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Compose Multiplatform Chart

A compose multiplatform chart library targeting Android and iOS.


As of now, two chart types are supported:

  • Line chart (optimized versions for live data and huge datasets available)
  • Bar chart

Gradle Setup

In your settings.gradle file, make sure that mavenCentral is part of your repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {

Next, add the library dependency to your app build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation "io.github.maximilianproell:compose-multiplatform-chart:2.1.0"

Or, in case of a multiplatform project, add it to the commonMain source set:

sourceSets {
    val commonMain by getting {
        dependencies {


Line chart

Here is an example code snippet to create a basic line chart:

    lineDataSets =
                name = "Red Line",
                dataPoints = listOf(
                    DataPoint(10F, 20F),
                    DataPoint(20F, 15F),
                    DataPoint(30F, 6F),
                    DataPoint(60F, 13F),
                    DataPoint(80F, 0F),
                    DataPoint(100F, 10F),
                lineColor = Color.Red
                name = "Magenta Line",
                dataPoints = listOf(
                    DataPoint(100F, 10F),
                    DataPoint(120F, 20F),
                    DataPoint(130F, 5F),
                    DataPoint(160F, 7.5F),
                    DataPoint(200F, 30F),
                lineColor = Color.Magenta,
    maxVisibleYValue = 30f,
    xAxisConfig = AxisConfigDefaults.xAxisConfigDefaults().copy(
        labelsYOffset = 12.dp,
        axisColor = Color.Black,
        allowBorderTextClipping = false
    yAxisConfig = AxisConfigDefaults.yAxisConfigDefaults().copy(
        numberOfLabels = 6,
        labelsXOffset = 8.dp
    lineConfig = LineConfigDefaults.lineConfigDefaults().copy(showLineDots = false)

The resulting chart looks as follows: basic-chart

The parameters can be changed to your needs. E.g., you can change the x-axis and y-axis configurations and adapt the paddings. The paddings may be positive or negative. If we change the labelsXOffset of the yAxisConfig to (-28).dp (y-axis labels are drawn outside of the chart), and showLineDots = true for the line config, we get the following result: basic-chart-with-dots

To learn about all parameters and possible configuration changes, please study the KDoc of this library.

Live Data

For live data, use the LiveLineChart composable, where the data is passed inside a lambda. This prevents the LineChart from recomposing when only the chart content has changed. The demo App uses the following code in the MainActivity to display live data:

val chartData by viewModel.chartData.collectAsState(initial = emptyList())

Surface(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp),
        lineDataSets = { chartData },
        // ...

For more implementation details, please study the demo App provided with this library.

The result is the following: live-chart-demo

Big datasets

For big datasets, simply use the aforementioned LineChart composable. Pinch to zoom is automatically activated. The sample Android App comes with a heart rate dataset with over 600 hours of data (over 2 million data points). While exploring the data through gestures, the LineChart automatically reloads the data and downsamples it using the Largest Triangle Three Buckets (LTTB) alogorithm: live-chart-demo

Bar chart

A basic bar chart can be created with the following code:

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(16.dp),
    entries = listOf(
        BarChartEntry("One", 0.5f),
        BarChartEntry("Two", 1.25f),
        BarChartEntry("Three", 3f),
        BarChartEntry("Four", 1f),
    maxYValue = 3f,
    barConfig = defaultBarConfig.copy(animate = true),

And the result: basic-bar-chart


A compose multiplatform chart library targeting Android and iOS.







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