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Just an exercise with Terraform and Ansible to deploy a Kafka cluster on Azure. Obviously this is not a production-grade implementation :)


Create a service principal to interact with your Azure subscription. You can have instructions here

Set the environment variables, in this way terraform will be able to automatically use them when initializing and you don't have to declare them in the provider's configuration.

$ export ARM_CLIENT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
$ export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
$ export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
$ export ARM_TENANT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Make sure you also have az cli installed on your system.

Building the infra

The code for building infrastructure is in /terraform folder.

Take a look at file and configure as you wish.

Once ready, apply the usual workflow for terraform:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Connecting to the created vms

During the execution plan an ssh keypair was generated with the local provider. You can retrieve it from the state with:

terraform show -json | \
jq -r '.values.root_module.resources[].values | select(.private_key_pem) |.private_key_pem' \
> ~/.ssh/terraform_private_key.pem

Fix its permissions:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/terraform_private_key.pem

And then if everything is ok connect to the instance:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/terraform_private_key.pem kafka-admin@public_dns_name

Note that you have to use the kafka_admin_user you declared in and the public ip address created by Terraform and outputted at the end of the plan

Use Ansible to provision the Kafka cluster

Configure the hosts.yml file in the ansible folder as you wish. You can find more detailed info on their documentation, specifcally on how to configure you hosts.yml file Take a look at my hosts.yml file for a reference if you need, but it's already pre-configured to run as it is after the deployment by terraform.

Be sure also to enable hash_merge for ansible. Quick way with export ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge

Once ready, execute a ping test to see if machines are available: ansible -i /path/to/hosts.yml all -m ping

Once ready go for it with: ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml confluent.platform.all.

Sit, wait, and your Kafka cluster will be ready in a few minutes!

Hope you found this helpful


Just an exercise with Terraform and Ansible







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