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User manager (MongoDB version)

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A user management and authentication microservice.

User data is stored in a MongoDB database and accessed using Mongoose. Interaction with user records is achieved via a REST API, built using Express.

For more information, see this Medium article


Route Method query/body Description
/ GET - Show application configuration
/users GET limit Get the list of users
/users POST user properties Creates a user. Mandatory properties are username (or email_address) and password
/users/{user_id} GET - Get the user with the given user ID. Use 'self' for user currently logged in
/users/{user_id} DELETE - Delete user with the given user ID. Use 'self' for user currently logged in
/users/{user_id} PATCH new user properties Update user with the given user ID. Use 'self' for user currently logged in
/users/{user_id}/password PUT current password, new_password, new_password_confirm Update the password of user with the given user ID. Use 'self' for user currently logged in
/auth/login POST username, password Login, returns a jwt

Environment variables

Variable Description
MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING The connection string for the MongoDB database
JWT_SECRET Secret used to sign Tokens
ADMIN_USERNAME The default username for the administrator account, defaults to 'admin'
ADMIN_PASSWORD The default password for the administrator account, defaults to 'admin'
ALLOW_REGISTRATION Allows unregistered users to create an account
SMTP_HOST Host of the SMTP server (only used for registration)
SMTP_PORT PORT of the SMTP server (only used for registration)
SMTP_USERNAME Username for the SMTP server (only used for registration)
SMTP_PASSWORD Password for the SMTP server (only used for registration)
SMTP_FROM E-mail from (only used for registration)