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Maxime edited this page Aug 29, 2023 · 61 revisions

In order to have the best experience and performance with this tool, make sure to use the latest version.

Version 1.13.0

  • Correction of a possible index error when changing tabs.
  • Fixed errors with the MetaMask full-screen extension: the extension has been modified to force popups to open as a tab.
    Changes made: assets/MetaMask.crx -> background-0.js and common-0.js.
  • Browser selection option removed: ChromeDriver is selected by default.
    • GeckoDriver no longer works (XPATH).
    • Custom Google Chrome profile is too experimental.
  • The Yolov5x6 solver option has been removed: the new reCAPTCHAs make this option obsolete.

Version 1.12.21

  • Fixed errors with Chrome v116+.

Version 1.12.20

  • Fixed an error with the automatic download of the webdriver (Chrome v115+).

Version 1.12.19

  • Fixed errors with durations.

Version 1.12.18

  • Fixed an error preventing to connect to OpenSea (Access denied).
  • Replaced the default webdriver by the undetected_chromedriver.

Version 1.12.17

  • Fixed an error preventing to connect to OpenSea.

Version 1.12.16

  • Fixed an error that prevented checking if the NFT was listed or not.
  • Fixed an error that prevented to confirm the adding of properties, levels and stats.

Version 1.12.15

  • Added headless mode compatibility on new versions of Chrome.
  • The tool now checks the version of Chrome.

Version 1.12.14

  • Fixed errors with Timed Auctions.
  • Fixed an error with the specific buyer.

Version 1.12.13

  • Fixed a counter error that prevented from trying a second time if the connection to MetaMask failed.
  • Fixed XPATH errors with the Timed Auction.

Version 1.12.12

  • Fixed a problem preventing the detection of 404 error pages.
  • Drastic improvement when uploading, the tool now waits for the loading icon to disappear before waiting for the URL to change.
  • Images are now displayed for reCAPTCHA solvers, except for the bypass. This allows to use the manual solution.

Version 1.12.11

  • Fixed connection errors with the GeckoDriver.
  • Fixed errors with the specific duration with the GeckoDriver.
  • Images are now disabled on the GeckoDriver.
  • Join me on Telegram here!

Version 1.12.10

  • Fixed the token selection issue.
  • Fixed the listing signature error on Polygon.
  • Improved connection to OpenSea.

Version 1.12.9

  • Fixed OpenSea connection errors due to bear market problems. #386
  • Fixed an issue when switching blockchain to Polygon. #387

Version 1.12.8

  • Fixed errors with the specific duration.

Version 1.12.7

  • Fixed errors with the specific duration.

Version 1.12.6

  • Improved the execution speed of the bot by disabling the loading of writing fonts and some third-parties (for example, Cloudflare, which may prevent the page from blocking the bot at certain times).
  • Added headless mode for Google Chrome when credentials are entered in the command prompt.

Version 1.12.5

  • Fixed an issue with the Sale Only displaying NFT is already listed.. #381

Version 1.12.4

  • Fixed problems with properties, levels and stats. #381

Version 1.12.3

  • Fixed problems with the specific time on sale.
  • Reduction of the text detection time for the floor price.

Version 1.12.2

  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect text color selector for the floor price.

Version 1.12.1

  • Fixed an error with the button to create an NFT that was inaccessible.

Version 1.12.0

  • It now restarts every 12 hours to handle the contract signature.
  • Improved system to switch between Polygon and Ethereum, and vice versa.
  • Fixed a problem when selecting the blockchain.
  • The wallet selection option has been removed, it is possible to re-enable it manually
    Coinbase Wallet is not and will not be maintained anymore.
  • Added timed auctions for the Polygon blockchain. #371
  • Added the selection of tokens when putting them on sale. #371
  • Changed the structure of the metadata files to support the token change, the old format is still compatible.
  • Correction of the infinite loop in case of 404 page error. #372

Version 1.11.0

  • Modification of the system which reduces memory usage.
  • Added new checkers for the collection URL to avoid errors when its value is slightly incorrect.
  • Images are now disabled in processes to improve speed.

Version 1.10.9

  • Added a conversion from 1 week to 7 days.
  • Correction of an error when the reserve price is equal to '' (default value when there is no reserve price).

Version 1.10.8

  • Fixed an issue in the console when using the custom Google Chrome profile.
  • Added a setting to disable the GPU on Google Chrome (problems occurred with the virtual machine when it was enabled)..

Version 1.10.7

  • It now automatically changes the working directory to avoid problems.
  • When you browse a data file, the File Explorer window is now in the foreground.

Version 1.10.6

  • Fixed an issue with supply when uploading in a collection.

