F# computation library for computations which need to be in a special environment
Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/DelayComputationExpression
Assume you use python interop (from https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/). In this case you need to retrieve the 'GIL' before you can call any interop call. Instead of requesting the GIL everywhere we can use computation expressions to mark code as 'Needs the GIL'. Just add this library and do the following:
module Python =
type PythonDataMarker = class end
type PythonData<'T> = private { D : Delayed<'T> } with
interface IDelayed<PythonDataMarker, 'T>
let internal pythonConv =
{ new IDelayedConverter<PythonDataMarker> with
member x.ToDelayed p = (p :?> PythonData<'a>).D
member x.OfDelayed d = { D = d } :> IDelayed<PythonDataMarker, _> }
let runInPython f =
use __ = Python.Runtime.Py.GIL()
pythonConv.ToDelayed f |> Delayed.execute
let python = ConcreteDelayedBuilder(pythonConv)
let pythonSeq = DelayedSeqBuilder(python)
// Build 'Safe' API on top
let tf =
python {
// Call Python API
let t = "test"
return t
let seq =
pythonSeq {
for i in [1, 2, 3] do
// Call Python API
let! t = tf
yield t + "test"
let first =
|> pythonSeq.firstOrDefault "default"
let run = first |> runInPython
Now callers can use your API, combine functions and then call 'runInPython' when they need the actual result in a safe manner.
Another use case would probably be executing stuff in the UI thread. But I didn't actually look into that.