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federation.LookupRoomAlias failed #2284

MetroWind opened this issue Mar 17, 2022 · 2 comments

federation.LookupRoomAlias failed #2284

MetroWind opened this issue Mar 17, 2022 · 2 comments


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Background information

  • Dendrite version or git SHA: 0.6.5
  • Monolith or Polylith?: Monolith
  • SQLite3 or Postgres?: Postgres
  • Running in Docker?: No (but in vm)
  • go version: 1.18
  • Client used (if applicable): Element


  • What is the problem: Cannot join rooms
  • Who is affected: server admin and users (which is also the admin...)
  • How is this bug manifesting: In Element, search for room, click room. "Can't find this room. Make sure it exists." In dendrite log,
time="2022-03-17T21:08:04.616553126Z" level=error msg="federation.LookupRoomAlias failed" error="contents=[123 34 101 114 114 99 111 100 101 34 58 34 7795 85 78 65 85 84 72 79 82 73 90 69 68 34 44 34 101 114 114 111 114 34 58 34 70 97 105 108 101 100 32 116 111 32 102 105 110 100 32 97 110 121 32 107 101 121 32 116 111 32 115 97 116 105 115 102 121 58 32 95 70 101 116 99 104 75 101 121 82 101 113 117 101 115 116 40 115 101 114 118 101 114 95 110 97 109 101 61 39 109 97 116 114 105 120 46 120 101 110 111 46 100 97 114 107 115 97 105 114 46 111 114 103 39 44 32 109 105 110 105 109 117 109 95 118 97 108 105 100 95 117 110 116 105 108 95 116 115 61 49 54 52 55 53 53 49 50 57 48 50 57 53 44 32 107 101 121 95 105 100 115 6191 39 101 100 50 53 53 49 57 58 121 86 52 90 49 121 39 93 41 34 125] msg=Failed to GET JSON (hostname \"\" path \"/_matrix/federation/v1/query/directory\") code=401 wrapped=M_UNAUTHORIZED: Failed to find any key to satisfy: _FetchKeyRequest(server_name='', minimum_valid_until_ts=1647551290295, key_ids=['ed25519:yV4Z1y'])" req.method=GET req.path="/_matrix/client/r0/directory/room/"
  • When did this first appear: After installed 0.6.5 with a clean DB.

Steps to reproduce

  • Install dendrite on archlinux with this config, generate a private key, create a user with create-account:

# This is the Dendrite configuration file.
# The configuration is split up into sections - each Dendrite component has a
# configuration section, in addition to the "global" section which applies to
# all components.
# At a minimum, to get started, you will need to update the settings in the
# "global" section for your deployment, and you will need to check that the
# database "connection_string" line in each component section is correct.
# Each component with a "database" section can accept the following formats
# for "connection_string":
#   SQLite:     file:filename.db
#               file:///path/to/filename.db
#   PostgreSQL: postgresql://user:pass@hostname/database?params=...
# SQLite is embedded into Dendrite and therefore no further prerequisites are
# needed for the database when using SQLite mode. However, performance with
# PostgreSQL is significantly better and recommended for multi-user deployments.
# SQLite is typically around 20-30% slower than PostgreSQL when tested with a
# small number of users and likely will perform worse still with a higher volume
# of users.
# The "max_open_conns" and "max_idle_conns" settings configure the maximum
# number of open/idle database connections. The value 0 will use the database
# engine default, and a negative value will use unlimited connections. The
# "conn_max_lifetime" option controls the maximum length of time a database
# connection can be idle in seconds - a negative value is unlimited.

# The version of the configuration file.
version: 2

# Global Matrix configuration. This configuration applies to all components.
  # The domain name of this homeserver.

  # The path to the signing private key file, used to sign requests and events.
  # Note that this is NOT the same private key as used for TLS! To generate a
  # signing key, use "./bin/generate-keys --private-key matrix_key.pem".
  private_key: /etc/dendrite/matrix_key.pem

  # The paths and expiry timestamps (as a UNIX timestamp in millisecond precision)
  # to old signing private keys that were formerly in use on this domain. These
  # keys will not be used for federation request or event signing, but will be
  # provided to any other homeserver that asks when trying to verify old events.
  # old_private_keys:
  # - private_key: old_matrix_key.pem
  #   expired_at: 1601024554498

  # How long a remote server can cache our server signing key before requesting it
  # again. Increasing this number will reduce the number of requests made by other
  # servers for our key but increases the period that a compromised key will be
  # considered valid by other homeservers.
  key_validity_period: 168h0m0s

  # The server name to delegate server-server communications to, with optional port
  # e.g. localhost:443
  well_known_server_name: ""

  # Lists of domains that the server will trust as identity servers to verify third
  # party identifiers such as phone numbers and email addresses.

