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Yannick Francois committed Oct 29, 2013
1 parent 483c99e commit a4dc69f
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Showing 34 changed files with 505 additions and 786 deletions.
58 changes: 29 additions & 29 deletions app/views/admin/seo/index.html.erb
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
<%- content_for :page_heading do %>
<i class="icon-large icon-settings"></i><h2 class="page-title"><%= _("Global settings") %></h2>
<i class="icon-large icon-settings"></i><h2 class="page-title"><%= t(".global_settings") %></h2>
<% end %>
<%= error_messages_for 'blog' %>
<%= form_tag :action => 'update' do %>
<fieldset class='form-horizontal'>
<legend><%= _("General settings") %></legend>
<legend><%= t(".general_settings") %></legend>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_use_meta_keyword"><%= _("Meta keywords")%></label>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_use_meta_keyword"><%= t(".meta_keywords")%></label>
<div class='controls'>
<label class='checkbox' for="setting_use_meta_keyword"><%= _("Use meta keywords")%>
<label class='checkbox' for="setting_use_meta_keyword"><%= t(".use_meta_keywords")%>
<%= check_box(:setting, :use_meta_keyword)%>
<%= text_area(:setting, :meta_keywords, :rows => 3, :class => 'span6')%>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_meta_description"><%= _("Meta description")%></label>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_meta_description"><%= t(".meta_description")%></label>
<div class='controls'>
<%= text_area(:setting, :meta_description, :rows => 3, :class => 'span6')%>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label'><%= _("Use RSS description")%></label>
<label class='control-label'><%= t(".use_rss_description")%></label>
<div class='controls'>
<label class='checkbox' for="setting_rss_description">
<%= check_box(:setting, :rss_description)%>
<%= _("Use RSS description")%>
<%= t(".use_rss_description")%>
<p class='help-block'><%= "#{_('This will display')} #{_('at the bottom of each post in the RSS feed')}"%></p>
<p class='help-block'><%= t('.this_will_display') %></p>
<%= show_rss_description %>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_rss_description_text"><%= _("RSS description message")%></label>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_rss_description_text"><%= t(".rss_description_message")%></label>
<div class='controls'>
<%= text_area(:setting, :rss_description_text, :rows => 10, :class => 'span6')%>
<p class='help-block'>You can use the following tags: %author% (author name), %blog_url% (this blog URL), %blog_name% (this blog title) and %permalink_url% (a link to the article you want to protect)</p>
<p class='help-block'><%= t('.explain_rss_description') %></p>

<fieldset class='form-horizontal'>
<legend><%= _("Indexing") %></legend>
<legend><%= t(".indexing") %></legend>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label'><%= _("Indexing") %></label>
<label class='control-label'><%= t(".indexing") %></label>
<div class='controls'>
<label class='checkbox' for="setting_unindex_categories">
<%= check_box(:setting, :unindex_categories)%>
<%= _("Do not index categories")%>
<span class='help-block'><%= _("Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every category page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues") %></span>
<%= t(".do_not_index_categories")%>
<span class='help-block'><%= t(".explain_category_index") %></span>
<label class='checkbox' for="setting_unindex_tags">
<%= check_box(:setting, :unindex_tags)%>
<%= _("Do not index tags")%>
<span class='help-block'><%= _("Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every tags page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues") %></span>
<%= t(".do_not_index_tags")%>
<span class='help-block'><%= t(".explain_tag_index") %></span>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_robots"><%= _("Robots.txt")%></label>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_robots"><%= t(".robots_txt")%></label>
<div class='controls'>
<%= text_area(:setting, :robots, :rows => 10, :class => 'span6')%>
<% unless robot_writable? -%>
<p class='alert alert-error'><%= _("You robots.txt file is not writeable. Publify won't be able to write it")%></p>
<p class='alert alert-error'><%= t(".you_robots_txt_file_is_not_writeable") %></p>
<% end -%>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label'><%= _("Dofollow") %></label>
<label class='control-label'><%= t(".dofollow") %></label>
<div class='controls'>
<label class='checkbox' for="setting_dofollowify"><%= _("Use dofollow in comments")%>
<%= check_box(:setting, :dofollowify)%><p class='help-block'><%= _("You may want to moderate feedback when turning this on") %></p>
<label class='checkbox' for="setting_dofollowify"><%= t(".use_dofollow_in_comments")%>
<%= check_box(:setting, :dofollowify)%><p class='help-block'><%= t(".explain_moderate_feedback") %></p>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label'><%= _("Canonical URL") %></label>
<label class='control-label'><%= t(".canonical_url") %></label>
<div class='controls'>
<label class='checkbox' for="setting_use_canonical_url">
<%= check_box(:setting, :use_canonical_url)%>
<%= _("Use canonical URL")%>
<span class='help-block'><%= _("Read more about %s", link_to("rel='canonical'", "")) %></span>
<%= t(".use_canonical_url")%>
<span class='help-block'><%= t(".read_more_about", link: link_to("rel='canonical'", "")) %></span>

<fieldset class='form-horizontal'>
<legend><%= _("Google") %></legend>
<legend><%= t(".google") %></legend>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_google_analytics"><%= _("Google Analytics")%></label>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_google_analytics"><%= t(".google_analytics")%></label>
