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Language: Load Statement

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Dec 6, 2015 · 3 revisions

Loading data from an external file.


  1. LOAD CSV FILENAME AS ID: Loading a comma-separated value (CSV) file, with series names as header, as a data frame object.

  2. LOAD NOHEADER CSV FILENAME AS ID: Loading a comma-separated value (CSV) file, without series names as header, as a data frame object.

  3. LOAD SESSION FROM FILENAME: Loading a previously saved session.


  • ID is the object where external data is to be loaded into
  • FILENAME is the external file containing the data to be loaded


# Set relative current working directory and load a CSV file
set rcwd data
load csv STI_2015.csv as STI

# Save the current session
save session as example_session.txt

# Load a previously saved session
load session from example05.txt

Advanced Topics

  1. Bytecodes generated are:
    • loadcsv1
    • loadcsv2
    • loadsession