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A look at the Laravel framework with PHP, it's MVC structure and generating a small project that deals with programming stacks as a questionnaire

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About Laravel 101 || Stacks Selector Application


  1. Installation - php artisan serve to run localhost:8000
  2. Basics = Routes, Views
  3. Passing data to views
  4. Blade Basics
  5. Blade Loops
  6. Layout Files
  7. CSS & Images Folders
  8. Query Parameters
  9. Route Parameters Wildcards {{ $id }} 10.Controllers - Switched logic to php artisan make:controller StackController
  10. Connect to MySql (ENV Variables, mySql, command)
  11. Migration Basics
  12. Eloquent Models
  13. MVC Naming Conventions (Update)
  14. Getting a single record
  15. Web Form Submission
  16. Post Request (Cross Site Forgery Token)
  17. Arrays and JSON data (extra field added)
  18. Removing records (DESTROY)
  19. SCSS files with Node-Sass Setup
  20. composer require laravel/ui
  21. php artisan ui vue --auth
  22. Route protection ->middleware('auth');
  23. Named Routes {{ route('stacks.create') }}

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A look at the Laravel framework with PHP, it's MVC structure and generating a small project that deals with programming stacks as a questionnaire







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