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mattly committed Sep 9, 2021
1 parent d1a0ec9 commit 7c38441
Showing 1 changed file with 165 additions and 79 deletions.
244 changes: 165 additions & 79 deletions harmony/chords.js
Expand Up @@ -17,49 +17,15 @@ const latticeBase = [
[null, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4]

const noteCoords = (idx, row) => ({
x: ((2 - row) * innerWidth / 20) + (innerWidth * idx / 8),
y: ((innerHeight / 2) + ((row - 2) * (innerHeight / 4.1))) + ((1 - (idx - 3)) * 15)

const suffixes = (row, idx) => {
switch (row) {
case 0: return "#"
case 1: return idx > 4 ? "#" : ""
case 2: return idx < 2 ? "b" : ""
case 3: return "b"
case 3: return idx < 6 ? "b" : ""

const baseLine = { strokeWidth: 2 }

const ChordLines = ({ ns, row }) => {
const chords = []
const lines = []
ns.forEach((n, i) => {
if (n) {
const base = noteCoords(i, row)
const fifth = i < ns.length - 1 && noteCoords(i + 1, row)
const thirdUp = row > 0 && latticeBase[row - 1][i] && noteCoords(i, row - 1)
const thirdDown = row < 3 && latticeBase[row + 1][i + 1] && noteCoords(i + 1, row + 1)
if (fifth) { lines.push({ base, other: fifth, stroke: "#88f" }) }
if (thirdUp) { lines.push({ base, other: thirdUp, stroke: "#fa8" }) }
if (thirdDown) { lines.push({ base, other: thirdDown, stroke: "#a84" }) }
if (fifth && thirdUp) { chords.push({ base, fifth, third: thirdUp, fill: "#eee"})}
return <g>
{{ stroke, base, other }, i) =>
<line key={i} stroke={stroke} x1={base.x} x2={other.x} y1={base.y} y2={other.y} strokeWidth="5" />)}
{{ base, fifth, third, fill }, i) =>
<polygon points={`${base.x},${base.y} ${third.x},${third.y} ${fifth.x},${fifth.y}`} fill={fill} />)}

const equivalences = [
new Set(["Db", "C#"]),
new Set(["Eb", "D#"]),
Expand All @@ -78,42 +44,142 @@ const findEquivalence = note => {
return Array.from(e)[0]

const FifthRow = ({ ns, row, onClick, running }) => {
const noteName = (n, i, row) => `${notes[n-1]}${suffixes(row, i)}`

const notesIdx = ["C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B"]
const noteFreqs = {}
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
noteFreqs[notesIdx[i]] = 440 * Math.pow(2, (i-9) / 12)

const chordNames = ["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII"]

const baseLine = { strokeWidth: 2 }

const noteCoords = (idx, row) => ({
x: ((2 - row) * innerWidth / 20) + (innerWidth * idx / 8),
y: ((innerHeight / 2) + ((row - 2) * (innerHeight / 4.1))) + ((1 - (idx - 3)) * 15),
note: latticeBase[row] && latticeBase[row][idx] && noteName(latticeBase[row][idx], idx, row)

const neighbors = (i, row) => ({
base: noteCoords(i, row),
fifth: latticeBase[row][i+1] && noteCoords(i + 1, row),
thirdUp: row > 0 && latticeBase[row - 1][i] && noteCoords(i, row - 1),
thirdDown: row < 3 && latticeBase[row + 1][i + 1] && noteCoords(i + 1, row + 1),
chord: `${suffixes(row, i)}${chordNames[(latticeBase[row][i]+chordNames.length-1) % chordNames.length]}`

const ChordLines = ({ ns, row, onChord, chordNotes }) => {
const lines = []
ns.forEach((n, i) => {
if (n) {
const { base, fifth, thirdUp, thirdDown } = neighbors(i, row)
if (fifth) { lines.push({ base, other: fifth, stroke: "#88f", notes: [base.note, findEquivalence(fifth.note)] }) }
if (thirdUp) { lines.push({ base, other: thirdUp, stroke: "#fa8", notes: [base.note, findEquivalence(thirdUp.note)] }) }
if (thirdDown) { lines.push({ base, other: thirdDown, stroke: "#a84", notes: [base.note, findEquivalence(thirdDown.note)] }) }
return <g>
{{ stroke, base, other, notes }, i) =>
<line key={i} x1={base.x} x2={other.x} y1={base.y} y2={other.y}
stroke={chordNotes == notes.sort().join(',') ? "#ff8" : stroke} strokeWidth="10"
onClick={onChord} data-chord={notes.join(',')} />)}

