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The Classroom Continuous Build Butler

A continuous build server designed for the classroom. Uses the Amazon Simple Workflow Service to manage asynchronous builds. Results are stored in the filesystem.

Git Repositories

Student repositories must be organized in the config.student.repos directory under <kind>/<proj>/<users>.git. In each repository, hooks/post-receive should copy or symlink Didit's hooks/post-receive script.

The staff repository at config.staff.repo must store build materials in the config.staff.base directory, under <kind>/<proj>/grading.


Install VirtualBox and Vagrant.

vagrant up should download, configure, and provision the VM. Use vagrant ssh to log in. The /vagrant directory gives the VM read/write access to the project.

Fill in config/aws.json with AWS authentication keys.

Fill in config/development.js with development settings.

In /vagrant...

  • node src/web: start the web front-end and build workflow decider
  • node src/worker: start a build worker
  • node src/builder <kind> <proj> <users> <rev>: run a build manually

In a student repository, simulate a push:

echo <oldrev> <newrev> refs/heads/master | GIT_DIR=. hooks/post-receive

<oldrev> can be 0000000, or use e.g.:

echo `git rev-parse HEAD^1 HEAD` refs/heads/master | GIT_DIR=. hooks/post-receive

To use AFS:

  • Install packages: sudo apt-get install krb5-user openafs-client openafs-krb5 module-assistant (for Athena: realm ATHENA.MIT.EDU, cell
  • And the kernel module: sudo m-a prepare, sudo m-a auto-install openafs, sudo modprobe openafs, sudo service openafs-client restart
  • Then kinit <username>@<REALM> and aklog


Didit relies on:

  • AWS Simple Workflow Service to drive the build workflow. A workflow domain must be configured in the SWF console before running Didit.
  • AWS Simple Email Service (optionally) to send emails. The sender DNS domain must be verified in the SES console before sending email.


To build virtual machine images, install Packer. On OS X, use brew install homebrew/binary/packer.

Fill in setup/packer.conf.json.

Run bin/pack <rev> [opts] to build images using Packer:

  • If <rev> is --working, working-copy versions of tracked files will be packed
  • Use -only=openstack or similar to build only certain images

To manage OpenStack instances, install the OpenStack CLI. In the Vagrant VM, use apt-get install python-pip, pip install python-novaclient python-cinderclient. Then use bin/openstack to run commands with credentials.

The script automates common operations, including launch to start a new instance.

After starting a new instance, use bin/productionize to copy configuration files from prod:

  • Use production.js
  • For a web front-end, use a production SSL certificate
  • On AFS, use a production Kerberos keytab didit.keytab (in CSAIL, obtain an AFS user and keytab from TIG)

On an instance, in /var/didit...

  • bin/daemon start src/web (or src/worker)
  • bin/daemon stop

See src/monitor.js for a simple monitoring app designed for use on Heroku to send alerts via SES:

  • Create an application and add the Heroku Scheduler add-on
  • Set configuration variables:
    • DIDIT = https://.../
    • SENDER = alert-no-reply@...
    • RECIPIENT will receive alert emails
  • Then create a scheduled job with the command node src/monitor
