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Character Hunt


A Where's Waldo type game in which you must find only a few select characters out of hundreds of your favorites from TV, movies, video games, comic books, and pop-culture . The player can choose from three stunning illustrations (which I refer to as "maps"): Ultimate Space Battle, Universe 113, and The Loc Nar. All which were drawn by Egor Klyuchnyk, an illustrator and concept artist from Kyiv, Ukraine.

I paid Egor for his work and contacted him to make sure that it was OK to use his artwork in my app , which he agreed to.


screenshot of character hunt app


My process

Built with

  • Custom, responsive CSS written in CSS Modules
  • React hooks including useContext, useState, useEffect
  • Utility modules such as Tippyjs/react for the dropdown menu and the popovers, react-modal, react-toastify for "toast notifications", react-icons, and react-image-map
  • Firebase and reactfire

What I learned

I learned about the HTML <map> element, it's use-cases and syntax, and how it is associated with an <img>. I realized that as the size of the <img> changed (due to responsive design) the <map> functionality would break. react- image-map creates an ImageMap component which solves this problem using percent-based map areas.

It turns out that React does not natively support inline CSS media queries (eg. using a style object inline). An external stylesheet can be used for media queries. A "CSS Module" stylesheet (which must end in .module.css) are advantageous over regular stylesheets because the styles aren't accessible in children components; they are local scoped. Alternatively a third-party library such as react-responsive or react-media-hook. Or, as I've used in previous projects, Tailwind.

Use value of unset with CSS property all to remove all the default styles for a given element.

According to CSS Modules documentation, camelCase is recommended for class names (as opposed to kebab-case). Names could be accessed with bracket notation for kebab-case but it could also cause issues.

CSS object-fit property: contain fits according to aspect ratio, fill stretches object to fill, and cover overflows container but maintains ratio.

One way to get Flexbox to shrink images to fit: set nowrap on the flexbox container, and then width: 100% on the <img> children.

With tippy-react, if you're using a component element as a child of the Tippy component, you have to forward the ref to the DOM node. If unable to do so, must wrap the component element in a span.

Creating a custom cursor using CSS and JS is quite complicated. A simpler alternative is using an image as a custom cursor. However, the max image size varies per browser.

Although it is possible to use a class variable to store data instead of state (in a React class component), most of the time it is better to use state since React will control the rendering of the associated component(s) as needed.

Before I was trying to keep my JS line-lengths at 80 chars or below, however, I have realized that with JSX 80 chars are too few and in this project I keep my line length at or below 100 chars.

While with React class components you could get a callback as a second argument to setState(), to run after the state was updated, with the useState() hook a callback cannot be provided. Instead, useEffect can be used to monitor for changes in the state and execute code then.


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