  # Disables federation. Dendrite will not be able to make any outbound HTTP requests
  # to other servers and the federation API will not be exposed.
  disable_federation: false

  # Server notices allows server admins to send messages to all users.
    enabled: false
    # The server localpart to be used when sending notices, ensure this is not yet taken
    local_part: "_server"
    # The displayname to be used when sending notices
    display_name: "Server alerts"
    # The mxid of the avatar to use
    avatar_url: ""
    # The roomname to be used when creating messages
    room_name: "Server Alerts"

  # Configuration for NATS JetStream
    # A list of NATS Server addresses to connect to. If none are specified, an
    # internal NATS server will be started automatically when running Dendrite
    # in monolith mode. It is required to specify the address of at least one
    # NATS Server node if running in polylith mode.
    # - localhost:4222

    # Keep all NATS streams in memory, rather than persisting it to the storage
    # path below. This option is present primarily for integration testing and
    # should not be used on a real world Dendrite deployment.
    in_memory: false

    # Persistent directory to store JetStream streams in. This directory
    # should be preserved across Dendrite restarts.
    storage_path: ./

    # The prefix to use for stream names for this homeserver - really only
    # useful if running more than one Dendrite on the same NATS deployment.
    topic_prefix: Dendrite

  # Configuration for Prometheus metric collection.
    # Whether or not Prometheus metrics are enabled.
    enabled: true

    # HTTP basic authentication to protect access to monitoring.
      username: metrics
      password: metrics

  # DNS cache options. The DNS cache may reduce the load on DNS servers
  # if there is no local caching resolver available for use.
    # Whether or not the DNS cache is enabled.
    enabled: false

    # Maximum number of entries to hold in the DNS cache, and
    # for how long those items should be considered valid in seconds.
    cache_size: 256
    cache_lifetime: "5m" # 5minutes; see for more

# Configuration for the Appservice API.
    listen: http://localhost:7777 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connect: http://localhost:7777 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connection_string: postgresql://matrix:{{ db_password }}@brighid/matrix?sslmode=disable
    max_open_conns: 10
    max_idle_conns: 2
    conn_max_lifetime: -1

  # Disable the validation of TLS certificates of appservices. This is
  # not recommended in production since it may allow appservice traffic
  # to be sent to an unverified endpoint.
  disable_tls_validation: false

  # Appservice configuration files to load into this homeserver.
  config_files: []

# Configuration for the Client API.
    listen: http://localhost:7771 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connect: http://localhost:7771 # Only used in polylith deployments
    listen: http://[::]:8071

  # Prevents new users from being able to register on this homeserver, except when
  # using the registration shared secret below.
  registration_disabled: true

  # Prevents new guest accounts from being created. Guest registration is also
  # disabled implicitly by setting 'registration_disabled' above.
  guests_disabled: true

  # If set, allows registration by anyone who knows the shared secret, regardless of
  # whether registration is otherwise disabled.
  registration_shared_secret: "{{ shared_secret }}"

  # Whether to require reCAPTCHA for registration.
  enable_registration_captcha: false

  # Settings for ReCAPTCHA.
  recaptcha_public_key: ""
  recaptcha_private_key: ""
  recaptcha_bypass_secret: ""
  recaptcha_siteverify_api: ""

  # TURN server information that this homeserver should send to clients.
    turn_user_lifetime: ""
    turn_uris: []
    turn_shared_secret: ""
    turn_username: ""
    turn_password: ""

  # Settings for rate-limited endpoints. Rate limiting will kick in after the
  # threshold number of "slots" have been taken by requests from a specific
  # host. Each "slot" will be released after the cooloff time in milliseconds.
    enabled: true
    threshold: 5
    cooloff_ms: 500

# Configuration for the EDU server.
    listen: http://localhost:7778 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connect: http://localhost:7778 # Only used in polylith deployments

# Configuration for the Federation API.
    listen: http://localhost:7772 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connect: http://localhost:7772 # Only used in polylith deployments
    listen: http://[::]:8072
    connection_string: postgresql://matrix:{{ db_password }}@brighid/matrix?sslmode=disable
    max_open_conns: 10
    max_idle_conns: 2
    conn_max_lifetime: -1

