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InsertDateTime - A Plugin for Sublime Text v2 and v3

A Sublime Text plugin to insert date time stamps.


Manual installation only, this plugin has not been submitted to Package Control.

In Brief:

ST Command:      insert_date_time

Optional Arg:    format: a date time formatting string (see below) which
                 controls which date time string should be inserted.

Settings File:   InsertDateTime.sublime-settings

Settings Fields:
                 formats: a list of date time formatting strings (see below)
                 which controls which date time strings will be displayed in
                 the overlay panel for user selection.

                 fixed_width_font: a boolean value which controls whether to
                 use a fixed width font in the overlay panel (default: true)


The date time formatting strings must be in the form used by the strftime() method of the Python DateTime class. For example "%Y-%m-%d" would give a date like 2016-06-17, while "%A %d %B %Y" would give Friday 17 June 2016.

Lists of Python date time formatting characters can be viewed here: strftime()

Note that %Z (time zone name) and %z (UTC offset) can not be used as these rely of information unavailable to a Sublime Text plugin. However the UTC offset value can be shown by the various standardized timestamps listed below.

The following standardized formatting strings may be used as the format arg or in the formats settings list:

timestamp_iso_8601:        A timestamp in the following form:
                           Used by: ISO 8601 and RFC 3339
                           This is the international and Internet standard.

timestamp_rfc_3339:        Same as: timestamp_iso_8601
                           ISO 8601, the international standard, was
                           adapted from RFC 3339 the Internet standard.

timestamp_rfc_3339_human:  A timestamp in the following form:
                           2016-05-29 16:07:59+01:00
                           Human readable form of: RFC 3339
                           Not valid under ISO 8601.

timestamp_rfc_5322:        A timestamp in the following form:
                           Sun, 29 May 2016 16:07:59 +0100
                           Used by: RFC 5321, 5322
                           This is the standard used by email.

timestamp_posix_time:      POSIX time, aka Unix or Epoch time; the
                           total number of elapsed seconds since:
                           1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00


The plugin can be launched by selecting Insert Date Time from the Command Palette or from key bindings that users must manually add by placing key bindings in their Default (OS Name).sublime-keymap file.

When the InsertDateTime plugin is run it first checks to see if the calling command included the optional format arg, if so the appropriate date time string will be inserted immediately.

If the command was not run with the format arg then the plugin will display the overlay panel with the date time strings that correspond to those set in the formats list in the settings file.

Note that the plugin works with multiple selections.

Key Bindings Examples:

Show the overlay panel with all the date time strings:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+?"], "command": "insert_date_time" },

Insert the specified date time string:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+?"], "command": "insert_date_time", "args": {"format": "%Y-%m-%d"} },

Insert the timestamp_iso_8601 date time string:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+?"], "command": "insert_date_time", "args": {"format": "timestamp_iso_8601"} },

InsertDateTime.sublime-settings Example:

The default InsertDateTime.sublime-settings has 15 different date time stamps, users can overwrite this with their own file by placing a file called InsertDateTime.sublime-settings in their ST User config folder.

Users can view the default, and edit their user file, by clicking on the preferences menu:

ST Menu --> Preferences --> Package Settings --> InsertDateTime

Here is an example InsertDateTime.sublime-settings file:

        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
        "%d %B %Y",
        "%A %d %B %Y",
    "fixed_width_font": true


This package is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).


A Sublime Text plugin to insert date time stamps.







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