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hacking on the stanford natural language inference (SNLI) corpus (tensorflow)


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snli hacking (in tensorflow)

note: port of snli hacking in theano

hacking with the Stanford Natural Language Inference corpus. problem is to decide if two sentences are neutral, contradict each other or the first entails the second.

model dev accuracy 0.667
nn bidir gru -> concat -> mlp 0.780


simple logistic regression using token features, tokens from sentence 1 prepended with "s1_", tokens from sentence 2 prepended with "s2_"

$ time ./

train confusion
 [[121306  27808  34073]
  [ 29941 117735  35088]
  [ 23662  20907 138847]] (accuracy 0.687)

dev confusion
 [[2077  549  652]
  [ 546 2044  645]
  [ 474  404 2451]] (accuracy 0.667)

# approx 6m

nn models

lots more variants explored in the theano version of this project.

bidir grus -> concat -> mlp -> logreg

first model is

  • a bidirictional gru rnn over each sentence
  • concatted final states -> couple layer mlp -> 3way logisitic regression
$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--train-set TRAIN_SET]
                   [--num-from-train NUM_FROM_TRAIN] [--dev-set DEV_SET]
                   [--num-from-dev NUM_FROM_DEV] [--dev-run-freq DEV_RUN_FREQ]
                   [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS]
                   [--optimizer OPTIMIZER] [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE]
                   [--momentum MOMENTUM] [--restore-ckpt RESTORE_CKPT]
                   [--ckpt-dir CKPT_DIR] [--ckpt-freq CKPT_FREQ]
                   [--disable-gpu] [--input-vocab-file INPUT_VOCAB_FILE]
                   [--output-vocab-file OUTPUT_VOCAB_FILE] [--seq-len SEQ_LEN]
                   [--hidden-dim HIDDEN_DIM] [--embedding-dim EMBEDDING_DIM]
                   [--mlp-config MLP_CONFIG]
                   [--initial-embeddings INITIAL_EMBEDDINGS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --train-set TRAIN_SET
  --num-from-train NUM_FROM_TRAIN
                        number of batches to read from train. -1 => all
  --dev-set DEV_SET
  --num-from-dev NUM_FROM_DEV
                        number of batches to read from dev. -1 => all
  --dev-run-freq DEV_RUN_FREQ
                        frequency (in num batches trained) to run against dev
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size
  --num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS
                        number of epoches to run. -1 => forever
  --optimizer OPTIMIZER
                        optimizer to use; some baseclass of tf.train.Optimizer
  --learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
  --momentum MOMENTUM   momentum (for MomentumOptimizer)
  --restore-ckpt RESTORE_CKPT
                        if set, restore from this ckpt file
  --ckpt-dir CKPT_DIR   root dir to save ckpts. blank => don't save ckpts
  --ckpt-freq CKPT_FREQ
                        frequency (in num batches trained) to dump ckpt to
  --disable-gpu         if set we only run on cpu
  --input-vocab-file INPUT_VOCAB_FILE
                        vocab (token -> idx) for embeddings, required if using
  --output-vocab-file OUTPUT_VOCAB_FILE
                        derived vocab as updated from loading training data.
                        used for nn_test
  --seq-len SEQ_LEN     hack; need to do bucketing, for now just ignore long
  --hidden-dim HIDDEN_DIM
                        hidden node dimensionality
  --embedding-dim EMBEDDING_DIM
                        embedding node dimensionality
  --mlp-config MLP_CONFIG
                        pre classifier mlp config; array describing #hidden
                        nodes per layer. eg [50,50,20] denotes 3 hidden
                        layers, with 50, 50 and 20 nodes. a value of []
                        denotes no MLP before classifier
  --initial-embeddings INITIAL_EMBEDDINGS
                        initial embeddings npy file. requires --vocab-file
                        if set don't backprop to embeddings

small test runs and are two simple test harnesses for training a model over a small amoutn of data and then running test against the same set. (expected result is perfect result)

./ train_small/RUN_1449859909_3874/1449859926
 [[8 0 0]
 [0 5 0]
 [- 0 7]] (1.0)

precalculated embeddings

to use pretrained embeddings we first build a vocab mapping tokens -> row ids

time cat data/snli_1.0_train.jsonl | ./  > glove/vocab.tsv

we then convert glove embeddings to an npy matrix using the above vocab. for entries not in the glove data we generate a random vector scaled to the median length of the observed glove embeddings. ids 0 and 1 are "reserved" for PAD and UNK where PAD is a zero vector.

time ./ \
 --vocab glove/vocab.tsv \
 --glove-data glove/glove.6B.300d.txt \
 --npy glove/snli_glove.npy \
 --random-projection-dimensionality 100

using pretrained embeddings gives a big bump in initial convergence but randomly picked ones overtake them (quite a bit) later on.


domain transfer


distinct tokens from 1) snli 2) wiki and 3) glove embeddings

cat data/snli_1.0_{train,dev}.jsonl | ./ | sort -u > snli/tokens
cut -f1 wiki/token_freq.tsv > wiki/tokens
cut -f1 -d' ' glove/glove.6B.300d.txt > glove/tokens
cat wiki.token_freq.tsv data/snli_1.0_{train,dev}.jsonl | ./ | sort -u > snli.tokens

./ --d1-tokens=snli.tokens --d2-tokens=wiki.tokens --e-tokens=glove/tokens --output-vocab=glove.snli_wiki.vocab


hacking on the stanford natural language inference (SNLI) corpus (tensorflow)







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