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Email send event

Triggered when an Mautic sends an Email to a Contact.

Event type


Event properties

Key Type Description
email object :ref:`Email object<Email properties>`
contact object :ref:`Contact object<Contact properties>`
tokens object Key/value pairs of personalized tokens and values for the Contact.
contentHash string Identifies the unique Email content including template.
idHash string Unique to the specific Email send to the Contact.
content string The HTML sent to the Contact.
subject string The rendered subject of the Email sent to the Contact.
source array The Component that sent the Email. Key 0 is the Component and key 1 is the ID if applicable. For example, if a Campaign sent the Email, this value is ['campaign.event', 1] which means that Campaign Event ID 1 sent the Email.
headers object Key/value pairs of headers set on the Email sent to the Contact.
timestamp string Date/time the event occurred in ISO 8601 format.

Email properties

Key Type Description
id int ID of the Email
isPublished boolean Published state of the Email.
dateAdded string Date/time of Email creation in ISO 8601 format.
createdBy int|null The ID of the User who created the Email.
createdByUser string|null Name of the User that created the Email.
dateModified string|null Date/time the Email was last modified in ISO 8601 format or null if not modified.
modifiedBy int|null The ID of the User who last modified the Email or null if not modified.
modifiedByUser string|null Name of the User that last modified the Email if applicable. Otherwise null.
name string Internal name of the Email.
subject string Subject of the Email.
language string Locale for the Email content.
category object :ref:`Category object<Category properties>`
fromAddress string|null A custom from address if configured.
fromName string|null A custom from name if configured.
replyToAddress string|null A custom reply to address if configured.
useOwnerAsMailer boolean TRUE if a Contact's Owner should the Email's from address and name.
customHtml string HTML template for the Email.
plainText string|null Plain text for the Email.
template string The Mautic Theme used as the originating content.
emailType string Type of Email. Options are template and list - broadcast.
readCount int The number of opens for the Email.
sentCount int The number of sends for the Email.
revision int The number of edits for the Email.
dynamicContent object[] Array of objects that contain the Dynamic Content configured as tokens for the Email.
utmTags object Key/value pairs of UTM Tags as keys. Mautic supports the following keys: utmSource, utmMedium, utmCampaign, and utmContent. Values are strings or null.
publishUp string|null Date/time for publishing the Email in ISO 8601 format. null to consider the Email published if now is before publishDown, if applicable.
publishDown string|null Date/time for unpublishing the Email in ISO 8601 format. null to consider the Email published if now is after publishUp, if applicable.
assetAttachments array Array of :ref:`Asset objects<Asset properties>`.
variantStartDate string|null Date/time the Email started to track A/B test statistics. null if the Email isn't part of an A/B test.
variantSentCount int The number of times sent since the last edit to an A/B test Email.
variantReadCount int The number of times read since the last edit to an A/B test Email.
variantParent object|null :ref:`Email object<Email properties>`. The A test for an Email configured as an A/B test.
variantChildren array Array of :ref:`Email objects<Email properties>`. The B, C, D, and so forth tests for an Email configured as an A/B test.
translationParent object|null :ref:`Email object<Email properties>`. The main translation of an Email configured to be a translation of another.
translationChildren array Array of :ref:`Email objects<Email properties>`. The translations of an Email configured to be a translation of another.
unsubscribeForm object|null :ref:`Unsubscribe Form object<Unsubscribe Form properties>`.
lists array :ref:`Segment object<Segment properties>`.
headers array Key/value pairs of header templates configured for the Email.

Category properties

Key Type Description
id int ID of the Category
title string Title of the Category.
alias string API name of the Category.
description string Description of the Category.
color string Hex code for the configured color for the Category.
bundle string The Component or Channel the Category is applicable. Can also be global.
createdByUser string Name of the User that created the Category.
modifiedByUser string|null Name of the User who last updated the Category. Null if not modified.

Asset properties

Key Type Description
id int ID of the Asset.
title string Title of the Asset.
alias string API name of the Asset.
description string Description of the Asset.
category object :ref:`Category object<Category properties>`
revision int The number of edits of the Asset.
language string The configured locale for the Asset.
storageLocation string local if an uploaded file. remote if hosted elsewhere, with the URL is available through downloadUrl.
downloadUrl string|null The URL of the Asset if storageLocation is remote. null if stored locally.
extension string File extension for the Asset.
mime string File type for the Asset.
size int File size in bytes.
downloadCount int Total number of downloads of the Asset.
uniqueDownloadCount int Number of Contacts that has downloaded the Asset at least once.
disallow boolean TRUE if bots have access to index the Asset. FALSE otherwise. Applicable only for local Assets.

