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David Legland edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 3 revisions

The imStacks module allows manipulation and display of 3D images. Most functions works for grayscale and color image. In particular, the Slicer function creates a 3D interactive slicer for 3D images.

Interactive Display

Slicer         - GUI for exploration of 3D images, using Object Oriented Programming
OrthoSlicer3d  - Display 3D interactive orthoslicer
orthoSlices    - Display three orthogonal slices in the same figure

Visualisation routines

orthoSlices3d  - Show three orthogonal slices of a 3D image
slice3d        - Show a moving 3D slice of an image
showXSlice     - Show YZ slice of a 3D image
showYSlice     - Show ZX slice of a 3D image
showZSlice     - Show XY slice of a 3D image

Read/Write 3D images

readstack      - Read either a list of 2D images (slices), or a 3D image
savebinstack   - Save an binary stack to a file, as RGB Image.
savestack      - Save an image stack to a file or a serie of files

Read/Write images in MetaImage format (used by ITK)

metaImageInfo  - Read information header of meta image data
metaImageRead  - Read an image in MetaImage format
metaImageWrite - Write header and data files of an image in MetaImage format

Get information on 3D images

stackSize      - Compute the size of a 3D stack in [x y z] form
stackExtent    - Compute the physical extent of a 3D image
isColorStack   - Check if a 3D stack is color or gray-scale

Manipulation of 3D images

createRGBStack - Concatenate 2 or 3 grayscale stacks to form a color stack
stackSlice     - Extract a planar slice from a 3D image
stackRotate90  - Rotate a 3D image by 90 degrees around one image axis
rotateStack90  - Rotate a 3D image by 90 degrees around one image axis
flipStack      - Flip a 3D image along specified X, Y, or Z dimension