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This repository contains Andela code labs exercises

Extra labs


Binary Search Lab

LAB : First, you are to create a BinarySearch class, that inherits from the list class the following:

the init() takes two integers as parameters, a and b. a is the length of the list to be created and b is the step or difference between consecutive values. It should also initialize an instance variablelength`, that returns the number of elements in the array

Once you are done, create another method called search, it will take just one argument which is the value you are to find. The search function should return a dictionary object, which contains

count, the number of times you function iterated to find the index of the number in question index, the index of the number in question

The search method should implement the binary search algorithm, each time you iterate, you should increase the count, to test how efficient your implementation is

file :

code snippet

class BinarySearch(list):
    """BinarySearch class

    This class sublcasses the builtin list class and extends it to have a search
    method that returns a dictionary {'count': int, 'index': int}

    The class __init__ method takes in the length and a step argument and populates
    itself based on their values

    it also has a length attribute that shows it length.

    def __init__(self, length, step):
        """class constructor method"""
        # initialize the super class
        super(BinarySearch, self).__init__()

        # populate the class based on the length and step arguments
        for elem in range(1, length+1):
            self.append(elem * step)

        # define a length attribute
        self.length = len(self)

    def search(self, val):
        """perform a binary search to locate value

            val (int): value to locate

            dict: dictionary of the form {'count': int, 'index': int}
            the count key shows the number of binary search iterations
            and the index is the position of the value.

        # initialize the first and last indices
        first = 0
        last = len(self) - 1
        value_index = 0
        found = False

        # initialize counter
        counter = 0

        # check if val is the first or last element
        if val == self[first]:
            value_index = first
            found = True
        elif val == self[last]:
            value_index = last
            found = True

        # check if val is not present in the list
        if val not in self:
            found = True
            value_index = -1

        # binary search algorithm using a while loop
        while first <= last and not found:
            mid = (first + last) // 2
            if self[mid] == val:
                found = True
                value_index = mid
                counter += 1  # update counter when an interaction occurs
                if val < self[mid]:
                    last = mid - 1
                    first = mid + 1

        return {'count': counter, 'index': value_index}

Missing Number Lab

LAB : You are presented with two arrays, all containing positive integers. One of the arrays will have one extra number, see below:

  • [1,2,3] and [1,2,3,4] should return 4

  • [4,66,7] and [66,77,7,4] should return 77

file :

code snippet

def find_missing(list_one, list_two):
    """find_missing function

    find the missing number between two lists
    # check if both lists are empty
    if len(list_one) == len(list_two) == 0:
        return 0

    # check if both lists are similar
    if not set(list_one).symmetric_difference(set(list_two)):
        return 0
        return list(set(list_one).symmetric_difference(set(list_two)))[0]

Max Min Lab

LAB : Define a function called find_max_min, that finds minimum and maximum values in a container.

file :

code snippet

def find_max_min(data):
    """find minimum and maximum values in a container
        data (list): list or iterable
        list: [min_val, max_val] or [min_val or max_val]
    # use internal functions to get min and max values
    min_max = [min(data), max(data)]
    # check if min and max values are equal
    if min(data) == max(data):
        return [min(data)]
        return min_max

Word Count Lab

LAB : Define a function called word, that counts the occurrences of words in a text.

file :

code snippet

def words(words_in):
    """Counts the occurrences or characters in a word

    # replace tabs and newline occurrences with spaces and split
    # the string where spaces occur
    words_list = words_in.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').split(' ')
    # filter out spaces
    words_list = [word for word in words_list if word]
    # create a dictionary of words and the occurrence count using
    # dictionary comprehension
    words_count = {word: words_list.count(word) for word in set(words_list)}

    # convert keys that are digits into integers
    for key, val in words_count.items():
        if isinstance(key, str) and key.isdigit():
            words_count[int(key)] = val

    # return dictionary
    return words_count

Data type Lab

LAB : Define a function called data_type, to take one argument. Compare and return results, based on the argument supplied to the function. Complete the test to produce the perfect function that accounts for all expectations.