<div class='controls'>
<%= text_field(:setting, :google_analytics, :class => 'span6')%>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_google_verification"><%= _("Google Webmaster Tools validation link")%></label>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_google_verification"><%= t(".google_webmaster_tools_validation_link")%></label>
<div class='controls'>
<%= text_field(:setting, :google_verification, :class => 'span6')%>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_custom_tracking_field"><%= _("Custom tracking code")%></label>
<label class='control-label' for="setting_custom_tracking_field"><%= t(".custom_tracking_code")%></label>
<div class='controls'>
<%= text_area(:setting, :custom_tracking_field, :rows => 3, :class => 'span6')%>
<p class='help-block'><%= _("Here you can add anything you want to appear in your application header, such as analytics service tracking code.") %></p>
<p class='help-block'><%= t(".explain") %></p>
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/da.yml
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,34 @@ da:
next: "Next"
last: "Last"
global_settings: "Global settings"
general_settings: "Generelle indstillinger"
meta_keywords: "Meta keywords"
use_meta_keywords: "Use meta keywords"
meta_description: "Meta description"
use_rss_description: "Use RSS description"
this_will_display: "This will display at the bottom of each post in the RSS feed"
rss_description_message: "RSS description message"
indexing: "Indexing"
do_not_index_categories: "Do not index categories"
do_not_index_tags: "Do not index tags"
robots_txt: "Robots.txt"
dofollow: "Dofollow"
use_dofollow_in_comments: "Use dofollow in comments"
canonical_url: "Canonical Url"
use_canonical_url: "Use canonical URL"
read_more_about: "Read more about %{link}"
google: "Google"
google_analytics: "Google Analytics"
google_webmaster_tools_validation_link: "Google Webmaster Tools validation link"
custom_tracking_code: "Custom tracking code"
explain: "Here you can add anything you want to appear in your application header, such as analytics service tracking code."
explain_category_index: "Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every category page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues"
explain_tag_index: "Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every tags page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues"
explain_moderate_feedback: "You may want to moderate feedback when turning this on"
explain_rss_description: "You can use the following tags: %author% (author name), %blog_url% (this blog URL), %blog_name% (this blog title) and %permalink_url% (a link to the article you want to protect)"
are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to delete this %{element}"
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/de.yml
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,34 @@ de:
next: "Next"
last: "Last"
global_settings: "Global settings"
general_settings: "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
meta_keywords: "Meta keywords"
use_meta_keywords: "Use meta keywords"
meta_description: "Meta description"
use_rss_description: "Use RSS description"
this_will_display: "This will display at the bottom of each post in the RSS feed"
rss_description_message: "RSS description message"
indexing: "Indexing"
do_not_index_categories: "Do not index categories"
do_not_index_tags: "Do not index tags"
robots_txt: "Robots.txt"
dofollow: "Dofollow"
use_dofollow_in_comments: "Use dofollow in comments"
canonical_url: "Canonical Url"
use_canonical_url: "Use canonical URL"
read_more_about: "Read more about %{link}"
google: "Google"
google_analytics: "Google Analytics"
google_webmaster_tools_validation_link: "Google Webmaster Tools validation link"
custom_tracking_code: "Custom tracking code"
explain: "Here you can add anything you want to appear in your application header, such as analytics service tracking code."
explain_category_index: "Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every category page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues"
explain_tag_index: "Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every tags page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues"
explain_moderate_feedback: "You may want to moderate feedback when turning this on"
explain_rss_description: "You can use the following tags: %author% (author name), %blog_url% (this blog URL), %blog_name% (this blog title) and %permalink_url% (a link to the article you want to protect)"
are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to delete this %{element}"
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/en.yml
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,34 @@ en:
next: "Next"
last: "Last"
global_settings: "Global settings"
general_settings: "General settings"
meta_keywords: "Meta keywords"
use_meta_keywords: "Use meta keywords"
meta_description: "Meta description"
use_rss_description: "Use RSS description"
this_will_display: "This will display at the bottom of each post in the RSS feed"
rss_description_message: "RSS description message"
indexing: "Indexing"
do_not_index_categories: "Do not index categories"
do_not_index_tags: "Do not index tags"
robots_txt: "Robots.txt"
dofollow: "Dofollow"
use_dofollow_in_comments: "Use dofollow in comments"
canonical_url: "Canonical Url"
use_canonical_url: "Use canonical URL"
read_more_about: "Read more about %{link}"
google: "Google"
google_analytics: "Google Analytics"
google_webmaster_tools_validation_link: "Google Webmaster Tools validation link"
custom_tracking_code: "Custom tracking code"
explain: "Here you can add anything you want to appear in your application header, such as analytics service tracking code."