const pointer = {cursor:'pointer'}
const noPointer = {pointerEvents: 'none'}

const MajChord = ({ chord, base, fifth, thirdUp, onChord, chordNotes }) => {
if (!fifth || !thirdUp) { return null }
let x = (base.x + fifth.x + thirdUp.x) / 3
let y = ((base.y + fifth.y + thirdUp.y) / 3) + ((base.y - thirdUp.y) / 5)
let notes = [base.note, fifth.note, thirdUp.note].map(findEquivalence).sort().join(',')
let baseNoteIdx = notesIdx.indexOf(findEquivalence(base.note))
let seventh = notesIdx[(baseNoteIdx + 10) % 12]
let notes7 = [base.note, fifth.note, thirdUp.note, seventh].map(findEquivalence).sort().join(',')
let sevenM = notesIdx[(baseNoteIdx + 11) % 12]
let notesM7 = [base.note, fifth.note, thirdUp.note, sevenM].map(findEquivalence).sort().join(',')
return <g>
<rect x={x - 35} y={y - 15} width={70} height={20} ry={5}
fill={chordNotes == notes ? '#ff8' : "#eee"} style={pointer}
data-chord={notes} onClick={onChord} />
<text x={x} y={y} textAnchor="middle" style={noPointer}>{chord} / {base.note}M</text>
<rect x={x - 22} y={y - 45} width={15} height={20} ry={5}
fill={chordNotes == notes7 ? '#ff8' : '#eee'} style={pointer}
data-chord={notes7} onClick={onChord} />
<text x={x - 15} y={y - 30} textAnchor="middle" style={noPointer}>7</text>
<rect x={x} y={y - 45} width={25} height={20} ry={5}
style={pointer} fill={chordNotes == notesM7 ? '#ff8' : '#eee'}
data-chord={notesM7} onClick={onChord} />
<text x={x + 12} y={y - 30} textAnchor="middle" style={noPointer}>M7</text>

const MinChord = ({ chord, base, fifth, thirdDown, onChord, chordNotes }) => {
if (!fifth || !thirdDown) { return null }
let x = (base.x + fifth.x + thirdDown.x) / 3
let y = ((base.y + fifth.y + thirdDown.y) / 3) - ((thirdDown.y - base.y) / 8)
let notes = [base.note, fifth.note, thirdDown.note].map(findEquivalence).sort().join(',')
let baseNoteIdx = notesIdx.indexOf(findEquivalence(base.note))
let seventh = notesIdx[(baseNoteIdx + 10) % 12]
let notes7 = [base.note, fifth.note, thirdDown.note, seventh].map(findEquivalence).sort().join(',')
let sevenM = notesIdx[(baseNoteIdx + 11) % 12]
let notesM7 = [base.note, fifth.note, thirdDown.note, sevenM].map(findEquivalence).sort().join(',')
return <g>
<rect x={x - 35} y={y - 15} width={70} height={20} ry={5}
fill={chordNotes == notes ? '#ff8' : '#eee'} style={pointer}
data-chord={notes} onClick={onChord} />
<text x={x} y={y} textAnchor="middle" style={noPointer}>{chord.toLowerCase()} / {base.note}m</text>
<rect x={x - 22} y={y + 15} width={15} height={20} ry={5}
fill={chordNotes == notes7 ? '#ff8' : '#eee'} style={pointer}
data-chord={notes7} onClick={onChord} />
<text x={x - 15} y={y + 30} textAnchor="middle" style={noPointer}>7</text>
<rect x={x} y={y + 15} width={25} height={20} ry={5}
style={pointer} fill={chordNotes == notesM7 ? '#ff8' : '#eee'}
data-chord={notesM7} onClick={onChord} />
<text x={x + 12} y={y + 30} textAnchor="middle" style={noPointer}>M7</text>

const FifthRow = ({ ns, row, onNote, runningNotes, onChord, chordNotes }) => {
return <g>
{, i) => {
if (!n) { return null }
const { x, y } = noteCoords(i, row)
const note = `${notes[n - 1]}${suffixes(row, i)}`
const equiv = findEquivalence(note)
const on = running[equiv]
const { chord, base, fifth, thirdDown, thirdUp } = neighbors(i, row)
const equiv = findEquivalence(base.note)
const on = runningNotes[equiv]
const chordOn = chordNotes.match(new RegExp(`${equiv},?`))
return <g key={i}>
<circle cx={x} cy={y} r={12} stroke={on ? "#333" : "#aaa"} {...baseLine} fill={on ? "#ff8" : "white"} style={{cursor: 'pointer'}} data-note={equiv} onClick={onClick} />
<text x={x} y={y + 5} textAnchor="middle" stroke="#888" style={{pointerEvents: 'none'}}>{note}</text>
<circle cx={base.x} cy={base.y} r={12}
stroke={chordOn ? "black" : "#aaa"} {...baseLine} fill={on ? "#ff8" : "white"} style={pointer}
data-note={equiv} onClick={onNote} />
<text x={base.x} y={base.y + 5} textAnchor="middle" style={noPointer}>{base.note}</text>
<MajChord {...{ base, fifth, thirdUp, onChord, chordNotes, chord }} />
<MinChord {...{base, fifth, thirdDown, onChord, chordNotes, chord}} />