file :

code snippet

def data_type(input_value):
    """Data type lab function

    # check if input is None
    if input_value is None:
        return 'no value'

    # check if input is str
    elif isinstance(input_value, str):
        return len(input_value)

    # check if input is boolean
    elif isinstance(input_value, bool):
        return input_value

    # check if input is integer
    elif isinstance(input_value, int):
        if input_value < 100:
            return 'less than 100'
        elif input_value > 100:
            return 'more than 100'
            return 'equal to 100'

    # check if input is a list
    elif isinstance(input_value, list):
        if len(input_value) >= 3:
            return input_value[2]
            return None

Fizz Buzz Lab

LAB : Create a function fizz_buzz to return 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 'FizzBuzz', or the argument it receives, all depending on the argument of the function, a number that is divisible by, 3, 5, or both 3 and 5, respectively. When the number is not divisible by 3 or 5, the number itself should be returned.

file :

code snippet

def fizz_buzz(num):
    """fizz buzz function

     return 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 'FizzBuzz', or the argument it receives,
     all depending on the argument
    # if number divisible by both 3 and 5
    if num % 3 == 0 and num % 5 == 0:
        return 'FizzBuzz'
    # if number divisible by 3 only
    elif num % 3 == 0:
        return 'Fizz'
    # if number divisible by 5 only
    elif num % 5 == 0:
        return 'Buzz'
    # if number indivisible by both 3 and 5
        return num

Car CLass Lab

LAB : You are to create a Car class that can be used to instantiate various vehicles. It takes in arguments that depict the type, model, and name of the vehicle, provided they are set.

file :

code snippet

class Car(object):
    """Car class

        - name (str): car name
        - model (str): car model
        - car_type (str): car type
        _ speed (int): car speed
        _ num_of_doors (int): number of car doors
        _ num_of_wheels (int): number of car wheels
    def __init__(self, name='General', model='GM', car_type='saloon'):
        """class constructor method""" = name
        self.model = model
        self.car_type = car_type
        self.speed = 0
        self.num_of_doors = self.get_num_of_doors()
        self.num_of_wheels = self.get_num_of_wheels()

    def get_num_of_doors(self):
        """Determine car's number of doors

        Uses the car name to determine the correct number of doors.

        if == 'Porshe' or == 'Koenigsegg':
            return 2
            return 4

    def get_num_of_wheels(self):
        """Determine car's number of wheels

        Uses the car type to determine the correct number of wheels.

        if self.car_type == 'trailer':
            return 8
            return 4

    def is_saloon(self):
        """check if car is of type saloon

        return self.car_type == 'saloon'

    def drive(self, num):
        """drive car by altering speed

        this method as returns the updated car object.
        if self.car_type == 'saloon':
            self.speed = 10 ** num
            self.speed = 77

        return self

Factorial Lab

LAB : Have a function factorial(number), take the number parameter been passed and return the factorial of it. For example: if number is 4, it should return (4 * 3 * 2 * 1) which is 24.

file :

code snippet

def factorial(num):
    """calculate num!

    if num == 0 or num == 1:
        return 1
    return num * factorial(num - 1)

String Length Lab

LAB : You are presented with a string or a collection of strings Your function should return the length of the string, or strings in a list ['Fairy', 'tale'] should return [5, 4] 'C-sharp' should return [7]

file :

code snippet

def string_length(strings):
    """calculate length of each string in strings

    return [len(string) for string in strings] if isinstance(strings, list) else [len(strings)]

Reverse String Lab

LAB : You are to write a function, reverse_string(string), that returns the reverse of the string provided. If the reverse of the string is the same as the original string, as in the case of palindromes, return true instead.

file :

code snippet

def reverse_string(string):
    """reverse string
    return True if palindrome

    if not string:
        return None

    reversed_str = "".join(reversed(string))

    return True if reversed_str == string else reversed_str

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

git clone


You need to have Python installed.

Running the tests

To run the automated tests for this project

Using nose

Installing nose

pip install nose

Running tests


Using Python

You can run tests using Python by executing python e.g.




This project is licensed under the MIT License.


  • Andela Bootcamp 14 Cohort


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