explain_category_index: "Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every category page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues"
explain_tag_index: "Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every tags page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues"
explain_moderate_feedback: "You may want to moderate feedback when turning this on"
explain_rss_description: "You can use the following tags: %author% (author name), %blog_url% (this blog URL), %blog_name% (this blog title) and %permalink_url% (a link to the article you want to protect)"
are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to delete this %{element}"
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/es-MX.yml
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,34 @@ es-MX:
next: "Next"
last: "Last"
global_settings: "Global settings"
general_settings: "Preferencias generales"
meta_keywords: "Meta keywords"
use_meta_keywords: "Use meta keywords"
meta_description: "Meta description"
use_rss_description: "Use RSS description"
this_will_display: "This will display at the bottom of each post in the RSS feed"
rss_description_message: "RSS description message"
indexing: "Indexing"
do_not_index_categories: "Do not index categories"
do_not_index_tags: "Do not index tags"
robots_txt: "Robots.txt"
dofollow: "Dofollow"
use_dofollow_in_comments: "Use dofollow in comments"
canonical_url: "Canonical Url"
use_canonical_url: "Use canonical URL"
read_more_about: "Read more about %{link}"
google: "Google"
google_analytics: "Google Analytics"
google_webmaster_tools_validation_link: "Google Webmaster Tools validation link"
custom_tracking_code: "Custom tracking code"
explain: "Here you can add anything you want to appear in your application header, such as analytics service tracking code."
explain_category_index: "Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every category page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues"
explain_tag_index: "Checking this box will add <code>noindex, follow</code> meta tags in every tags page, removing them from search engines and preventing duplicate content issues"
explain_moderate_feedback: "You may want to moderate feedback when turning this on"
explain_rss_description: "You can use the following tags: %author% (author name), %blog_url% (this blog URL), %blog_name% (this blog title) and %permalink_url% (a link to the article you want to protect)"
are_you_sure: "&iquest;Est&aacute;s seguro que deseas eliminar este %{element}?"
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions config/locales/fr.yml
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,34 @@ fr:
next: "Suivant"
last: "Last"
global_settings: "Options générales"
general_settings: "Options générales"
meta_keywords: "Meta mots-clés"
use_meta_keywords: "Utiliser les meta mots-clés"
meta_description: "Meta description"
use_rss_description: "Utilisation de la description RSS"
this_will_display: "Cela affichera en bas de chacun de vos articles sur le flux RSS"
rss_description_message: "Message de description du flux RSS"
indexing: "Indexation"
do_not_index_categories: "Ne pas indexer les catégories"
do_not_index_tags: "Ne pas indexer les labels"
robots_txt: "Robots.txt"
dofollow: "Dofollow"
use_dofollow_in_comments: "Mettre les commentaires en dofollow"
canonical_url: "Canonical Url"
use_canonical_url: "Utiliser les URL canoniques"
read_more_about: "En savoir plus à propos de %{link}"
google: "Google"
google_analytics: "Google Analytics"
google_webmaster_tools_validation_link: "Lien de validation des Google Webmaster Tools."
custom_tracking_code: "Code de tracking personnalisé"
explain: "Ici, vous pouve ajouter tout ce que vous souhaitez voir apparaître dans l'en-tête de votre blog, comme le code de suivi d'un service de statistiques."
explain_category_index: "Sélectionner cette option ajoutera le métalabel <code>noindex, follow</code> dans toutes les pages de chaque categorie. Cela les enlevera des moteurs de recherches et préviendra ainsi des problèmes de contenu dupliqué."
explain_tag_index: "Sélectionner cette option ajoutera le métalabel <code>noindex, follow</code> dans toutes les pages de chaque label. Cela les enlevera des moteurs de recherches et préviendra ainsi des problèmes de contenu dupliqué."
explain_moderate_feedback: "Si vous activez cette option, peut-être devriez-vous également activer la modération des commentaires."
explain_rss_description: "You can use the following tags: %author% (author name), %blog_url% (this blog URL), %blog_name% (this blog title) and %permalink_url% (a link to the article you want to protect)"
are_you_sure: "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce %{element}"
Expand Down

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