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Matt Krins edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 13 revisions


The connectors tab is used to connect PlatySync to various data sources. Each connector is iterable and can have actions performed on each row/item it exposes. For example, you may want to perform a specific action for each row in a CSV document, or for each user in an LDAP directory. To automate the creation of active directory user accounts from a CSV document, you would use both the LDAP and CSV connectors.

After you have added one or more connectors, you can start configuring the schema rules.


This connector supports any ldap source, such as Active Directory or OpenLDAP.

Target URL

URL of the LDAP server, including protocol and optionally port. Examples:

  • ldap://
  • ldaps://
  • ldap://

Username & Password

Path or ID to bind session to. This will vary depending on the target server implementation. Examples:


Add the attributes you want to retrieve and have access to for each object. For example: uid, mail, pager, etc.

Root DSE

cdap will attempt to auto-resolve root DSE paths, however availability will vary depending on the target server implementation.
Use this setting to manually set the path. Examples:

  • dc=example,dc=com
  • dc=sub,dc=domain,dc=org

Base Organizational Unit

If you only need access to objects within a specific OU, you can append all paths with this setting.
Setting this can significantly reduce rule processing time & reduce the scope of access (and is thus safer). Examples:

  • ou=people
  • ou=developers,ou=staff,ou=user


This connector supports any CSV-style document iterable by Papa Parse.

File Path

Location of the document on the local file system. Examples:

  • D:/users/all-users.csv
  • C:/data.txt

This field is compatible with a file path template.


This connector allows you iterate over files in a system folder and could be used for example, to print all PDFs in a specific folder.
Each entry exposes the file name, size and various datestamps.


Some connectors or rule actions may require access to internet resources.
This connector enables connectors to run behind a corporate proxy when accessing the internet. Does not yet support https, certificates or any other advanced authentication settings. The STMC connector is the only internet resource currently available which may use this.

Target URL

The proxy server URL. Examples:

Username & Password

If the proxy server requires authentication then you may provide it here. Connections are unauthenticated by default.


This connector is only available to TSSP technicians.
Contact the repository author for support using this connector.

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