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Interfacing with the Azure ARM API

Past due by almost 9 years 0% complete

This milestone is about enabling turning a diagram into an ARM template and deploying it on Azure.

So for that to work, we need to:

1-Map each component type from the diagram into something ARM can understand
2-Provide and persist additional details required by ARM in order to deploy that diagram
3-Connecting into a real Azure subscription (that includes …

This milestone is about enabling turning a diagram into an ARM template and deploying it on Azure.

So for that to work, we need to:

1-Map each component type from the diagram into something ARM can understand
2-Provide and persist additional details required by ARM in order to deploy that diagram
3-Connecting into a real Azure subscription (that includes being able to authenticate and authorize the app in a multi-tenant fashion using an Azure AD account). Note: The website should not enforce authentication (there are scenarios for anonymous usage) but allow authentication when necessary (like deploying diagrams or saving them per user account)

In addition, we will have to create a Web API layer for this application and we should aim to make it as consistent as possible with what ARM does and use ODATA whenever possible. Also we will need a persistence layer (SQL DB?) that is modeled for multi tenancy

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