Segment properties

Key Type Description
id int ID of the Segment.
name string Name of the Segment.
publicName string Name displayed in the Preference Center if isGlobal and isPreferenceCenter are TRUE.
alias string API name of the Segment.
description string Description of the Segment.
category object :ref:`Category object<Category properties>`
createdByUser string The name of the User that created the Segment.
modifiedByUser string|null The name of the User that last modified the Segment. null if never modified.
isGlobal boolean TRUE if configured to be a Public Segment. FALSE otherwise.
isPreferenceCenter boolean TRUE if configured to display in the Preference Center for Contact Segments. FALSE otherwise.
filters array Array of :ref:`Segment filter objects<Segment filter properties>`.

Segment filter properties

Key Type Description
glue string Notes how the filter relates to the filter before it. Options are and or or. and groups the filter with the previous filters. or starts a new group.
field string The field type for the filter. For example, it could be a custom field filter such as email. Or it could be a behavioral based filter such as lead_asset_download.
object string Object the filter's data belongs to. Currently supported values are lead for Contact and company.
type string The filter's field type that corresponds with the underlying data. Current options are boolean, date, datetime, email, country, locale, number, tel, region, select, multiselect, text, textarea, time, timezone, and url.
filter mixed The value of the filter.
display mixed Value that displays in the UI for a lookup type field. For example, display may be a User's name where filter is the ID of the User.
operator string The comparison operator for the filter. Available values vary based on what the filter supports and includes =, !=, gt, gte, lt, lte, like, !like, startsWith, endsWith, contains, empty, !empty, in, !in, and regexp, !regexp.

Unsubscribe Form properties

Key Type Description
id int ID of the Form.
name string Title of the Form.
alias string API name of the Form.
description string Description of the Form.
category object :ref:`Category object<Category properties>`
createdByUser string Name of the User that created the Form.
modifiedByUser string|null Name of the User who last updated the Form. Null if not modified.
publishUp string|null Date/time for publishing the Form in ISO 8601 format. null to consider the Form published if now is before publishDown, if applicable.
publishDown string|null Date/time for unpublishing the Form in ISO 8601 format. null to consider the Form published if now is after publishUp, if applicable.
cachedHtml string Cached rendered HTML for the Form.
template string|null Custom Mautic Theme used to style the Preview page or customize Form fields. See :ref:`Customizing forms`.
formType string Applicable values are standalone or campaign.
postAction string Notes the behavior of the Form after submission. Current supported values are return, redirect, and message.
postActionProperty string|null The URL to redirect a Contact to if postAction is redirect or the message to display to the Contact if postAction is message.
inKioskMode boolean TRUE if Mautic has setting cookies for the tracked Contact turned off.
renderStyle boolean TRUE to render CSS styles from the configured template.
noIndex boolean TRUE to ask bots to not track the Form's preview pages.
formAttributes string|null HTML attributes added to the <form> tag.
fields array Array of :ref:`Unsubscribe Form field objects<Unsubscribe Form field properties>`
actions array Array of :ref:`Unsubscribe Form action objects<Unsubscribe Form action properties>`

Unsubscribe Form field properties

Key Type Description
id int ID of the Form field.
alias string API name for the Form field.
label string Label for the Form field.
showLabel boolean TRUE to display the label in the Form's HTML.
type string The Form field's type. For example, email.
defaultValue mixed Default value for the Form field.
isRequired boolean TRUE if required.
validationMessage string|null Message to display if empty when a mandatory field.
helpMessage string|null Message to display in the Form's HTML as instructions for the field.
order int Placement of the field within the order of Form fields.
properties object Mix of properties specific to the Form field's type.
labelAttributes string|null HTML attributes to append to the field's label element.
inputAttributes string|null HTML attributes to append to the field's input element.
containerAttributes string|null HTML attributes to append to the field's wrapping element.
leadField string|null The Contact custom field to persist the data to upon submit.
saveResult boolean FALSE to prevent persisting the value to the database.
isAutoFill boolean TRUE to auto fill known values from the tracked Contact's profile.

Unsubscribe Form action properties

Key Type Description
id int ID of the Form.
name string Name for the Form action.
description string Description for the Form action.
type string API name for the Form action. For example, lead.scorecontactscompanies.
order int Placement of the action within the order of execution for the Form actions.
properties object Mix of properties specific to the Form action's type.