Version 1.10.5

  • Increased the speed of the bot by easing the memory only once in 10 times.

Version 1.10.4

  • Added support for transferring the reCAPTCHA Bypasser class instance from the Multiprocessing tool.

Version 1.10.3

  • Removed the collection() function to search for a collection in the dropdown list. The collection can be accessed from the URL.

Version 1.10.2

  • The input of the collection is now deleted before typing the name of the collection.

Version 1.10.1

  • Fixed a problem with the webdriver path on MacOS and Linux when it was impossible to download it automatically.
  • It is now possible to choose a starting value in your metadata file, this avoids using the file.

Version 1.10.0

  • Fixed the bug about a lack of memory that made the bot stop after a certain number of uploads or listings.
    The error was due to the bot being too fast, which prevented the memory from being emptied.
    From now on, the bot waits between 2 and 5 seconds on a blank data:, page, so that the memory rests and decreases drastically.
    Moreover, this may improve the listing on the Ethereum blockchain since it is limited.

Version 1.9.8

  • Changed some functions called on upload or listing failure to put them in a try/except to avoid exceptions.
    Feedback is needed.
  • Remove the try/except in the process() function.

Version 1.9.7

  • Fixed an issue with the automatic saving of properties, levels and stats when an upload fails.
  • Added a try/except in the process() function to avoid abrupt stops.

Version 1.9.6

  • Listing now works perfectly on Ethereum. The only case of failure is the Failed to fetch error that sometimes appears.
    In this case, it will retry until the item is listed.

Version 1.9.5

  • Added an exception to not stop the bot when it fails to save the metadata in a file.
  • Attempt to improve the listing on Ethereum between errors.

Version 1.9.4

  • Added a function that checks if the NFT is already listed or not for the Sale Only.

Version 1.9.3

  • Fixed the value checker for the different duration format.

Version 1.9.2

  • Replaced Keys.ENTER by Keys.RETURN to make the toggle button switchable on MacOS.
  • Added a value checker for the date due to the different format of OpenSea (DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY).

Version 1.9.1

  • Fixed the clear_text() method for Linux systems.

Version 1.9.0

  • You can now use this bot with your own Google Chrome profile, without the need to import your wallet. It only requires your password.
  • Changing the way credentials are stored from different files into a single JSON file.

Version 1.8.4

  • Fixed the private key import on the GeckoDriver.
  • Fixed the Ethereum contract signature on the ChromeDriver.
  • Fixed the login to MetaMask on the GeckoDriver.
  • Improved the login to MetaMask on the ChromeDriver.

Version 1.8.3

  • Fixed an error with SLL when checking for the bot version.

Version 1.8.2

  • Fixed properties, levels and stats when saving the file automatically.
  • Correction of the file.

Version 1.8.1

  • Added a feature to check if a red error message is displayed at the bottom right of the screen during listing.
  • You can now choose the number of failures allowed by the bot (edit the app/utils/ file).
  • Fixed wrong path when trying to access assets/geckodriver.exe when it can't download it automatically.

Version 1.8.0

  • Add a version check at the beginning of the bot.

Version 1.7.19

  • Generated metadata files are now saved in a JSON format.
  • Metadata files generated from an "Upload and Sale" used for an "Upload only" are now fully completed.
  • Fixed incomplete generated file for "Sale only".
  • Improved the detection of listed NFTs. #319.
  • Removed the 404 page error check for the upload that causes a duplicate upload. #319.

Version 1.7.18

  • Fixed switching and signing on Polygon.
  • Fixed bot stopping when it tried to check a 404 page error on a MetaMask popup.
  • Added the path of extensions when it raises an error when it can't find them.

Version 1.7.17

  • Re-add the account change with the private key.
  • Metadata files no longer appear with the full path.

Version 1.7.16

  • Fixed the duration problem with the ["DD-MM-YYYY", "DD-MM-YYYY"] format.
  • Created a specific function for the 404 page error.
  • Fixed the problem of the switch to Polygon, the click on the button "Switch" is no longer necessary.

Version 1.7.15

  • Added detection for the "This page is lost" and "Oops! Something went wrong" messages.

Version 1.7.14

  • Fixed the problem when the Webdriver-Manager module could not download a webdriver and created an infinite loop because of a missing function return.
  • Added the display of an error when something goes wrong when starting the webdriver.
  • Added a file to order your file according to the name of your NFTs, this is useful when you want to complete your file with the Generic File Maker.

Version 1.7.13

  • Fixed a problem when no collection is mentioned in the metadata file and a default collection is used on OpenSea. The upload was leading to an error.
  • Added a file to split your metadata file when you want to restart the process after stopping it.

