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Crypto Fiend

A set of opionated libraries to make it easy to build your own crypto bots in Golang. Originally forked from thrasher-/gocryptotrader. This is a permanent fork and rewrite, to support better code reuse for algorithmic traders. Also it fixes a lot of idiomatic go issues, and allows more accurate data types like Decimal instead of floats, so the numbers are more precise.

Software License GoDoc

Currency Pair Conventions

In a currency pair expressed as XXX/YYY:

  • XXX is the currency that is used to denote the trade amount.
  • YYY is the currency that is used to denote the trade rate/price.
  • / is one of the common delimiters, other common delimiters include - and _.

For example the ETH/BTC currency pair means that the trade amount is denoted in ETH, and the trade price is denoted in BTC (regardless of whether you're placing a buy or sell order).

Not all exchanges follow these conventions, so crytofiend will (eventually) handle such differences internally (see Normalized Currency column in the table below for current status).

Exchange Support Table

Exchange REST API Streaming API FIX API Normalized Currency
Alphapoint Yes Yes NA ?
Bitfinex Yes Yes NA Yes
Bitstamp Yes Yes NA ?
Bittrex Yes No NA Yes
BTCC Yes Yes No ?
BTCMarkets Yes NA NA ?
GDAX(Coinbase) Yes Yes No ?
Gemini Yes NA NA Yes
Huobi Yes Yes No ?
ItBit Yes NA NA ?
Kraken Yes NA NA ?
LakeBTC Yes No NA ?
Liqui Yes No NA Yes
LocalBitcoins Yes NA NA ?
OKCoin (both) Yes Yes No ?
Poloniex Yes Yes NA Yes

We are aiming to support the top 20 highest volume exchanges based off the CoinMarketCap exchange data.

** NA means not applicable as the Exchange does not support the feature.

Current Features

  • Support for all Exchange fiat and digital currencies, with the ability to individually toggle them on/off.
  • AES encrypted config file.
  • REST API support for all exchanges.
  • Websocket support for applicable exchanges.
  • Ability to turn off/on certain exchanges.
  • Ability to adjust manual polling timer for exchanges.
  • SMS notification support via SMS Gateway.
  • Packages for handling currency pairs, ticker/orderbook fetching and currency conversion.
  • Portfolio management tool; fetches balances from supported exchanges and allows for custom address tracking.
  • Basic event trigger system.


Please feel free to submit any pull requests or suggest any desired features to be added.

When submitting a PR, please abide by our coding guidelines:

  • Code must adhere to the official Go formatting guidelines (i.e. uses gofmt).
  • Code must be documented adhering to the official Go commentary guidelines.
  • Code must adhere to our coding style.
  • Pull requests need to be based on and opened against the master branch.

Compiling instructions

Download and install Go from Go Downloads

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go install
cp $GOPATH/src/ $GOPATH/bin/config.dat

Make any neccessary changes to the config file. Run the application!


If you are interested in a custom crypto trading bot please contact me at hyper[at]


Opinionated libraries for cyptotrading







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