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Script Configuration

mauricelambert edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 10 revisions

Script Configuration

The configurations of scripts is presented in this file, in the WebScripts project these files return an error because the arguments section is required. For more information on configuring arguments click here (wiki).

Using a specific file

To configure a script you can use a specific file. In the main file for configuration (JSON syntax first and second with INI syntax):

    "scripts": {
        "": "config_change_my_password"

    "config_change_my_password": {
        "configuration_file": "./config/files/change_my_password.json"
[scripts]                                                # Define the configuration section ("") for script named "config_change_my_password"

configuration_file=./config/files/change_my_password.json                                      # Define script configuration in a specific file
  1. Create a scripts section
  2. Define the script name and the script section name to configure the script (
  3. Create the script section (in this example: config_change_my_password)
  4. Define the name of the specific file (configuration_file=./config/files/change_my_password.json)

The specific file content (with JSON syntax):

    "script": {
        "launcher": "python",
        "minimum_access": 50,
        "category": "My Account",
        "args": "change_my_password_args",
        "description": "This script can change your own password (for all authenticated users).",
        "command_generate_documentation": "python \"%(dirname)s/../doc/\" \"%(path)s\""
  1. Create the script section (the content is the script configuration)
  2. Add your configurations

Using the main file

  1. Create a scripts section
  2. Define the script name and the script section name
  3. Create the script section
  4. Add your configurations

JSON example:

    "scripts": {
        "": "config_delete_user"

    "config_delete_user": {
        "timeout": null,
        "access_users": [],
        "no_password": true,
        "launcher": "python",
        "access_groups": [1000],
        "content_type": "text/plain",
        "category": "Administration",
        "args": "config_delete_user_args",
        "documentation_content_type": "text/html",
        "path": "./scripts/account/",
        "documentation_file": "./doc/delete_user.html",
        "description": "This script delete user from ID.",
        "command_generate_documentation": "python \"%(dirname)s/../doc/\" \"%(path)s\""

In this configuration:

  • Admin users can access it only (group ID 1000 is a default group named Admin)
  • A user in group ID 1001 and not in group ID 1000 can't access it (group ID is the permission level)

INI example:

[scripts]                                                                            # Define the configuration section ("config_auth") for script named ""

launcher=python                                                                                # Define the launcher for this script (if script is executable this line is not necessary)
no_password=false                                                                              # If no_password is true the command line will be written to the logs
path=./scripts/account/                                                                 # Only necessary if the location of the script is not in "scripts_path"
documentation_file=./doc/auth.html                                                             # Only needed if the location of the documentation does not match the paths defined in "documentations_path"
content_type=text/plain                                                                        # Define the script output content-type (HTTP headers/javascript interpretation)
documentation_content_type=text/html                                                           # Define the documentation content-type
minimum_access=0                                                                               # If a user's group is greater than "minimum_access", the user can use this script
access_groups=0,1                                                                              # If a user's group is in "access_groups", the user can use this script
access_users=0,1,2                                                                             # If the user ID is in "access_users", the user can use this script
args=auth_args                                                                                 # The arguments are defined in section named "auth_args"
description=This script authenticates users.                                                   # Short description to help users
category=My Account                                                                            # Add a link on the index page in the "My Account" section
timeout=10                                                                                     # Timeout for process execution (in seconds)
command_generate_documentation=python "%(dirname)s/../doc/" "%(path)s"                # Command line to generate the documentation file

All users can access the authentication script, permissions are not used for this script (i add it for example). In this configuration:

  1. All users with a group greater than 0 can access this script
  2. All users in group 0 (group named Not Authenticated) or 1 (group named Unknow)
  3. Users with ID 0 (user named Not Authenticated) or ID 1 (user named Unknow) or ID 2 (user named Admin)

This configuration makes no sense because with minimum_access=0 all user can access it, (i add it for example).


  • launcher: executable to launch a script (not required and not necessary if the script is executable on Linux, on Windows the WebScripts Server search the default launcher for the file extension)
  • path: the path of the script, (absolute or relative path) (not required and not necessary if the script is in scripts_path, a server configuration) it's recommended to defined it for security reason with absolute path, hardening will report a security problem if you don't defined it with absolute path.
  • content_type: The content type of stdout (script output) should be text/plain, text/csv, text/json or text/html (not required, default is text/plain). Be careful with text/html output because you can implements XSS vulnerabilites, escape HTML scpecial characters to protect against XSS.
  • minimum_access: Define who can access it (not required) access documentation wiki
  • access_groups: Define who can access it (not required) access documentation wiki
  • access_users: Define who can access it (not required) access documentation wiki
  • args: Define the arguments section name (not required with no argument)
  • description: A short description to help users (not required)
  • category: To add a link on the index page (Web Interface), if not defined this script will be hidden in the web interface (not in API) (not required)
  • timeout: A timeout to kill the process execution of the script (not required). For security reason you should defined it, if not defined it will be reported in the hardening report.
  • documentation_file: documentation path and file name (absolute or relative path) (not required and not necessary if the documentation is in documentations_path, a server configuration)
  • documentation_content_type: The content type for documentation page (not required, default is text/html)
  • command_generate_documentation: A command to build the documentation file (not required)
  • no_password: If no_password is true the command line will be written to the logs (not required, default is false). It's important for security reason to log all commands where there is no passwords as arguments (it can be useful for investigation, forensic and incident response).
  • stderr_content_type: The content type of stderr (script erreurs) should be text/plain (not required, default is text/plain). Possible values: text/plain and text/html, for security reason you should never set the stderr_content_type to text/html.
  • print_real_time: the stdout (script output) is sent line after line (useful for long scripts and long output). Flush the stdout is necessary to use this configuration (add a few lines as in these examples wiki)

Command to generate the documentation file

You can use all attributes of script configuration in this command. Script configuration contains all attributes defined in the configuration file and the dirname attribute (the absolute path without the filename).

Syntax: %(<attribute>)s. Example: python "%(dirname)s/../doc/" "%(path)s".


  1. If minimum_access, access_groups and access_users is not defined all users can access it.
  2. If minimum_access is defined all users with a group ID and permissions greater than minimum_access can access it.
  3. If access_groups is defined all users with a group ID and permissions in access_groups can access it.
  4. If access_users is defined all users with user ID in access_users can access it.


All administrators (group ID: 1000), the users with ID 5 and 7, all groups with ID greater or equal than 1050 need to acces this script:

    "access_groups": [1000],
    "access_users": [5, 7],
    "minimum_access": 1050


  • Use absolute path for launcher.
  • Use the path configuration and use absolute path.
  • Set the no_password configuration to true if no password is in the command-line arguments.
  • Set the content_type configuration to text/plain as often as possible.
  • Never use the stderr_content_type configuration.
  • Scripts should have the timeout configuration defined

Custom script attributes

You can add your custom attributes and get it in your script. Be careful with custom attributes as they are sent to the /api/ URL. The secrets custom configuration is not sent in /api/.


In this example i add two keys (secrets is not send in WebScripts API, and web_interface_color is send in WebScripts API).

The configuration:

    "scripts": {
        "": "config_example"

    "config_example": {
        "description": "Python executable file for the example configuration",
        "secrets": {
            "key": "azerty"
        "web_interface_color": "orange"

The python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from os import environ
from json import loads
config = loads(environ["SCRIPT_CONFIG"])
key = config["secrets"].get("key")
web_interface_color = config.get("web_interface_color")