Version 1.7.12

  • Fixed the listing problems. #300.

Version 1.7.11

  • Fixed the "Sale Only" problem. #300.
  • Replaced the change of account with the private key by the name of the account.

Version 1.7.10

  • Added line break support for description (add a \n to break the line).
  • Minor fixes.
  • Added support with the new version of the Multiprocessing tool.

Version 1.7.9

  • Minor corrections for the contract signature on MetaMask.
  • Fixed an error that sometimes occurred when the collection is not mentioned.

Version 1.7.8

  • Correction of the listing on Polygon when the option "Upload and Sale" is selected.

Version 1.7.7

  • You can now choose whether you want to configure your wallet manually or not.
  • Minor changes.

Version 1.7.6

  • Fixed failure of the contract signature on Polygon blockchain. #288.

Version 1.7.5

  • Added support for the OpenSea Deletion tool.
  • Minor fixes about the listing part.

Version 1.7.4

  • Correction of the listing in loop after a failure.
  • Correction of an incorrect file for the generated listing file.
  • Minor corrections and modifications.

Version 1.7.3

Version 1.7.2

  • Modification of the file to make it more compatible with the new future tools.
  • Fixed list index out of range error with unlockable content.

Version 1.7.1

  • Fixed the several issues with the Coinbase Wallet. #278.

Version 1.7.0

  • Split the file into different structures to make the bot more modular and compatible with future tools.
  • Fixed the problem of connecting to OpenSea which opens a tab to download MetaMask.

Version 1.6.14

  • Fixed the problem of the URL with the "Sale only".
  • Minor fixes.

Version 1.6.13

  • Improved manual resolution for reCAPTCHA. #264.
  • Fixed some issues with blockchain change. #262.
  • Minor fixes.

Version 1.6.12

  • Added support for blockchain switching on MetaMask (need feedback - may not work with Coinbase Wallet). #262.
  • Fixed list index out of range error with reCAPTCHA solver using CUDA. #263.
  • Removed unnecessary printouts used during development.
  • Minor corrections for sale part.

Version 1.6.11

  • Fixed the problem with the collection. #258.
  • Fixed 2Captcha callback function. #259.
  • Fixed the problem with downloading the pre-trained file (urllib.error.URLError: urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate) by changing the download method.

Version 1.6.10

  • Fixed restarting the upload or sale when it fails the first time. #253.
  • Minor correction concerning the connection to OpenSea: the bot made the browser restart instead of trying a second time.

Version 1.6.9

  • Added a new feature for collections. You can now use the URL format of your collection. This can solve the problem of collections not being found or clicked in the list.
    From Crypto Parrot NFTs to crypto-parrot-nfts, depending on the URL of your collection:
  • Minor fixes about version 1.6.9.

Version 1.6.8

  • Added support for the 2Captcha API. #239.
  • Minor fixes.

Version 1.6.7

  • Improved MetaMask wallet switching, you can use the default account by skipping this step.
  • Fixed the gateway problem. #249.

Version 1.6.6

Version 1.6.5

  • Merge the and files.
  • Dissociation of the requirements files, one for the bot and one for the reCAPTCHA solver.

Version 1.6.4

  • The bot did not go to the sale page after the sequence of a failure and a success. #225.

Version 1.6.3

Version 1.6.2

  • Wyvern 2.3 contract signature fixed for ChromeDriver and GeckoDriver. #152, #165, #183, #201.
  • Minor corrections and improvements.
  • Yolov5x6 and Real-ESRGAN models, and the file are not loaded when the "Sale only" option is selected.

Version 1.6.1

  • Updated the requirements.txt file, conflicts and problems seem to be corrected.
  • Removed unnecessary files from the yolov5/ directory.
  • Fixed the problem of connection to OpenSea.
  • Improved reCAPTCHA verification when solved.

Version 1.6.0

  • The OpenSea connection problem seems to be fixed. An open tabs check has been added. #159, #167, #181, #187.
  • reCAPTCHA solver added (Real ESRGAN + Yolov5x6 models used with PyTorch). #157, #179, #186.
    ➜ Future improvements: models of crosswalks, chimneys, bridges.

Version 1.5.12

  • Wyvern 2.3 contract support (need feedbacks). #152, #161, #165.

Version 1.5.11

  • Correction of the MetaMask contract signature (feedback needed). #144.
  • Wyvern 2.3 contract support (beta - need feedbacks). #152.
  • In progress: improved support for MacOS (M1) - duration and contract list issues.

Version 1.5.10

  • Minor fixes concerning the sale() method of the OpenSea class.
  • Fixed exception iteration error.

