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A web application that allows users to list spaces they have available, and to hire spaces for the night.

Headline specifications

  • Any signed-up user can list a new space.
  • Users can list multiple spaces.
  • Users should be able to name their space, provide a short description of the space, and a price per night.
  • Users should be able to offer a range of dates where their space is available.
  • Any signed-up user can request to hire any space for one night, and this should be approved by the user that owns that space.
  • Nights for which a space has already been booked should not be available for users to book that space.
  • Until a user has confirmed a booking request, that space can still be request for that night.


  • Users should receive an email whenever one of the following happens:
    • They sign up
    • They create a space
    • They update a space
    • A user requests to book their space
    • They confirm a request
    • They request to book a space
    • Their request to book a space is confirmed
    • Their request to book a space is denied
  • Users should receive a text message to a provided number whenever one of the following happens:
    • A user requests to book their space
    • Their request to book a space is confirmed
    • Their request to book a space is denied
  • A ‘chat’ functionality once a space has been booked, allowing users whose space-booking request has been confirmed to chat with the user that owns that space
  • Basic payment implementation though Stripe.


Mockups for MakersBnB are available here.



  1. A user (no signing up just yet) can list a space
  2. A user can name their space, provide a short description of the space, and a price per night.
  3. (A user can list multiple spaces).

User stories

  1. List space (create listing)
As a host,
So that I can share details of my space,
I want to be able to list my space.
Object Messages
Space create (submit)
  1. Advertise space
As a host,
so that I can advertise my space,
I want to be able to add a...

2.a -> name

Object Messages
Space addName

2.b -> description

Object Messages
Space addName
Space addDescription

2.c -> price per night

Object Messages
Space addName
Space addDescription
Space addPrice
  1. Multiple spaces
As a host with multiple spaces,
So that I can offer all of them
I want to be able to list multiple spaces
  1. Host sign up
As a host,
So that users know it's my space
I want to be able to sign up
  1. Guest signup
As a guest,
So that I can require to hire a space
I want to be able to sign up
  1. User login
As a user...
so that my activities are private to me
I want to be able to login to manage my bookings
  1. User logout
As a user...
So that my details are secure
I want to be able to logout
  1. Range of dates
As a host,
So that I can share when the space is available
I want to be able to offer a range of dates
  1. Guest request space
As a guest,
So that I can go on holiday
I want to request a space for a night
  1. Host can approve space
As a host,
So that I can manage my space,
I want to be able to approve a booking request

TODO the following

  1. Availability update
As a host,
So that I don't double book the space
I want to show only available dates
As a guest,
So that I only see places that I can book
I want to see only available spaces
As a host,
So that I have more change of filling my space
I want the space to show as available until I confirm a booking

Technology decisions

  • Ruby
  • Rspec
  • Capybara

Database set up

  • Open PSQL
  • Create pinkbnb postgres db locally
  • Create pinkbnb_test postgres db locally
  • Run queries in db/migrations folder


git clone
gem install bundle
bundle install

In Command Line, run ruby app.rb and open localhost:4567

Running tests



Airbnb clone for Makers engineering project






No releases published


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Contributors 4
