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lmfit - C/C++ library for Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization and curve fitting


Generic minimization:

#include <lmmin.h>

void lmmin( int n_par, double *par, int m_dat, const void *data, void (*evaluate)(...), const lm_control_struct *control, lm_status_struct *status, void (*printout)(...) );

The user must supply the following callback routines:

void (*evaluate)( const double *par, int m_dat, const void *data, double *fvec, int *info );

void (*printout)( int n_par, const double *par, int m_dat, const void *data, const double *fvec, int printflags, int iflag, int iter, int nfev );

For the latter, a default implementation is available:

void lm_printout_std(...);

Furthermore, the user must supply a record with control parameters

typedef struct { double ftol; double xtol; double gtol; double epsilon; double stepbound; int maxcall; } lm_control_struct;

and a record to receive status information

typedef struct { double fnorm; int nfev; int info; } lm_status_struct;

The control record should be initialized from one of

extern const lm_control_struct lm_control_float, lm_control_double;

Status messages, indexed by are available through

extern const char *lm_infmsg[];

Simplified interface for one-dimensional curve fitting:

#include <lmcurve.h>

void lmcurve_fit( int n_par, double *par, int m_dat, const double *t, const double *y, double (*f)(...), const lm_control_struct *control, lm_status_struct *status);

The user must supply the function

double f( double t, const double *par );


API change in version 3.0

With version 3.0, the application programming interface has changed substantially.

Generic minimization and one-dimensional curve fitting have been separated more clearly, and the interface for the latter has been greatly simplified (see lmcurve.h and demo/curve1.c). Furthermore, control (input) and monitoring variables (output) parameters are now stored in two different records. For better readability of the code, even the innermost function declarations of evaluate and printout have been changed.



Determine a parameter vector par (of dimension n_par) that minimizes the Euclidean norm of a vectorial function fvec(par) (of dimension m_dat >= n_par).

The most important application is curve fitting: to approximate data y(t) by a function f(t;par), minimize the norm of the residual vector fvec = y(t) - f(t;par).


The Levenberg-Marquardt minimization starts with a steepest-descent exploration of the parameter space, and achieves rapid convergence by crossing over into the Newton-Gauss method. For more background, see Moré 1978, Madsen et al. 2004, and comments in the source code.

Generic minimization routine:

The minimization routine lm_minimize requires the following arguments:

n_par: dimension of parameter vector par;

par: parameter vector. On input, it must contain a reasonable guess; on output, it contains the solution found to minimize ||fvec||;

m_dat: dimension of residue vector fvec;

data: lm_minimize does not care about this pointer; it just forwards it to evaluate and printout;

evaluate: a routine that calculates the residue vector fvec for given parameter vector par; setting *info to a negative value causes lm_minimize to terminate;

control: a record holding numeric limits and other auxiliary parameters; it should always be initialized from provided default records to ensure upward compatibility; available default records: lm_control_float, lm_control_double (for fvec computed to single or double precision, respectively);

    double control.ftol: relative error desired in the sum of squares;

    double control.xtol: relative error between last two approximations;

    double control.gtol: orthogonality desired between fvec and its derivs;

    double control.epsilon: step used to calculate the Jacobian;

    double control.stepbound: initial bound to steps in the outer loop;

    int control.maxcall: maximum number of iterations;

    int control.printflags: OR'ed bits to print (1) status, (2) parameters and norm, (4) residues at end of fit, (8) residues at every step;

status: a record describing the status of the minimization process.

    double status.fnorm: norm of the residue vector fvec;

    int status.nfev: actual number of iterations;

    int status of minimization; for explanation print lm_infmsg[];

printout: a routine that can be used to inform about the progress of the minimization (iflag: location of call within lm_minimize, iter: outer loop counter, nfev: number of calls to evaluate); if no monitoring is desired, lm_minimize may be called with printout or control.printflags set to 0.

One-dimensional curve fitting:

See application sample demo/curve1.c.

Fitting a function of a vectorial argument:

See application sample demo/surface1.c.

Minimize the norm of a vectorial function:

Several application samples are provided; they also serve as test suite to ascertain that the fit algorithm overcomes well-known numerical problems:

demo/morobropro.c: m=3, n=2, modified Rosenbrock problem, testing robustness for widely different vectorial components.

demo/powell.c: m=2, n=2, Powell 1970, with singular Jacobian at the solution par=0.

demo/hat.c: m=2, n=1, asymetric mexican hat function ||F(p)||. Fit result depends on starting value - lmfit does not strive to overcome the limitation to local optimisation.


lmfit is ready for use with C or C++ code. The implementation is self-contained; it does not require external libraries.

Main web site:

Download location:

Installation with the usual sequence (./configure; make; sudo make install). After installation, this documentation is available through man lmfit.

The old download location at is no longer maintained (too much advertising there, too slow, too complicated)


Is it possible to impose constraints on the fit parameters (like p0>=0 or -10<p1<10) ?

There is no mechanism to impose constraints within the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.

According to my experience, no such mechanism is needed. Constraints can be imposed by variable transform or by adding a penalty to the sum of squares. Variable transform seems to be the better solution. In the above examples: use p0^2 and 10*tanh(p1) instead of p0 and p1.

If you think your problem cannot be handled in such a way, I would be interested to learn why. Please send me one data set (plain ASCII, two columns, blank separated) along with the fit function and a brief explanation of the application context.

Is there a way to obtain error estimates for fit parameters ?

The problem is only well posed if the covariance matrix of the input data is known. In this case, the error propagation towards the output parameters can be calculated in linear approximation ( Note that fit parameters are correlated with each other even if the input covariance matrix is diagonal.

In linear approximation, the output covariance matrix depends mainly on the Jacobian of the fit function (evaluated for all data points) versus the fit parameters (at their optimum values). It seems not advisable to use the Jacobian fjac that is calculated in the beginning of the main iteration in lm_lmdif(...), as it is only returned after some transformations.

I would be glad to include code for the calculation of parameter covariances in this distribution; contributions would be highly welcome.

How should I cite lmfit in scientific publications ?

If fit results are robust, it does not matter by which implementation they have been obtained. If the results are not robust, they should not be published anyway. Therefore, in publishing fit results obtained with lmfit it is generally not necessary to cite the software.

However, in methodological publications that describe software and data analysis procedures based on lmfit, it might be appropriate to provide a reference. The preferred form of citation is:

Joachim Wuttke: lmfit - a C/C++ routine for Levenberg-Marquardt minimization with wrapper for least-squares curve fitting, based on work by B. S. Garbow, K. E. Hillstrom, J. J. Moré, and S. Moshier. Version <..>, retrieved on <..> from


The code contained in version 2.6 has been stable for several years, and it has been used by hundreds of researchers. There is a fair chance that it is free of bugs.

With series 3.x, a new round of improvements is starting. The code is better than ever, but not yet as thoroughly tested as the old one.


K Levenberg: A method for the solution of certain nonlinear problems in least squares. Quart. Appl. Math. 2, 164-168 (1944).

D W Marquardt: An algorithm for least squares estimation of nonlinear parameters. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 11, 431-441 (1963).

J M Moré: The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm: Implementation and theory. Lect. Notes Math. 630, 105-116 (1978).

K Madsen, H B Nielsen, O Tingleff: Methods for non-linear least squares problems. (2004).


Joachim Wuttke <>


Copyright (C) 2009-10 Joachim Wuttke.

Software: Public Domain. If you think this work is worth it, you can drink a beer in my honor.

Documentation: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike.