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Since this is a GitHub pages site, built CSS and JS bundles must be committed to the repository. We store them in buildcache to avoid any confusion - these files should not be edited. To regenerate them, use Grunt:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Type npm install in terminal, from the directory in which you cloned the repo
  3. Edit main.scss and main.js as desired
  4. Type grunt (or if you prefer, grunt js or grunt css)

Unless upgrading the bower dependencies or editing main.scss or main.js, you should not need to rebuild.

Testing locally

This site uses Jekyll. To generate pages locally on a Mac OS X machine:

  • You should already have Ruby if you have a Mac with XCode installed. To check this, run Terminal and type ruby -v. You should see something like:
[ style-guide]$ ruby -v
ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]
  • You also need to check if command line tools are installed for xcode

  • Install Jekyll with sudo gem install jekyll (you will require administrative access to your machine to do this). Hopefully you will see something like the below, but there'll be a delay where nothing happens for several minutes first:

[ style-guide]$ sudo gem install jekyll
Fetching: liquid-2.5.5.gem (100%)
Successfully installed liquid-2.5.5
Fetching: jekyll-1.4.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed jekyll-1.4.3
Parsing documentation for liquid-2.5.5
Installing ri documentation for liquid-2.5.5
Parsing documentation for jekyll-1.4.3
Installing ri documentation for jekyll-1.4.3
2 gems installed
  • From the directory you cloned this module in, run jekyll serve --watch --baseurl='' to run Jekyll and create a web server (by default on port 4000):
[ style-guide]$ jekyll serve --watch --baseurl=''
Configuration file: /Users/
            Source: /Users/
       Destination: /Users/
      Generating... done.
 Auto-regeneration: enabled
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
  • Now you can view the site on your browser at http://localhost:4000. Every time you make a change, the site will update automatically (except changes to main.js or main.scss, for which, see the Building section above)

Restarting Jekyll

To run this Jekyll again the next time you turn on your computer follow the following steps. Open the terminal and change directory (type cd before) to the folder containing your local copy UI style guide.

cd /Users/paul.oneill/Workspace/ui-style-guide/

Then once inside this directory run a "watch", which sets Jeykll running.

jekyll serve --watch --baseurl=''

To turn Jekyll off press ctrl C in the terminal. The localhost link will stop working.

##Summary Here's a quick summary of the steps needed to get Jekyll running on your local machine.

  • Download the style guide from git hub and put in a new folder

  • In terminal:

sudo gem install jekyll

(change directory to your new folder)

jekyll serve --watch --baseurl=''

  • In folder:

Should now have a _site folder

Move all style guide files out of the ui-style-guide folder and into the parent folder

  • In your browser:



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  • JavaScript 99.4%
  • CSS 0.6%