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Docker Environment

This repository allows the creation of a Docker environment to work locally, based on Apache

License: MIT


Additional Features

  • HTTPS : assumes the support of https locally. Please check the tips section to know how to use it


The web container has a mount point used to share source files. By default, the ~/www/ directory is mounted from the host. It's possible to change this path by editing the docker-compose.yml file.

And the ./web/x-custom.ini file is used to customize the PHP configuration during the image build process.


The ./mysql/custom.cnf file is used to customize the MySQL configuration during the image build process.


This process assumes that Docker Engine and Docker Compose are installed. Otherwise, you should have a look to Install Docker Engine before proceeding further.

‼️ You also need the make linux package.

Clone the repository

$ git clone environment

It's also possible to download it as a ZIP archive.

Set up the environment

$ make setup


$ make env
$ make aliases
$ make cron

Let's see in the tips section all what you can do

Build the environment

$ make install

Check the containers

$ docker-compose ps
        Name                      Command               State                      Ports
environment_maildev_1     bin/maildev --web 80 --smtp 25   Up      25/tcp,>80/tcp
environment_mysql_1 mysqld      Up>3306/tcp
environment_redis_1 redis ...   Up>6379/tcp
environment_web_1         docker-custom-entrypoint         Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp

Note: You will see something slightly different if you do not clone the repository in a environment directory. The container prefix depends on your directory name.


  1. Getting started : Launch the command below and see all what you can do :
$ make help
  1. General informations :

    • To plug your database to your application (if you didn't change the information in docker-env file) :
      • host : 'mysql'
      • database : yourdatabasename
      • user : 'root'
      • pass : null
  2. You can add custom virtual hosts: all ./web/vhosts/*.conf files are copied in the Apache directory during the image build process.

  3. The HTTPS can be used easily. Check ./web/vhosts/environment.conf as a model to get it on all your websites. You don't need to change the cert and key files.

  4. Aliases :

    • Symfony :
      • sfbin alias for php bin/console
      • sf-clear-cache : >2.8 clear cache for all environments
      • sf-schema-dump : dump the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata.
      • sf-schema-force : execute the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata.
      • sf-assets : install bundles web assets under a public web directory in symlink
      • sf-fixtures : launch the doctrine fixtures
    • Others :
      • ll : list the folder in a nice view
  5. PHP CS Fixer :

    • Use it via the shell :
      • You have a script in Tools/PHP_CS_Fixer/
      • It can take as argument any relative or full path in the volume of the web container.
    • Use it with PHPStorm :
      • There also is a tools file in Tools/PHP_CS_Fixer/PHP_CS_Fixer.xml.
      • It can be added as an external tool which allow you to use it on any files of a project.
      • Just place the file in the folder :
        • For Unix : ~/.<PRODUCT><VERSION>/tools
        • For Windows : <SYSTEM DRIVE>\Users\<USER ACCOUNT NAME>\.<PRODUCT><VERSION>\tools
        • For Mac : ~/Library/Preferences/<PRODUCT><VERSION>/tools
      • Change the path to the script.