  # List of paths to X.509 certificates to be used by the external federation listeners.
  # These certificates will be used to calculate the TLS fingerprints and other servers
  # will expect the certificate to match these fingerprints. Certificates must be in PEM
  # format.
  federation_certificates: []

  # How many times we will try to resend a failed transaction to a specific server. The
  # backoff is 2**x seconds, so 1 = 2 seconds, 2 = 4 seconds, 3 = 8 seconds etc.
  send_max_retries: 16

  # Disable the validation of TLS certificates of remote federated homeservers. Do not
  # enable this option in production as it presents a security risk!
  disable_tls_validation: false

  # Perspective keyservers to use as a backup when direct key fetches fail. This may
  # be required to satisfy key requests for servers that are no longer online when
  # joining some rooms.
    - server_name:
        - key_id: ed25519:auto
          public_key: Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw
        - key_id: ed25519:a_RXGa
          public_key: l8Hft5qXKn1vfHrg3p4+W8gELQVo8N13JkluMfmn2sQ

  # This option will control whether Dendrite will prefer to look up keys directly
  # or whether it should try perspective servers first, using direct fetches as a
  # last resort.
  prefer_direct_fetch: false

# Configuration for the Key Server (for end-to-end encryption).
    listen: http://localhost:7779 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connect: http://localhost:7779 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connection_string: postgresql://matrix:{{ db_password }}@brighid/matrix?sslmode=disable
    max_open_conns: 10
    max_idle_conns: 2
    conn_max_lifetime: -1

# Configuration for the Media API.
    listen: http://localhost:7774 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connect: http://localhost:7774 # Only used in polylith deployments
    listen: http://[::]:8074
    connection_string: postgresql://matrix:{{ db_password }}@brighid/matrix?sslmode=disable
    max_open_conns: 5
    max_idle_conns: 2
    conn_max_lifetime: -1

  # Storage path for uploaded media. May be relative or absolute.
  base_path: ./media_store

  # The maximum allowed file size (in bytes) for media uploads to this homeserver
  # (0 = unlimited). If using a reverse proxy, ensure it allows requests at
  # least this large (e.g. client_max_body_size in nginx.)
  max_file_size_bytes: 10485760

  # Whether to dynamically generate thumbnails if needed.
  dynamic_thumbnails: false

  # The maximum number of simultaneous thumbnail generators to run.
  max_thumbnail_generators: 10

  # A list of thumbnail sizes to be generated for media content.
    - width: 32
      height: 32
      method: crop
    - width: 96
      height: 96
      method: crop
    - width: 640
      height: 480
      method: scale

# Configuration for experimental MSC's
  # A list of enabled MSC's
  # Currently valid values are:
  # - msc2836    (Threading, see
  # - msc2946    (Spaces Summary, see
  mscs: []
    connection_string: postgresql://matrix:{{ db_password }}@brighid/matrix?sslmode=disable
    max_open_conns: 5
    max_idle_conns: 2
    conn_max_lifetime: -1

# Configuration for the Room Server.
    listen: http://localhost:7770 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connect: http://localhost:7770 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connection_string: postgresql://matrix:{{ db_password }}@brighid/matrix?sslmode=disable
    max_open_conns: 10
    max_idle_conns: 2
    conn_max_lifetime: -1

# Configuration for the Sync API.
    listen: http://localhost:7773 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connect: http://localhost:7773 # Only used in polylith deployments
    listen: http://[::]:8073
    connection_string: postgresql://matrix:{{ db_password }}@brighid/matrix?sslmode=disable
    max_open_conns: 10
    max_idle_conns: 2
    conn_max_lifetime: -1

  # This option controls which HTTP header to inspect to find the real remote IP
  # address of the client. This is likely required if Dendrite is running behind
  # a reverse proxy server.
  # real_ip_header: X-Real-IP

# Configuration for the User API.
  # The cost when hashing passwords on registration/login. Default: 10. Min: 4, Max: 31
  # See for more information.
  # Setting this lower makes registration/login consume less CPU resources at the cost of security
  # should the database be compromised. Setting this higher makes registration/login consume more
  # CPU resources but makes it harder to brute force password hashes.
  # This value can be low if performing tests or on embedded Dendrite instances (e.g WASM builds)
  # bcrypt_cost: 10
    listen: http://localhost:7781 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connect: http://localhost:7781 # Only used in polylith deployments
    connection_string: postgresql://matrix:{{ db_password }}@brighid/matrix?sslmode=disable
    max_open_conns: 10
    max_idle_conns: 2
    conn_max_lifetime: -1
  # The length of time that a token issued for a relying party from
  # /_matrix/client/r0/user/{userId}/openid/request_token endpoint
  # is considered to be valid in milliseconds.
  # The default lifetime is 3600000ms (60 minutes).
  # openid_token_lifetime_ms: 3600000

