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This command line tool helps to manage third party libraries and their licenses in .net applications.


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Command-line tool and PowerShell module help to manage third party libraries and their licenses in .net applications.

This is done by creating and managing a repository. Here is the library repository of ThirdPartyLibraries.

The tool makes a source code analyze to collect third party references in your application.

Table of Contents


  • tool can be installed on SDKs .NET 8.0, .NET 7.0, .NET 6.0
  • PowerShell module is compatible with Powershell Core 7.0+
  • supported project format: SDK-style
  • supported project references: NuGet and npm packages
  • non-supported references can me managed via custom packages

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Dotnet tool

$ dotnet tool install --global ThirdPartyLibraries.GlobalTool

or download from latest release

GitHub release

PowerShell, from gallery

PowerShell Gallery

PS> Install-Module -Name ThirdPartyLibraries

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Create or update a libraries repository

For the demo purpose you can use ThirdPartyLibraries sources.

$ git clone c:\ThirdPartyLibraries

Important: restore NuGet packages or build the solution. It is a precondition.

$ dotnet restore c:\ThirdPartyLibraries\Sources

Important: restore npm packages. It is a precondition. If you do not have npm installed, just remove the folder Sources\ThirdPartyLibraries.Npm.Demo.

$ cd c:\ThirdPartyLibraries\Sources\ThirdPartyLibraries.Npm.Demo
$ npm install

Run the the tool

$ ThirdPartyLibraries update -appName ThirdPartyLibraries -source c:\ThirdPartyLibraries\Sources -repository c:\RepositoryDemo
PS> Update-ThirdPartyLibrariesRepository -AppName ThirdPartyLibraries -Source c:\ThirdPartyLibraries\Sources -Repository c:\RepositoryDemo -InformationAction Continue

Important: if the tool stops with error

Forbidden: Forbidden
{"message":"API rate limit exceeded for [ip address]. (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)","documentation_url":""}

Most of the NuGet packages are referenced to GitHub. In order to resolve license information the tools makes a number of requests to GitHub web api, wich has the rate limit to 60 requests per hour for unauthenticated requests.

To authenticated requests please follow instruction in the section GitHub personal access token and re-start ThirdPartyLibraries update.

Commit and push c:\RepositoryDemo into GitHub or BitBucket, it helps you to easy read generated .md files and navigate, you should see a picture like this.

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Refresh or update .md files in a libraries repository

You can change templates and test your changes by running the the tool

$ ThirdPartyLibraries refresh -appName ThirdPartyLibraries -repository c:\RepositoryDemo

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Validate a libraries repository

To validate sources against a library repository run the tool

$ ThirdPartyLibraries validate -appName ThirdPartyLibraries -source c:\ThirdPartyLibraries\Sources -repository c:\RepositoryDemo
PS> Test-ThirdPartyLibrariesRepository -AppName ThirdPartyLibraries -Source c:\ThirdPartyLibraries\Sources -Repository c:\RepositoryDemo -InformationAction Continue

The tool reports to the current output about any inconsistency between sources and repository or if TODO list in the repository is not empty, for example

Error: Following libraries are not approved:
   Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.2 from
   NUnit 3.12.0 from

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Generate ThirdPartyNotices.txt out of a libraries repository

$ ThirdPartyLibraries generate -appName ThirdPartyLibraries -repository c:\RepositoryDemo -to c:\notices
PS> Publish-ThirdPartyNotices -AppName ThirdPartyLibraries -Repository c:\RepositoryDemo -InformationAction Continue

DotLiquid template for ThirdPartyNotices.txt is configuration/third-party-notices-template.txt, context is ThirdPartyNoticesContext.cs

third-party-notices-template.txt will be created after the first run ThirdPartyLibraries generate.

The template configuration/third-party-notices-template.txt is used by default and it can be replaced from the command line. For example, the following command creates packages.csv file with a packages list:

$ ThirdPartyLibraries generate -appName ThirdPartyLibraries -repository c:\RepositoryDemo -to c:\notices -toFileName packages.csv -template c:\RepositoryDemo\Examples\export-to-csv\export-template.txt
PS> Publish-ThirdPartyNotices -AppName ThirdPartyLibraries -Repository c:\RepositoryDemo -ToFileName packages.csv -Template c:\RepositoryDemo\Examples\export-to-csv\export-template.txt -InformationAction Continue

Other examples third-party-notices-template are here.

