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interpreter written for programming languages course

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Justin Lim and Elliot Mawby
Dave Musicant, CS251
Interpreter test input files readMe.txt

01 - tests letrec() by defining two recursive functions in letrec and then executes them in body. Also tests primitive arithmetics (+), (=), and (-).

02 - tests more primitive arithmetics: (*), (/), (<), (>), and (modulo). Also tests the difference between let and let*, which uses primitive (=).

03 - Demo cases from assignment example. Tests (car), (cdr), (cons), and (null?).

04 - simplified cases from previous Racket homework assignment. User defined functions first-n and nth that return the first-n and nth items of a given list. Tests (null?), (-), (=), (car), (cdr), and (cond).

Extra stuff: implemented (booleans?) primitive that tests whether input evaluates to a boolean. arithmetic primatives should evaluate to int or double based on input.


interpreter written for programming languages course




