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A fastAPI backend for locally hosted voicebots. Its designed to work with the (react.js front-end)[].

As at 14/12/23 it is configured to use:

  • Azure Congnitive Services for Text-to-Speech;
  • a custom version of ([] modified to support locally hosted huggingface models (see below)
  • models served locally using Huggingface's TGI LLM inference server running in docker.
  • OpenAI used for AI-powered text editiing in the textEditor frontend component

See the Makefile for details of the relevant ports.

Custom version of gripetape. is an enterprise agent framework that is rapidly developing. The customized version below implements Huggingface's InferenceClient which is superceeding their InferenceAPI, and makes it possible to host the models locally. As at v0.21, gripetape has updated their model drivers with InferenceClient and this will remove the need to continne using the custom version once this api server has been updated too.


git clone
pip install -e . 

This branch (at 2/11/23) contains the HF InferenceClient prompt driver for locally server HF models.

Model Inference

Model serving uses HuggingFace TGI. Using the docker to run TGI TGI Offical Docker installation [] Note that model-id can be set to the path of a local copy of the model files which can be cloned from Huggingface using git lfs. This api has been tested on OpenOrca and Zephry, both 7B models running on a 24G consumer GPU card.

While locally hosted models have been our target, it is easy to replace local model servering with a commercial api. To do this, change the voice_chat/yak_agent/ package. Replace the definition of agent with the appropriate griptape driver. For example,

            self.agent = Agent(prompt_driver=OpenAiChatPromptDriver(model='gpt-3.5-turbo',,
                            rules= self.rules,

If replacing local model inference with gpt-3.5-turbo. (You'll need to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment key in the .env file)

Environment variables

The following environment variables need to be set in the .env file in the voice_chat folder.

OPENAI_API_KEY (if using OpenAi models) HUGGING_FACE_API_TOKEN (if using HF models hosted by them) assembly_ai_api (used for speech to text) AZURE_SPEECH_SERVICES_KEY (text to speech) AZURE_SPEECH_REGION (text to speech)

APPLICATION_ROOT_FOLDER (root folder where the application is running)

IMAGES_FOLDER = (folder where menu images will be stored) MONGODB_ROOT_FOLDER (mongodb database files root) MODEL_FILE_FOLDER = (if using locally served models, this shoudl point to them e.g 'models' ) MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME (mongodb credentials) MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD

MODEL_DRIVER_CONFIG_PATH (relative path to model driver configuration) e.g. "voice_chat/configs/model_driver.yaml"

OCR_PORT = 8885 (used by OCR container to avoid conflict with port used by fastAPI)

SERVICE_AGENT_PROVIDER (used for AI-powered text editing e.g 'OPENAI') SERVICE_AGENT_MODEL (name of model to use for AI-powered text editing e.g. 'gpt-3.5-turbo')

Note: (STT) if required here as a temporary token for use on the front end needs to be generated.

Running the dependant service backend uses TGI ( to serve models), tesseract server ( OCR) and mongoDB for persistant storage. Each of these services runs in docker. See docker-compose.yml for details and to update for your local file structure.

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

TGI listens on port 8080 Tesseract OCR on port 8885 mongodb on port 27017

Alternatively you can run them seperately with docker. For convenience the docker commands are included in the Makefile. To run TGI:

# from root directory 
source .venv/bin/activate
make run_tgi  # this will launch TGI and expose port 8080 for model serving.

Launch the api

The api isn't yet dockerized. To run it use the command run_api in the Makefile

make run_api

which will start the api on port 8884

The api is build using fastAPI and so the api is has automatically generated documentation at http://localhost:8884/docs


If you are running the front end on any port other than 3000, then you'll need to add the URL where your front end is being served to the list of origins in the Unless your URL is present in the list of origins, your requests will be blocked by the Cross Origin policies.