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thermo_widget - Bachelor's Degree thesis in Computer Science (L-31)

This is my thesis project developed in Flutter at Came SPA. This repository contains a running example of a mobile cross-platform mobile application containing the widget I developed during my internship.


Slider example


Parameter Default Description
divisions required Number of sectors in which the slider is divided(# of possible values on the slider)
initialHandlerValues required Map containing information about day configuration
height 300.0 Height of the canvas where the widget is rendered
width 300.0 Width of the canvas where the widget is rendered
child null Widget that will be inserted in the center of the circular slider
primarySectors 0 Number of primary sectors to be painted on the base circular crown
secondarySectors 0 Number of secondary sectors to be painted on the base circular crown
this.baseColor Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, 0.1) Color of the base circular crown
this.hoursColor Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, 0.3) Color of lines which represent hours(primarySectors)
this.minutesColor Colors.white30 Color of lines which represent minutes(secondarySectors)
this.handlerColor Colors.white Color of the handlers
this.onSelectionChange void SelectionChanged<Map<int, Map<String, dynamic>>> Function triggered when at least one of the handler positions changes or the user moves the circular crown
this.onSelectionEnd void SelectionChanged<Map<int, Map<String, dynamic>>> Function triggered when the user stop changing handler positions or moving the circular crown
this.handlerOutterRadius 22.0 Radius of the outter circle of the handler
this.sliderStrokeWidth 28.0 Stroke width for the slider

Adding Flutter Web to an existing flutter app.

For adding web support to an existing app we need to run these commands:

 flutter channel beta
 flutter upgrade
 flutter config --enable-web

Then check that Chrome is ready:

flutter devices

Restart your IDE and go to the project root folder, run:

flutter create .

To serve your app from localhost in Chrome, enter the following from the top of the package:

flutter run -d chrome

Build web

Run the following command to generate a release build:

flutter build web

A release build uses dart2js (instead of the development compiler) to produce a single JavaScript file main.dart.js. You can create a release build using release mode (flutter run --release) or by using flutter build web. This populates a build/web directory with built files, including an assets directory, which need to be served together.

Run web

Launch a web server (for example, python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000, or by using the dhttpd package), and open the /build/web directory. Navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser (given the python SimpleHTTPServer example) to view the release version of your app.

Run with dhttpd web server

Install dhttpd with the following command:

flutter pub global activate dhttpd

Go to build /build/web directory and run:

flutter pub global run dhttpd

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080

Embedding a Flutter app into an HTML page

You can embed a Flutter web app, as you would embed other content, in an iframe tag of an HTML file. Change /build/web/index.html name. Create a new index.html with the iframe tag reporting as url the url of the old index.html. In the following example, replace “URL” with the location of your HTML page:

<iframe src="URL"></iframe>

More info at .


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