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A simple and lightweight PHP gallery, without any dependencies.


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A simple and lightweight PHP gallery, without any dependencies. A demo can be found at

  • this should run on any modern off-the-mill shared hosting environment that supports at least PHP 8.0
  • there is no database, the content is just a flat file system on the server
  • the folder structure can be independent of the URL structure
  • this works without JavaScript (but with it enabled, image navigation gets a bit faster)
  • gallery options are stored in .txt files, which makes it easy to port the content to another system
  • images are automatically resized to the best resolution for the current viewport size, and are served in modern formats (webp, avif) if possible; resized images are cached on the server, so they don't need to be regenerated every time
  • galleries can be hidden, password protected, and/or only accessible via a secret link
  • lightmode & darkmode
  • released under the GPL 3 license; see for details

This is an early version, there may still be bugs.


Screenshot of the overview page

Screenshot of the image detail page


This should run on any modern off-the-mill shared hosting environment. If something does not work, make sure the hosting environment meets at least these requirements:

  • PHP 8.0 or higher
  • write access to the folder where this is installed
  • .htaccess with mod_rewrite support
  • php-mbstring
  • php-gd
  • simplexml, if you want to sort by a .BridgeSort file



Download the latest release .zip file, extract it, upload it to a folder on your webserver and open the URL to this folder in a browser. Missing files and folders will be automatically created.

via git

cd into the directory you want to use, then call

git clone ./

(this will use the main branch, which should always contain the latest release) Then open the URL pointing to this directory in a browser. All the missing files and folders will be automatically created.


In the root directory, there should be a content/ folder (if it does not exist, open the URL in a browser). In this content/ folder you can add subfolders for your galleries. You can also organize them in additional subfolders, like content/2023/gallery-name/. In each gallery folder, create a new text file called gallery.txt. This file is needed to detect this folder as a gallery, you can also add some additional information to this file:

title: my cool gallery
slug: my-cool-gallery
description: this was a very nice and sunny day, and I took some pictures.
hidden: true
thumbnail: image-01.jpg
download_image: true
download_gallery: true
image_sort_order: filename

If you ommit the title or slug, it gets automatically generated based on the folder name. The slug should only consist of URL safe charactes; use only a-z, 0-9 and -_ to be safe.

Add .jpg (or .jpeg, .png, .webp, avif or gif) files into the gallery folder, the images get detected automatically. (For supported extensions see the image_extensions option in system/config.php; GIF files will lose their animation)

The image_sort_order sets the sort order for images in a gallery and can be set via custom/config.php or on a per-gallery-basis via the gallery.txt file. The available sort orders are filename, filedate (file modification date), exifdate (date recorded in the exif metadata if available, or file modification date otherwise), bridge (sort by a .BridgeSort file, created by Adobe Bridge) or random (sort randomly on every visit). This option gets inherited from the parent gallery.

The download_image option activates (or deactivates) the download-link for individual images. The download_gallery option activates (or deactivates) the download-link for all images as a .zip-file. This option can be set via the custom/config.php or on a per-gallery-basis in the gallery.txt file. Both options get inherited from the parent gallery.

Up to about 1000 images per gallery should work okay without an impact on loading times (depending on your server configuration). The more images, the slower the page loads get, and the more space is needed for cached preview images.


Galleries can also have sub-galleries. Just create a sub-folder with its own gallery.txt file. Sub-Galleries are listed before images. There is always a root gallery, that does not need (but can have) a gallery.txt file. If you want to add settings to the root gallery, create a content/gallery.txt file.

The gallery_sort_order option sets the order for (sub-)galleries and can be set via custom/config.php or on a per-gallery-basis for sub-galleries via the gallery.txt file. The available sort orders are title, slug, foldername (the name of the folder on the disk) or order (a config option order: that can be set via the gallery.txt file of the sub-galleries). This option gets inherited from the parent gallery.

