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Fisherman: A Discord command router, inspired by expressjs | Discord.js library base


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Fisherman - Discord.js

npm install --save fisherman-discord.js

Copyright © 2017, Simon Sassi

What is Fisherman


a lightweight, fast, and powerful discord command router written in javascript standard style and inspired by expressjs

Fisherman features :

  • Use native RegExp to match with the prefixe(s)

  • Powerful middleware/plugin chain using fastfall

  • Entirely written in javascript language style

  • FisherCodes (status handling) events, same as http codes handling

  • Request/Response/Router prototypes can be edited from everywhere

  • Bunch of middlewares, like bot typing, embed compatibility, command loader

  • Documentation with a tutorial

  • Inspired by expressjs and klein, express command creation style with request/response statements (see example below), to be simple

  • Promised commands, custom pattern matching with patternCallback option etc...

var bot = new fisherMan.Fisherman({ prefixes: ['fish!'] }) // creating a client, with the prefixe "fish!"
bot.use(middleware) // appending a middleware/plugin to fisherman
var register = bot.createRegister('test', 'test') //creating a register named "test"
register.textCommand('test', null, function (req, res) { // registering a new command, named "test"
//This command will be trigerred by "fish!test". It is only available in a text channel.
  res.send(`Command infos:\nName: ${}\nRegister name: \`${}\`\nTotal command count in the fisherman client: ${req.client.commands.size}`, { embed: { description: 'This request was made through the fishman project' } })
register.textCommand('ping', null, function (req, res) { //registering a new command named "ping"
  var current =
  res.send('Pinging......').then((message) => {
    message.edit(( - current) + 'ms')
bot.init('_token_') //logging in with the token
bot.on('fisherCode', function (router, code, err) { //displaying the fishercodes trigerred
  router.response.send('fisherCode ' + code + '\nError message: ' + err.message)


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Documentation link

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Middleware list

The middleware list is available here