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The configuration file appsettings.json is located in the repository configuration folder

  "": {
    "allowToUseLocalCache": true,
    "downloadPackageIntoRepository": false,
    "ignorePackages": {
      "byName": [],
      "byProjectName": [] 
    "internalPackages": {
      "byName": [ "StyleCop\\.Analyzers" ],
      "byProjectName": [ "\\.Test$" ]
  "": {
    "downloadPackageIntoRepository": false,
    "ignorePackages": {
      "byName": [],
      "byFolderName": []
  "": {
    "personalAccessToken": ""
  "staticLicenseUrls": {
    "byCode": [
        "code": "ms-net-library",
        "fullName": "MICROSOFT .NET LIBRARY",
        "downloadUrl": ""
    "byUrl": [
        "code": "Apache-2.0",
        "urls": [
  "skipCertificateCheck": {
    "byHost": [ "localhost" ],
    "logRequest": true


  • allowToUseLocalCache: true or false (default) flag to allow get a package metadata from NuGet local disk cache|
  • downloadPackageIntoRepository: true or false (default) flag to download package into a repository
  • ignorePackages/byName: regex expressions array. Ignore all packages by name
  • ignorePackages/byProjectName: regex expressions array. Ignore all packages by project name
  • internalPackages/byName: regex expressions array. Mark all packages by name as InternalOnly=true
  • internalPackages/byProjectName: regex expressions array. Mark all packages by project name as InternalOnly=true


  • downloadPackageIntoRepository: true or false (default) flag to download package into a repository
  • ignorePackages/byName: regex expressions array. Ignore all packages by name
  • ignorePackages/byFolderName: regex expressions array. Ignore all packages by folder name



setup well-know licenses

  • byCode: array of well-know codes with a link to license url
  • byUrl: array of well-know license urls


  • byHost: regex expressions array. Ignore server certificate validation for specific hosts
  • logRequest: true or false (default) flag to log any HTTP request

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GitHub personal access token

Most of the NuGet packages are referenced to GitHub. In order to resolve license information the tools makes a number of requests to GitHub web api.

Api has the rate limit to 60 requests per hour for unauthenticated requests.

To authenticate requests

  1. Create personal access token, details are here

for the token leave all scopes and permissions blank

  1. Run the tool with the token

Options how to pass token to the tool

$ dotnet user-secrets set --id c903410c-3d05-49fe-bc8b-b95a2f4dfc69 "" "token"
  • pass the value via environment variable
$ ThirdPartyLibraries update ...
  • pass the value via command line
$ ThirdPartyLibraries update ... token

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Manage licenses

Each license is located in the sub-folder licenses/[code] where [code] is license code in lowercase. For instance license/mit.

File index.json contains a metadata for the tool:

  "Code": "MIT",
  "FullName": "MIT License",
  "RequiresApproval": true,
  "RequiresThirdPartyNotices": false,
  "HRef": "",
  "FileName": "license.txt",
  "Dependencies": []
Attribute Description
Code license code, for some web api is case sensitive
FullName full license name, is used to generate third party notices
RequiresApproval true (default) or false flag to indicate the package can be marked by the tool as AutomaticallyApproved
RequiresThirdPartyNotices true or false (default) flag to indicate the package must contain extra text in ThirdPartyNotices.txt
HRef public link to the license information, is used to generate third party notices
FileName name of the file in this folder with a copy of the license text, is used to generate third party notices
Dependencies array of license codes, to copy license file, is used to generate third party notices

Such license information can be created either automatically by the tool or manually. Once created, the folder becomes read-only for the tool.

Please feel free to tailor the content according to your needs. Only 2 restrictions:

  • index.json structure cannot be changed
  • the folder name licenses/[code] in lowercase and index.json/Code

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Manage NuGet packages

Each package from is located in the sub-folder packages/[id]/[version] where [id] is a package id and [version] is a package version in lowercase. For instance newtonsoft.json/12.0.3.

