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Martin Tesař edited this page May 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

In case you have installed base software components successfully, you can continue setting up this project with this instructions.

Clone project

Clone project source files directly from this repository:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory. There are several application directories and configuration directory mtbmap/settings. There are multiple settings modules. is the one that all other inherit from. To be able to run the project, create file secrets.json with secret parameters:

// secrets.json example
    "SECRET_KEY": "django_app_secret_key",
    "DB_PASSWORD": "database_password",
    "DB_USER": "database_user_name"

Create databases

As you can see in, we need two databases for our project. First to store basic apps data (default), second to store geographic data, which should be updated regularly (osm_data).

If you don't have your own database user, create it as user postgres:

createuser username  # create also superuser, set password

Default database

createdb -U username -E UTF8 mtbmap_default
psql -d mtbmap_default -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis"

Geodata database

createdb -U username -E UTF8 mtbmap_data
psql -d mtbmap_data -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis"

With routing app installed, add extension PgRouting:

psql -d mtbmap_data -c "CREATE EXTENSION pgrouting"

You can set database names of your choice.

Create database tables in both databases

python syncdb
python syncdb --database=osm_data

Load default map data

python loaddata map/fixtures/*.json


Now you should be able to start development server python runserver and open in your favourite browser. You should see our MTB Map tiles and web interface. Great, but no other functions seems to work, huh? Let's generate map...