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matthewdowney committed Aug 14, 2019
2 parents 1f17f40 + dee09ee commit fc34641
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Showing 3 changed files with 91 additions and 25 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ common sense styling.

[org.clojars.mjdowney/excel-clj "1.1.2"]
[org.clojars.mjdowney/excel-clj "1.2.0"]

- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
(defproject org.clojars.mjdowney/excel-clj "1.1.2"
(defproject org.clojars.mjdowney/excel-clj "1.2.0"
:description "Generate Excel documents & PDFs from Clojure data."
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.0.1"]
[rhizome "0.2.9"]
[org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml "4.0.0"]
[org.jodconverter/jodconverter-core "4.0.0-RELEASE"]])
111 changes: 88 additions & 23 deletions src/excel_clj/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,16 +13,19 @@
(:require [excel-clj.tree :as tree]
[ :as style]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io])
[ :as io]
[taoensso.tufte :as tufte :refer (defnp p profiled profile)])
(:import ( Cell RichTextString)
(org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel XSSFWorkbook XSSFSheet)
( FileOutputStream File)
(org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel XSSFWorkbook XSSFSheet XSSFRow XSSFCell)
( File)
(java.awt Desktop HeadlessException)
(java.util Calendar Date)
( CellRangeAddress)
( DefaultOfficeManagerBuilder)
(org.jodconverter OfficeDocumentConverter)))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

;;; Low level code to write to & style sheets; you probably shouldn't have to
;;; touch this to make use of the API, but might choose to when adding or
;;; extending functionality
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,20 +74,40 @@
[^Cell cell data]
;; These types are allowed natively
(if-type [data [Boolean Calendar String Date Double RichTextString]]
(doto cell (.setCellValue data))
(doto cell (.setCellValue data))

;; Apache POI requires that numbers be doubles
(if (number? data)
(doto cell (.setCellValue (double data)))
;; Apache POI requires that numbers be doubles
(if (number? data)
(doto cell (.setCellValue (double data)))

;; Otherwise stringify it
(doto cell (.setCellValue ^String (or (some-> data pr-str) ""))))))
;; Otherwise stringify it
(let [to-write (or (some-> data pr-str) "")]
(doto cell (.setCellValue ^String to-write))))))

(def ^:dynamic *max-col-width*
"Sometimes POI's auto sizing isn't super intelligent, so set a sanity-max on
the column width."
the column width."

(defmacro ^:private doparallel [[sym coll] & body]
"Performance hack for writing the POI cells.
Like (dotimes [x xs] ...) but parallel."
`(let [n# (+ 2 (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors))
equal-chunks# (loop [num# n#, parts# [], coll# ~coll, c# (count ~coll)]
(if (<= num# 0)
(let [t# (quot (+ c# num# -1) num#)]
(recur (dec num#) (conj parts# (take t# coll#))
(drop t# coll#) (- c# t#)))))
(for [chunk# equal-chunks#]
(doseq [~sym chunk#]
(doseq [w# workers#]
(deref w#))))

(defn- ^XSSFSheet write-grid!
"Modify the given workbook by adding a sheet with the given name built from
the provided grid.
Expand All @@ -101,35 +124,77 @@
build-style' (memoize ;; Immutable styles can share mutable objects :)
(fn [style-map]
(->> (style/merge-all style/default-style (or style-map {}))
(style/build-style workbook))))]
(style/build-style workbook))))
layout (volatile! {})]

;; N.B. So this code got uglier due to performance. Writing the cells
;; takes many seconds for a large sheet (~50,000 rows) and we can improve
;; the process a bit by doing the cell creation sequentially and the cell
;; writing in parallel (on test data set reduced from ~19s to ~14s).

;; Unfortunately much of the time is spent writing to disk (~8s).

;; We have to do this part sequentially because POI doesn't use
;; thread-safe data structures
(doseq [[row-idx row-data] (map-indexed vector grid)]
(let [row (.createRow sh (int row-idx))]
(let [row (p :create-row (.createRow sh (int row-idx)))]
(loop [col-idx 0 cells row-data]
(when-let [cell-data (first cells)]
(let [cell (.createCell row col-idx)
;; (1) Build the cell
(let [cell (p :create-cell (.createCell ^XSSFRow row col-idx))
width (if (map? cell-data) (get cell-data :width 1) 1)]
(write-cell! cell (cond-> cell-data (map? cell-data) :value))
(build-style' (if (map? cell-data) (:style cell-data) {})))

;; (2) Merge if necessary into adjacent cells
(when (> width 1)
sh (CellRangeAddress.
row-idx row-idx col-idx (dec (+ col-idx width)))))

;; (3) Save the cell
(vswap! layout assoc-in [row-idx col-idx] cell)
(recur (+ col-idx ^long width) (rest cells)))))))

;; We can do this part in parallel at least, since the cells are all
;; different objects
(let [layout @layout]
(doparallel [row (map-indexed vector grid)]
(let [[row-idx row-data] row]
(loop [col-idx 0, cells row-data]
(when-let [cell-data (first cells)]
;; (1) Find the cell
(let [width (if (map? cell-data) (get cell-data :width 1) 1)
^XSSFCell cell (get (get layout row-idx) col-idx)]

;; (2) Write the cell data
(p :write-cell
(write-cell! cell (cond-> cell-data (map? cell-data) :value)))

;; (3) Set the cell style
(let [style (build-style'
(if (map? cell-data) (:style cell-data) {}))]
(p :set-cell-style
(.setCellStyle cell style)))

(recur (+ col-idx ^long width) (rest cells))))))))
(catch Exception e
(-> "Failed to write grid!"
(ex-info {:sheet-name sheet-name :grid grid} e)

(dotimes [i (transduce (map count) (completing max) 0 grid)]
(.autoSizeColumn sh i)

;; Only auto-size small tables because it takes forever (~10s on a large
;; grid)
(when (< (count grid) 2000)
(p :auto-size (.autoSizeColumn sh i)))

(when (> (.getColumnWidth sh i) *max-col-width*)
(.setColumnWidth sh i *max-col-width*)))

(.setFitToPage sh true)
(.setFitWidth (.getPrintSetup sh) 1)
(p :set-print-settings
(.setFitToPage sh true)
(.setFitWidth (.getPrintSetup sh) 1))

(defn- workbook!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,8 +343,9 @@
(fn [wb [sheet-name grid]] (doto wb (write-grid! sheet-name grid)))
(seq workbook))]
(with-open [fos (FileOutputStream. (str path'))]
(.write wb fos))
(p :write-to-disk
(with-open [fos (io/output-stream (io/file (str path')))]
(.write wb fos)))
(io/file path')))

(defn convert-pdf!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,4 +425,3 @@
;; with the same contents. On platforms without OpenOffice the convert-pdf!
;; call will most likely fail.
(open (convert-pdf! (example) (temp ".pdf"))))

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