File index.json contains a metadata for the tool:

  "License": {
    "Code": "MIT",
    "Status": "HasToBeApproved | Approved | AutomaticallyApproved"
  "UsedBy": [
      "Name": "ThirdPartyLibraries",
      "InternalOnly": false,
      // ...
  "Licenses": [
      // ...
Attribute Description Is read-only for the tool
License/Code license code is one of the licenses from folder license or null if license cannot be resolved yes if value is not null
License/Status acceptance status of this package. HasToBeApproved (TODO), Approved (can be set only manually), AutomaticallyApproved (assigned by the tool according to the license code and license/RequiresApproval) if value is Approved
UsedBy/Name a name of application references this package, see $ ThirdPartyLibraries update -appName ThirdPartyLibraries no, is always updated according to a configuration
UsedBy/InternalOnly true or false (default) flag to indicate is this package is a part of third party notices, see $ ThirdPartyLibraries generate -appName ThirdPartyLibraries no, is always updated according to a configuration
Licenses/... section with a list of license from package.nuspec yes if License/Code is not null
  • file package.nuspec is a NuGet package specification. Once created, is read-only for the tool.
  • file package.nupkg is a NuGet package, see configuration Once created, is read-only for the tool.
  • file is always generated by the tool.
  • file is read-only for the tool and contains a content of Remarks section for
  • file third-party-notices.txt is read-only for the tool and contains a extra text for third party notices.

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Manage npm packages

Each package from is located in the sub-folder packages/[name]/[version] where [name] is a package name and [version] is a package version in lowercase. For instance bootstrap/4.4.1.

File index.json contains a metadata for the tool:

  "License": {
    "Code": "MIT",
    "Status": "HasToBeApproved | Approved | AutomaticallyApproved"
  "UsedBy": [
      "Name": "ThirdPartyLibraries",
      "InternalOnly": false,
      // ...
  "Licenses": [
      // ...
Attribute Description Is read-only for the tool
License/Code license code is one of the licenses from folder license or null if license cannot be resolved yes if value is not null
License/Status acceptance status of this package. HasToBeApproved (TODO), Approved (can be set only manually), AutomaticallyApproved (assigned by the tool according to the license code and license/RequiresApproval) if value is Approved
UsedBy/Name a name of application references this package, see $ ThirdPartyLibraries update -appName ThirdPartyLibraries no, is always updated according to a configuration
UsedBy/InternalOnly true or false (default) flag to indicate is this package is a part of third party notices, see $ ThirdPartyLibraries generate -appName ThirdPartyLibraries no, is always updated according to a configuration
Licenses/... section with a list of license from package.json yes if License/Code is not null
  • file package.json is a npm package specification. Once created, is read-only for the tool.
  • file package.tgz is a npm package, see configuration Once created, is read-only for the tool.
  • file is always generated by the tool.
  • file is read-only for the tool and contains a content of Remarks section for
  • file third-party-notices.txt is read-only for the tool and contains a extra text for third party notices.

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Manage custom packages

Each custom package is located in the sub-folder packages/custom/[name]/[version] where [name] is a package name and [version] is a package version in lowercase. For instance FAMFAMFAM/1.3.

Any custom package has to be created manually. The folder is read-only for the tool.

File index.json contains a metadata for the tool:

  "Name": "FAMFAMFAM",
  "Version": "1.3",
  "LicenseCode": "CC-BY-2.5 OR CC-BY-3.0",
  "HRef": "",
  "Author": "Mark James",
  "Copyright": "Copyright (c) Mark James",
  "UsedBy": [
      "Name": "ThirdPartyLibraries",
      "InternalOnly": false
Attribute Description
Name package name
Version package version
LicenseCode license code is one of the licenses from folder license or null if license cannot be resolved
HRef any public link to the package information, is used to generate third party notices
Author package author(s), is used to generate third party notices
Copyright copyright(s), is used to generate third party notices
UsedBy/Name a name of application references this package
UsedBy/InternalOnly true or false flag to indicate is this package is a part of third party notices, see $ ThirdPartyLibraries generate -appName ThirdPartyLibraries
  • file third-party-notices.txt is read-only for the tool and contains a extra text for third party notices.

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This tool is distributed under the MIT license.

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