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A Firestore Emulator UI.

⚠️ Coincidentally, on the same day I released this package, the Firebase team also released firebase-tools 8.4.0 which now includes a local emulator suite. See the release notes here. You should use that instead.

Getting started


$ npm install fseui


Ensure your Firestore emulator is running then:

$ fseui

The emulator UI will run on 9000 by default but you can adjust this by setting the --port argument.

Firestore rules

This app does nothing fancy when it comes to getting around any rules you have set in your firestore.rules file yet; just rename it or comment them out for now.


At the moment, this UI serves as a very basic emulator data viewer styled to look like the Firebase Console UI. There is no POSTing, PATCHing or DELETEing of data, only GET. Additionally, nested collections are not yet supported either.

I do, however, intend to add these features (and more) in the future once time allows, I just need the time to do it. Please feel free to submit feature requests.

Local development

$ npm i
$ npm run serve