Draw with your body. Use Kinect motion sensor to directly control AxiDraw plotter.
This is built upon the AxiGen Processing sketch https://github.com/evil-mad/AxiDraw-Processing from Evil Mad Scientist Labs and https://github.com/shiffman/OpenKinect-for-Processing by Daniel Shiffman. See also: http://shiffman.net/p5/kinect/
- Connect Kinect via USB. I’m using XBox 360 Model: 1414. Read more here about compatibility and different device options: https://shiffman.net/p5/kinect/. I’m currently only supporting Model: 1414.
- Connect AxiDraw v3 via usb.
- Insert writing device & start drawing!
- q - Return to home position
- b - toggle pen up/down
- k - toggle Kinect drawing mode
Keys 1 - 9 toggle motor speed. 1 is slowest, 9 is fastest, 5 is default.
I’ve done nothing to smooth motor jiggle. Performance is smoother at slower speeds. I hope to smooth out the motion at higher speeds.
If you try this or use it for something would you connect with me? I’d love to hear about it =)