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Plugin For Cakephp

Q. What is ConfigAdmin Plug-in?
A: ConfigAdmin Pulgin is management of custom configuration file.
We created this plugin on top of available functionality in cakephp 2.1
To use this plugin you must have cakephp version 2.1+

Q. Why to use ConfigAdmin?
A: It gives ability to end-user to modify key-value pairs in configuration file through simple UI design.

Q. How to use ConfigAdmin?
A: Follow the steps :
1. Download plugin from
2. Copy / Paste ~/plugin/ConfigAdmin folder to your app/Plugin folder.
3. Copy / Paste config_admin_codes.php file into app/Config folder.
4. That’s it now you can test it. http://your-project-name/config_admin/settings
If you are testing it on localhost then - Ex. localhost/your_project/config_admin/settings
5. Now you can use config_admin_codes.php file by loading it in your controller to set it in view.
6. Load config_admin_codes at the top of controller. Read it in any of action wherever you want to use configuration file.


        App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
        Configure::load('config_admin_codes');  //Loding config file
        class ContactsController extends AppController {
        	public function index() {
                $this->Contact->recursive = 0;
                $this->set('contacts', $this->paginate());

                $codes=Configure::read('config_admin_codes'); //Reading config file
                $this->set($codes);  //setting config values to view

For more detailed example please download our demo.(Under Construction...)


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