const notesIdx = ["C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B"]
const noteFreqs = {}
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
noteFreqs[notesIdx[i]] = 440 * Math.pow(2, (i-9) / 12)
const getOverTonesFor = freq => {
const tones = [freq]
let overtone = 2
while (overtone * freq < overToneMax) {
tones.push(overtone * freq)
return tones

const overToneMax = 6000
const OvertoneDisplay = ({ notes, width = 1024, height = 100 }) => {
const freqs = useMemo(() =>
Object.keys(notes).filter(k => notes[k]).map(k => {
const base = noteFreqs[k]
const tones = [base]
let overtone = 2
while (overtone * base < overToneMax) {
tones.push(overtone * base)
return tones
, [notes])
const OvertoneDisplay = ({ notes, chord, width = 1024, height = 100 }) => {
const freqs = useMemo(() => {
const noteTones = Object.keys(notes).filter(k => notes[k]).map(k => getOverTonesFor(noteFreqs[k]))
const chordTones = => getOverTonesFor(noteFreqs[n]/2))
return [...noteTones, ...chordTones]
}, [notes, chord])

return <svg width={width} height={height}>
Expand All @@ -127,60 +193,80 @@ const OvertoneDisplay = ({ notes, width = 1024, height = 100 }) => {

const stopOscillator = ({ osc, gain }, ctx) => {
osc.stop(ctx.currentTime + 0.25)
gain.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.00001, ctx.currentTime + 0.25)

const startOscillator = (ctx, analyser, freq) => {
const osc = ctx.createOscillator()
osc.type = 'sawtooth'
osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(freq, ctx.currentTime)
const gain = ctx.createGain()
gain.gain.setValueAtTime(0.00001, ctx.currentTime)
gain.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.1, ctx.currentTime + 0.25)
return { osc, gain }

export default () => {
const ctx = useAudioContext()
const analyser = useAnalyser(ctx)
const oscillators = useRef(new Map())
const chordOscillators = useRef([])

const [runningNotes, setRunningNotes] = useState({ })
const handleNoteChange = useCallback(event => {
const note =
setRunningNotes(({ ...notes }) => ({ ...notes, [note]: !notes[note]}))
}, [ctx])
const [activeChord, setActiveChord] = useState([])
const handleChordChange = useCallback(event => {
let next =',').sort()
setActiveChord(val => val.join(',') == next.join(',') ? [] : next)

const panic = useCallback(() => { setRunningNotes({}) })

useEffect(() => {
const targetTime = ctx.currentTime + 0.25
oscillators.current.forEach((v, k) => {
if (!runningNotes[k]) {
const { osc, gain } = oscillators.current.get(k)
gain.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.00001, targetTime)
stopOscillator(oscillators.current.get(k), ctx)
Object.keys(runningNotes).filter(k => runningNotes[k]).forEach(k => {
if (!oscillators.current.has(k)) {
const osc = ctx.createOscillator()
osc.type = 'sawtooth'
osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(noteFreqs[k], ctx.currentTime)
const gain = ctx.createGain()
gain.gain.setValueAtTime(0.00001, ctx.currentTime)
gain.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.1, targetTime)
oscillators.current.set(k, { osc, gain })
oscillators.current.set(k, startOscillator(ctx, analyser, noteFreqs[k]))
}, [ctx, analyser, runningNotes])

useEffect(() => {
chordOscillators.current.forEach(o => stopOscillator(o, ctx))
chordOscillators.current = => startOscillator(ctx, analyser, noteFreqs[note] / 2))
}, [ctx, analyser, activeChord])

return <div>
<button onClick={panic}>silence!</button>

<svg width={width} height={height}>
<g transform={`translate(${(width - innerWidth) / 2}, 20)`}>
{, i) => <ChordLines key={i} ns={notes} row={i} />)}
{, rowIdx) => <FifthRow key={rowIdx} ns={notes} row={rowIdx} onClick={handleNoteChange} running={runningNotes} />)}
<g transform={`translate(${(width - innerWidth) / 2}, 20)`}>
{, i) =>
<ChordLines key={i} ns={notes} row={i} onChord={handleChordChange} chordNotes={activeChord.join(',')} />)}
{, rowIdx) =>
<FifthRow key={rowIdx} ns={notes} row={rowIdx}
onNote={handleNoteChange} runningNotes={runningNotes}
chordNotes={activeChord.join(',')} onChord={handleChordChange} />)}

<OvertoneDisplay notes={runningNotes} />
<OvertoneDisplay notes={runningNotes} chord={activeChord} />
<AnalyserDisplay analyser={analyser} freqHeight={100} />

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