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Python and Data Centric Project Development Milestone Project 3

Worldwide Community Cookbook


World Community Cookbook is a site designed to help users find recipes from around the world, either by browsing or searching for a recipe name, ingredient or their favourite cook within the site community.
The site is designed to offer this information to the user in a helpful, user friendly manner.

User stories

As a.... I want to... So that...
User Browse recipes added by others because I want to increase my recipe portfolio
User Search for recipes added by others because I want to increase my recipe portfolio
User Sign up to become a validated user I can do things that non validated users can not
Validated User Add my own recipes I can share them with others
Validated User Edit my own recipes I can make changes if required
Validated User Delete my own recipe it is no longer available to others if I choose to remove it
Validated User Be warned before I delete a recipe So that I don't delete one by mistake
Validated User Be able to add a cuisine if the cuisine type for my dish is not present so that I can add a recipe with my chosen cuisine and therefore people can find my dish by cuisine preference
Validated User Be able to edit a cuisine I have created I can ensure the cuisines I have added are accurate, for example if I made a typo
Validated User Be able to delete a cuisine I have entered
Site Administrator Have full control over edit/delete functions items can be removed or amended if necessary, regardless of whom added the recipe


I have used a simple colour scheme and typography for this site - the multitude of bright colours within the recipe images adds the brightness a user would like to see.


The user interface is intuitive with positive or negative feedback provided to the user where appropriate.



Existing Features

  1. User registration
  2. User login
  3. User logout
  4. Add recipe
  5. Edit recipe (by creator or administrator only)
  6. Delete recipe (by creator or administrator only)
  7. Add a cuisine type
  8. Edit a cuisine type (by creator or administrator only)
  9. Delete a cuisine type (by creator or administrator only)
  10. Browse for a recipe
  11. Search for a recipe

Features for the future

  1. I would like to implement a file upload feature so that users can use their own photo's of their recipes
  2. Potentially allow users to create new meal-courses for example "breakfast" (not currently available)
  3. User ability to add a rating to a recipe
  4. User ability to mark as a "favourite"
  5. Password reset and forgotten password feature

Technologies used

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. [JavaScript]
  4. Bootstrap v4.3.1
  5. Python 3.8.0
  6. Flask 1.1.2
  7. Werkzeug 1.0.1
  8. [Pymongo]
  9. Mongo DB Atlas

Database & Schemas

I have used Mongo DB Atlas for my database.
From The Mongo DB site:

MongoDB Atlas is a fully-managed cloud database developed
by the same people that build MongoDB. Atlas handles all the complexity of deploying, managing, and healing your deployments on the cloud service provider of your choice ( AWS , Azure, and GCP ).

The database (Database name: cooking) is made up of collections of documents



Field Name Data Type
_id ObjectID
cuisine_name string
created_by string


Field Name Data Type
_id ObjectID
course_name string


Field Name Data Type
_id ObjectID
username string
password Binary hashed
email string
role string


Field Name Data Type
_id ObjectID
recipe_name string
cook_name string
prep_time string
total_cooking_time string
servings string
ingredients Array of strings
instructions Array of strings
image_src string
meal_course string
protein string
fat_per_serve string
carbohydrate string
dietary_fibre string
cholesterol string
energy string

The recipe collection consists of data from all collections combined to give the "final" recipe.
This can then be edited by the user whom created it or a user with the role "admin"


My site has been tested using Google Chrome Developer tools to ensure that the screen changes behaviour on different screen resolutions.

Tested on the following browsers:

Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer Safari

Manual testing has been carried out by my wife and I using the user stories above.

HTML and CSS has been validated using W3 HTML validator JavaScript has been validated using JSHint Python has been validated using the flake8 linter within VS Code


This code was developed using Visual Studio Code
It was committed to git and pushed to Github for version control From there automatic deploys were made via Heroku, where the application is hosted.
To capture the code for continuing development

  1. Use this link
  2. Click on Clone or download button
  3. Select Open in Desktop
  4. Use it in GitHub Desktop
    Using VS Code

To install the requirements for this app use this command:
`pip install -r requirements.txt`
Ensure that environment varaiables are kept in a file called
And that this file is added to your gitignore file ## To see the deployed website click the link below [](


@tim_ci on slack for his thread on searching for a document in Mongo DB Atlas

Anthony Herbert -> Pretty Printed
For his You Tube Video

On Flask login sessions
Ranker: Your Favourite Types of Cuisine
This was used to find out the top 20 cuisines, to help start off the cuisine dropdown list


Thank you to my mentor for pushing me to be better and for offering me valuable feedback.

A massive thankyou to my wife for supporting me throughout this project and for being my chief tester for UAT

Thanks also to my fellow students on Slack for helpful advice.

Development Notes

My local development was carried out in a branch "develop", I got a bit confused with how to deploy this to the master and after some struggling I was able to get it working. I used git reset to tidy up my repository

This site is for educational use


No description, website, or topics provided.






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