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Releases: matrix-hacks/matrix-puppet-hangouts


07 Mar 02:30
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This version fixes a compatibility issue with node 8; node 10+ is no longer required and node 8 works again!


23 Feb 16:46
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Why not!

The only change between 1.0.0 and 0.2.0 is #24 , but it is an important one.

The matrix-puppet-bridge dependency has come a long way, and matrix-puppet-hangouts has gotten some attention and testing recently, so 1.0.0 feels appropriate now that it's being used, in a somewhat-stable fashion.


23 Feb 15:55
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This release changes only the required matrix-puppet-bridge version, to 1.17.0.

Bridge version 1.17.0 handles m.notice messages as text instead of ignoring them, and finally creates rooms invite-only! It sets existing rooms invite-only whenever it touches them, too, to migrate them automatically in a way.


02 Feb 18:47
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Fixes failing to start because matrix-puppet-bridge 1.16.2 is not in npm.


02 Feb 17:45
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This release adds bidirectional (Hangouts -> Matrix and Matrix -> Hangouts) image support!

matrix-puppet-bridge 1.16.2 is required. I don't remember what we fixed between 1.15.4 and 1.16.2, but it was probably very important stuff!

This release requires Python 3.5+, for async. Older versions of python3 won't work. PRs getting python3 < 3.5 working again are welcome.