day) archives with calculated safe date
* archives before or within that week/month/year of that date will be replaced
$oldOsBlobs = Db::get()->fetchAll(sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE name = 'UserSettings_os' AND `period` > 1", $table));
foreach ($oldOsBlobs as $blob) {

// if start date of blob is before calculated date us old usersettings archive instead of already existing DevicesDetection archive
if (strtotime($blob['date1']) < self::getFirstDayOfArchivedDeviceDetectorData()) {

Db::get()->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE idarchive = ? AND name = ?", $table), array($blob['idarchive'], 'DevicesDetection_osVersions'));
Db::get()->query(sprintf("UPDATE %s SET name = ? WHERE idarchive = ? AND name = ?", $table), array('DevicesDetection_osVersions', $blob['idarchive'], 'UserSettings_os'));

// rebuild archives without versions
$osBlobs = Db::get()->fetchAll(sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE name = 'DevicesDetection_osVersions'", $table));
foreach ($osBlobs as $blob) {
self::createArchiveBlobWithoutVersions($blob, 'DevicesDetection_os', $table);

protected static function createArchiveBlobWithoutVersions($blob, $newName, $table)
$blob['value'] = @gzuncompress($blob['value']);

$datatable = DataTable::fromSerializedArray($blob['value']);
$datatable->filter('GroupBy', array('label', function ($label) {
if (preg_match("/(.+) [0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?$/", $label, $matches)) {
return $matches[1]; // should match for browsers

if (strpos($label, ';')) {
return substr($label, 0, 3); // should match for os

return $label;

$newData = $datatable->getSerialized();

$blob['value'] = @gzcompress($newData[0]);
$blob['name'] = $newName;

Db::get()->query(sprintf('REPLACE INTO %s (`idarchive`, `name`, `idsite`, `date1`, `date2`, `period`, `ts_archived`, `value`) VALUES (?, ? , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $table), array_values($blob));
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/Version.php
Expand Up @@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ final class Version
* The current Piwik version.
* @var string
const VERSION = '2.9.1';
const VERSION = '2.10.0-b1';
33 changes: 24 additions & 9 deletions core/WidgetsList.php
Expand Up @@ -159,18 +159,15 @@ protected static function _sortWidgetCategories($a, $b)

* Adds a report to the list of dashboard widgets.
* Returns the unique id of an widget with the given parameters
* @param string $widgetCategory The widget category. This can be a translation token.
* @param string $widgetName The name of the widget. This can be a translation token.
* @param string $controllerName The report's controller name (same as the plugin name).
* @param string $controllerAction The report's controller action method name.
* @param array $customParameters Extra query parameters that should be sent while getting
* this report.
* @param $controllerName
* @param $controllerAction
* @param array $customParameters
* @return string
public static function add($widgetCategory, $widgetName, $controllerName, $controllerAction, $customParameters = array())
public static function getWidgetUniqueId($controllerName, $controllerAction, $customParameters = array())
$widgetName = Piwik::translate($widgetName);
$widgetUniqueId = 'widget' . $controllerName . $controllerAction;

foreach ($customParameters as $name => $value) {
Expand All @@ -182,6 +179,24 @@ public static function add($widgetCategory, $widgetName, $controllerName, $contr
$widgetUniqueId .= $name . $value;

return $widgetUniqueId;

* Adds a report to the list of dashboard widgets.
* @param string $widgetCategory The widget category. This can be a translation token.
* @param string $widgetName The name of the widget. This can be a translation token.
* @param string $controllerName The report's controller name (same as the plugin name).
* @param string $controllerAction The report's controller action method name.
* @param array $customParameters Extra query parameters that should be sent while getting
* this report.
public static function add($widgetCategory, $widgetName, $controllerName, $controllerAction, $customParameters = array())
$widgetName = Piwik::translate($widgetName);
$widgetUniqueId = self::getWidgetUniqueId($controllerName, $controllerAction, $customParameters);

if (!array_key_exists($widgetCategory, self::$widgets)) {
self::$widgets[$widgetCategory] = array();
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23 changes: 0 additions & 23 deletions libs/UserAgentParser/

This file was deleted.

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