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Mattermost Genesis

Mattermost Genesis is a tool meant to smooth Mattermost Cloud enterprise adoption. It provides a service to create isolated AWS accounts, provision the networking inrastructure and prepare the ground for Mattermost cloud cluster creation. It offers CIDR pool storage functionality and future releases will include features like VPC peering automation.


The following features are supported currently by Genesis:

  • Creation a CIDR pool from provided parent subnets.
  • Creation of AWS accounts.
  • Provisioning of AWS accounts with all necessary infrastructure:
    • VPCs, Subnets, Route tables
    • TGWs, NATs, DHCP options
    • Security Groups
    • DB parameter groups
    • IAM resources
  • Provisioning with preselected CIDR or random picked one.
  • Deletion of infrastructure and AWS accounts.
  • Ability to list and get accounts, subnets, parentsubnets.

The following features will be added to Genesis later:

  • Genesis VPC peering feature.
  • Automatic registration of new accounts with Mattermost OU groups to enable SSO fast login.
  • Ability to clean account from resources without deleting it.
  • Integration with Mattermost cloud provisioner.


Environment Setup

Required Software

The following is required to properly run the Genesis server.

Note: when versions are specified, it is extremely important to follow the requirement. Newer versions will often not work as expected
  1. Install Go
  2. Install Terraform version v0.13.5
  3. Install golang/mock version 1.4.x

Other Setup

  1. Specify the region in your AWS config, e.g. ~/.aws/config:
[profile genesis]
region = us-east-1
  1. Generate an AWS Access and Secret key pair, then export them in your bash profile:
export AWS_PROFILE=genesis
  1. Create an S3 bucket to store the terraform state.
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket terraform-genesis-state-bucket-<env> --region us-east-1
  1. Clone this repository into your GOPATH (or anywhere if you have Go Modules enabled)


Simply run the following:

go install ./cmd/genesis
alias genesis='$HOME/go/bin/genesis'


Before running the server the first time you must set up the DB with:

$ genesis schema migrate

Run the server with all required flags. See list below:

genesis server
--control-tower-account <the account id of the account tha manages control tower>
--control-tower-role <the iam role that will be used in the control tower account>
--managed-ou <the name of the organizational unit used for new accounts>
--sso-first-name <the first name of the SSO user>
--sso-last-name <the last name of the SSO user>
--sso-user-email <the email of the SSO user>
--core-account <the account id of the account that manages the transit gateway>
--resource-share-id <the resource share ID, used to share TGW with new generated accounts>
--bind-ips <the bind servers that will be used for dns resolution>
--cnc-cidrs <the cidr ranges of the cnc subnets that provisioner runs>
--state-bucket <the terraform state bucket>
--tgw-id  <the Transit Gateway ID of the TGW that new VPCs will be attached to>
--tgw-routes <the routes that will be used for TGW traffic>
--teleport-cidr <the teleport CIDR to allow teleport access>

All cidr and route ranges should passed in the following format:


--bind-ips '["", ""]'

In a different terminal/window, to add a parent subnet that will be used to provision a subnet pool:

genesis parent-subnet add --cidr <cidr-range> --split-range <split-range>
genesis parent-subnet add --cidr "" --split-range 24

You will get a response like this one:

    "ID": "rrmo366shjrofx9utyz8rnwmxr",
    "CIDR": "",
    "SplitRange": 24,
    "CreateAt": 1617794511340,
    "LockAcquiredBy": null,
    "LockAcquiredAt": 0

By running this command a subnet pool of /24 range was created using the provided parent subnet. You can list the subnet pool CIDRs by running

genesis subnet list

where you can also pass the --table flag to list in a table and the --free-subnets flag to get all non used subnets.

To create a new AWS account you can run:

genesis account create --service-catalog-product <product-id>

You will get a response like this one:

    "ID": "6rk5dxsbrjygbewooninyqzfuy",
    "State": "creation-requested",
    "Provider": "aws",
    "ProviderMetadataAWS": {
        "ServiceCatalogProductID": "prod-xxxx",
        "AWSAccountID": "",
        "AccountProductID": ""
    "AccountMetadata": {
        "Provision": true,
        "Subnet": ""
    "Provisioner": "genesis",
    "CreateAt": 1617789384716,
    "DeleteAt": 0,
    "APISecurityLock": false,
    "LockAcquiredBy": null,
    "LockAcquiredAt": 0

Check its creation progress on the first window where the API runs or run genesis account list to check cluster status.

In the creation step if --provision flag is added the account will be provisioned with all necessary infrastructure after its creation. If no subnet is specified with --subnet flag a random subnet will be picked from the subnet pool.

If something breaks and account reprovisioning is needed, run

genesis account provision --account <account-ID>
genesis account provision --account 6rk5dxsbrjygbewooninyqzfuy

To provision an empty account with a specific subnet cidr you can run:

genesis ccount provision --account <account-ID> --subnet <subnet-CIDR>

Deleting an account and deployed infrastructure

Before deleting an account and the infrastructure provisioned by Genesis you will have to delete the clusters, databases and anything that was created on top of Genesis provisioning.

At the moment account deletion, deletes first all the Terraform deployed infrastructure and then deletes the account. In the future, a feature will be added to empty the account but keep it running hot for future deployments.

To proceed with account deletion:

genesis account delete --account <account-ID>
genesis account delete --account 6rk5dxsbrjygbewooninyqzfuy