Version 1.5.9

  • The close() method of the Webdriver class has been fixed. It creates an exception when listing NFTs. As a result, it does not try to list them a second time. #144, #145, #149.
  • During the download, when the webdriver starts, sometimes an error occurs and creates an exception. It was supposed to close the webdriver but it caused the bot to crash.
  • The download of webdriver requires a manual entry of the path after a number of failures.

Version 1.5.8

  • Errors related to incorrectly formatted files are now supported. An error is displayed but the bot does not stop abruptly. #90.
  • False listing errors are reduced, the robot checks a second time if the NFT is correctly listed.

Version 1.5.7

  • With each failed upload or sale, the bot retries a second time before saving the NFT data in an autogenerated file.
  • The duration has been fixed for GeckoDriver (Mozilla Firefox). #121.

Version 1.5.6

  • The dict_to_list() method has been optimized and shortened.
  • Minor fixes.

Version 1.5.5

  • Fixed the metamask_contract() method. It was not signing the contract when completing the listing for the Ethereum Blockchain.
  • Minor fixes.

Version 1.5.4

  • The HTTPConnectionPool error in Selenium is fixed, it was caused by defining the driver inside a loop. Now the bot will print an error and restart to launch the bot. #112.
    ➜ For more informations: Reddit - Ralphc360's comment.
  • You can now sell your NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain for free.

Version 1.5.3

  • Fixed the Webdriver-Manager module, it was downloading the ChromeDriver or GeckoDriver at each webdriver launch. Now it uses the path of the downloaded webdriver. #112.
  • Fixed the collection input. #108.

Version 1.5.2

  • Headless mode support. Download Mozilla Firefox and you can use this bot in the background without any interface. Note: Firefox may be unstable and some features may work differently or not at all. #64, #69, #106.
  • Fixed the connection to the MetaMask success indicator.

Version 1.5.1

  • Fixed the problem of the worker version 1.5.0. The bot now continues to upload and does not restart the upload from the beginning. #107.

Version 1.5.0

  • The reCAPTCHAs can now be bypassed. The bot restarts for each upload - it's a bit slow but it works. #98, #102.
    Thanks to Kanishka-Chandra and elwanm.
  • The bot restarts after 3 failed connections to the wallet or to OpenSea.

Version 1.4.9

  • Minor fixes.
  • Developers can now add new wallets if they wish.
  • ChromeDriver is automatically downloaded - no need to do it manually (pip install -r requirements.txt required).
  • The reCAPTCHAs solver is not integrated/configured.

Version 1.4.8

Version 1.4.7

  • The default language of ChromeDriver is now English to ensure maximum compatibility. The date did not work in some countries because of the different formats that OpenSea offers. #67.
  • Minor fix (Colorama module).

Version 1.4.6

  • The duration has been corrected. OpenSea does not allow to change the year when the next year is more than 6 months away. So it was impossible to enter the month without it being replaced by December (12 - maximum number because the year was entered instead); Note: maximum duration is 6 months. #55.
  • The connection to OpenSea has certainly been corrected. (need feedback about this - I don't have any problems on my side). #53, #58, #61.

Version 1.4.5

  • Minor fix for Linux users. The clear_text(self) method inserts an "A" when it tries to clear the inputs before sending the data. #39.

Version 1.4.4

  • Connection to OpenSea with MetaMask corrected. Download of the extension was requested. #53.
  • Connection to OpenSea with MetaMask improved.

Version 1.4.3

  • File preview is now added. #48.

Version 1.4.2

  • Listing of NFT on the Ethereum Blockchain is fully supported. Be sure to make a deposit and have more than 0.05 ETH on your wallet.

Version 1.4.1

  • Small fix for XLSX files. Empty cells were interpreted as "NaN", which is not interpreted as an empty string for Python. #18, #23.

Version 1.4.0

  • You can now decide whether you want to upload or sell your NFTs, or both. #3, #22.
  • Signing the MetaMask contract works every time. It can take 30 seconds to be signed when connecting to OpenSea. #5, #17.
  • After uploading the NFT, the bot would crash when it tried to sell it (the URL was not correct). Now it doesn't. #17.
  • MacOS and Linux support improved.
  • Calendar method improved.

Version 1.3.0

  • Important fixes. #4, #6, #10, #11, #12, #14.
  • CSV file modified: separator changed (from ";" to ";;").

Version 1.2.0

  • Possibility to set a price for each NFT added.
    ➜ 1+ supplies and Polygon blockchain support added.
  • Supply input issue fixed.
  • Calendar method improved.

Version 1.1.0

  • XLSX support added.
  • PC-wide data file browse support.
  • Properties, Stats and Levels issues fixed. #1.

Version 1.0.0

  • Inital commit.
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