# Configuration for Opentracing.
# See for information on
# how this works and how to set it up.
  enabled: false
    serviceName: ""
    disabled: false
    rpc_metrics: false
    tags: []
    sampler: null
    reporter: null
    headers: null
    baggage_restrictions: null
    throttler: null

# Logging configuration
  - type: std
    level: info
  - type: file
    # The logging level, must be one of debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic.
    level: info
      path: ./logs

  • Setup apache reverse proxy
Apache proxy configuration

<VirtualHost *:443 *.8448>

    SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

    ProxyPreserveHost On
    AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
    RequestHeader set "X-Forwarded-Proto" expr=%{REQUEST_SCHEME}
    ProxyPass /_matrix http://obrona.xeno:8008/_matrix nocanon
    ProxyPassReverse /_matrix http://obrona.xeno:8008/_matrix
<Location /.well-known/matrix/server>
    ErrorDocument 200 '{"m.server": ""}'
    Redirect 200 /
    Header always set Content-Type application/json
    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
<Location /.well-known/matrix/client>
    ErrorDocument 200 '{"m.homeserver": {"base_url": "" } }'
    Redirect 200 /
    Header always set Content-Type application/json
    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin *

  • On Element, login and try to join a room.

There a thread in Discussions about this #2261, but I don't see traffic there, hence the bug report.

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MetroWind commented Mar 18, 2022

I just realized I have a typo in the Apache config. I wrote <VirtualHost *:443 *.8448> but it should be <VirtualHost *:443 *:8448>.

Now I can sort of join rooms. The "Can't find this room. Make sure it exists" message is gone. I was prompted in Element that the room does not support preview, and was asked whether I want to join anyway. I clicked "join", then there was an error message on Element: "com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException: Required value 'roomid' (JSON name 'room_id') missing at $". And these appeared in the dendrite log:

Mar 17 21:44:48 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:44:48.463508088Z" level=warning msg="Signature validationfailed for event \"$\"" error="gomatrixserverlib: key with ID \"ed25519:a_pqvl\" for \"\" not valid at 1578253743395"
Mar 17 21:44:48 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:44:48.699603101Z" level=warning msg="Discarding 1 auth/state event(s) due to invalid signatures" context=missing
Mar 17 21:45:17 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:45:17.237609653Z" level=error msg="Failed to QueryMembershipForUser" error="QueryMembershipForUser: unknown room !" req.method=GET req.path="/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!" user_id=""
Mar 17 21:45:20 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:45:20.269514820Z" level=info msg="User requested to room join" room_id="" servers="[]" user_id=""
Mar 17 21:45:41 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:45:41.269916963Z" level=info msg="Checking event signatures for 4185 events of room state" context=missing
Mar 17 21:46:22 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:46:22.626166211Z" level=warning msg="Failed to retrieve any keys" context=missing fetcher="perspective server"
Mar 17 21:46:39 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:46:39.414276533Z" level=warning msg="Failed to retrieve any keys" context=missing fetcher="perspective server"
Mar 17 21:46:41 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:46:41.922455160Z" level=error msg="Failed to fetch key for server" context=missing error="Post \"matrix://\": dial tcp connect: connection refused" fetcher=DirectKeyFetcher
Mar 17 21:46:41 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:46:41.922765452Z" level=warning msg="Failed to retrieve any keys" context=missing fetcher=DirectKeyFetcher
Mar 17 21:46:45 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:46:45.999681435Z" level=warning msg="Signature validationfailed for event \"$Zsf8R3M5MIlg27uridWJJRKrVX23qC0rN5IlWjT1GfE\"" error="gomatrixserverlib: could not download key for \"\""
Mar 17 21:46:46 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:46:46.157088571Z" level=warning msg="Discarding 1 auth/state event(s) due to invalid signatures" context=missing
Mar 17 21:47:49 obrona dendrite[7657]: time="2022-03-18T04:47:49.908864563Z" level=info msg="User joined room successfully" room_id="" servers="[]" user_id=""

After some delay I joined the room. I think there's still some thing wrong with my setup. But I'm not sure what.

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My setup has a lot of errors. I need to de-mess and get a clear list of scenarios of failures.

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