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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



Standup is a platform that allows its users to moderate the content they see. Jsut like standup comedy, Standup takes a very aggressive approach in how it forces users to vote for content. Content is posted to communities that are designed to help democratize the platform and prevent a few influencers from being the only content creators most people see.

App Evaluation

[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]

  • Category: Social Networking/Entertainment
  • Mobile: Camera is used to share images and videos. Swipe gestures are used to interact with posts.
  • Story: Creates more interaction on posts. Rating is very important for posts to be shown in trending sort.
  • Market: Young adults
  • Habit: Users will open this app many times in a day- content is very short and when using the "hot" sort only the best new content will be shown. They will also be able to post their own microblog content. The average user will mostly consume but probably create at least once a week.
  • Scope: This app will be challenging but it is probably possible to build by the end. A stripped down version would still be entertaining.

App Expectations

  • Your app has multiple views
  • Your app interacts with a database (e.g. Parse)
  • You can log in/log out of your app as a user
  • You can sign up with a new user profile
  • Somewhere in your app you can use the camera to take a picture and do something with the picture (e.g. take a photo and share it to a feed, or take a photo and set a user’s profile picture)
  • Your app integrates with a SDK (e.g. Google Maps SDK, Facebook SDK)
  • Your app contains at least one more complex algorithm (talk over this with your manager)
  • Your app uses gesture recognizers (e.g. double tap to like, e.g. pinch to scale)
  • Your app use an animation (doesn’t have to be fancy) (e.g. fade in/out, e.g. animating a view growing and shrinking)
  • Your app incorporates an external library to add visual polish


Video Walthrough Video Walthrough part 2 GIFs created with Kap.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • User can register an account
  • User can login
  • User can follow communities
  • User can create communities
  • User can vote for content (swipe left/right)
  • User can view post details (swipe up)
    • User can view other user profiles
    • User can view comments
    • User can create comments
  • User can sort a feed by trending, top, latest
  • User can search for a community
  • User can create posts (with or without media)
  • User can set profile picture

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • User can create posts with GIFs (bites)
  • User can report content
  • User can change username
  • User can search for posts and other users
  • Option to hide already seen posts in feed
  • Explore Feed shows suggested communities
  • Detail view for a community
  • Save most recently used sorting method
  • View like/dislike history
  • Share posts outside app
  • Share posts within app (to user groups)

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Register
    • User can register an account
  • Login
    • User can login
  • Stream
    • User can view home feed
  • Explore
    • User can use Explore Feed to find suggested communities
    • User can search for communities
  • Creation
    • User can create content
  • Profile
    • User can View account details
    • User can view the their posts
  • Detail
    • User can comment on posts
    • User can follow communities and view posts in a list

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Stream
  • Explore
  • Create
  • Profile

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Login
    • Register
    • Home Feed
  • Home Feed
    • Profile
  • Explore
    • Community Details
      • Post Details
        • Profile Details
  • Create
    • Post Details
  • Profile
    • Post Details
    • Login





Property Type Description
objectId String User's id
username String The User's username
email String The User's email address
password String The User's password
communities Relation to Community The communities a User follows
tagHistory JSONObject The User's tag history and preferences [{tagId, likes, views}]
likeHistory Relation to Post The posts a user has liked
viewHistory Relation to Post The posts a user has liked


Property Type Description
objectId String Post's id
author Pointer to User The author
createdAt Date When the post was created
title String The Post's title
media File The Post's attached media
description The Posts's description
rating Number The Post's rating
likes Number The Post's likes
views Number The Post's views
viewers Relation to User Users that viewed this post
postedTo Relation to Community Communities this post is shared to
comments Relation to Comment Comments on this post


Property Type Description
objectId String The Community's id
name String The Community's name
description String The Community's description
createdAt Date When the Community was created
banner File The Community's banner
icon File The Community's icon
mods Relation to User The Community's mods
userCount Number The number of followers
banned Relation to User Users banned from this Community
tags Relation to Tag Tags for this Community


Property Type Description
objectId String Tag's id
tag String The tag
postsCount Number Number of Posts using this tag


Property Type Description
objectId String Comment's id
comment String The tag
author Pointer to User The author
likes Number Number of likes on the comment


Home Feed Screen

  • (Read/GET) Query new posts
  • (Create/POST) Create a new like on a post
  • (Create/POST) Create a new view on a post
  • (Create/POST) Create a new comment on a post Explore Screen
  • (Read/GET) User's followed communities
  • (Read/GET) Query recommended communities
  • (Read/GET) Search community
  • (Create/POST) Create community
  • (Update/PUT) Follow a community Create Post Screen
  • (Create/POST) Create a new post object Profile Screen
  • (Read/GET) Query logged in user object
  • (Update/PUT) Update user profile image
  • (Read/GET) Query all posts where user is author


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