If you want to set a thumbnail to use an image from a sub-gallery, us the slug as a path. This could for example look like this:

thumbnail: sub-gallery/sub-sub-gallery/image-05.jpg

Hidden Galleries

Setting hidden: true will hide this gallery from the index page. The gallery can still be accessed via the URL. (You can also completely disable the index page by setting 'allow_overview' => false in the custom/config.php, see 'Customization' below)

Secret Galleries

Setting secret: to a string will hide the thumbnail of this gallery from the index and also disables the URL of this gallery. You can access it only if you append the secret string to the URL. After you visited the secret link, the thumbnail will be visible in the overview (or parent gallery). The secret string needs to be URI-compatible, so it should only consist of a-z, 0-9 and -_, for example secret: abc123. To access the gallery, you need to append ?secret={string} (for example ?secret=abc123) to the URL of the gallery. This secret will then be saved in the browser session, and as long as the session is active (until you close the browser window), you can access the URL of this gallery. Sub-galleries will automatically inherit this secret (or can have their own secret). Sub-galleries get unlocked automatically with their parent gallery, if they inherit the secret.

Password Protected Galleries

Setting password: to a hashed password string will hide the thumbnail of this gallery from the index and also add a password login form to the URL of this gallery. You can only view the gallery if you provide the correct password. To generate a hashed password string, visit the /admin/create-hash endpoint of your installation (for example, There you can enter a password and get the corresponding hashed string, which you can copy into your gallery.txt file. Sub-galleries will automatically inherit this password (or can have their own password). Sub-galleries get unlocked automatically with their parent gallery, if they inherit the password. When you entered the correct password, a 'lock gallery' link will appear at the top left of the gallery, so you can log out again.


Create a custom/config.php file, with your custom options:

return [
	'site_title' => 'My Very Own Site Title',
	'allow_overview' => true,
	// all config options are listed in 'system/config.php'

these options will overwrite the default options. You can see a list of all available options in system/config.php, including their default values.


By default, the home page / index will display all galleries that are public.

To hide a gallery from the index, add hidden: true to the gallery.txt file. To disable the index completely, add 'allow_overview' => false to the custom/config.php.

To add a description to the index page, you can use the root gallery. Add a content/gallery.txt with a line description: my description inside.


Create a folder called custom/snippets/, copy files from system/site/snippets/ into this folder and edit them. They will be loaded instead of the equivalent file inside the system/site/snippets/ folder. Create a folder called custom/templates/, copy files from system/site/templates/ into this folder and edit them. They will be loaded instead of their equivalent.

Custom CSS

Create a folder called custom/assets/css/ and add .css files into this folder. The css files will get loaded automatically, after the system css files. If you want to disable the system css files, you can add 'system_css' => false to the custom/config.php.

Custom JavaScript

Create a folder called custom/assets/js/ and add .js files into this folder. The js files will get loaded automatically (but async, so they may get executed before or after the systems JavaScript). If you want to disable the system js files, you can add 'system_js' => false to the custom/config.php.

Image Caching

All thumbnails and images will be resized on view. The resized images will be automatically cached inside the cache/ subfolder. Old cached files will be cleared out automatically after about 30 days. You can disable the cache to save space (at the cost of loading time) via the config option 'cache_disabled' => true or change the lifetime of cache files (in seconds) via the config option cache_lifetime. If possible, the cache should never be disabled.

Modern image formats (WEBP/AVIF)

WEBP and AVIF support are enabled by default. You can disable them by adding 'webp_enabled' => false and 'avif_enabled' => false to the custom/config.php.

There is still an additional step, that checks if your server environment supports WEBP or AVIF. For AVIF, you need at least PHP 8.1, GD compiled with AVIF support and libavif v.0.8.2 or higher.

Admin Area

The admin area lists all available galleries, even secret and hidden ones, and even if the website index is disabled.

The admin area is disabled by default. To enable it, add 'admin_area' => '{password-hash}' to the custom/config.php, where {password-hash} is a hashed password. To create this password hash, open /admin/create-hash on your website (for example,

After adding this config option, the admin area is available at the /admin path of your website.



Make a backup of the content/ and custom/ folders, then delete the content of the cache/ folder as well as the complete system/ folder and all the files in the root directory (index.php,,, .htaccess and .gitignore). Then download the latest release .zip file, extract it and upload everything. (But make sure to not overwrite the content/ and custom folders!)

via git

cd into the directory you want to use, then call

git pull

this should update (and checkout) the main branch to the latest release. Make sure to read the release notes in system/changelog.txt, because you may need to manually delete a file or folder.