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Added curve integration analysis to fig 3
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Alexander Bjorling committed Jan 4, 2023
1 parent 5327704 commit ea513ae
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 14 deletions.
106 changes: 92 additions & 14 deletions acid/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,14 @@
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import label
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
import matplotlib
import random

from utils import load_avg, radial_integral
from utils import get_potential, get_flux

matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8})


PATH = '/data/visitors/nanomax/20200372/2021062308/raw/sample/%06u.h5'
CENTER = -1500, 515//2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,7 +76,52 @@ def get_hits_for_scans(scans, plot=True):
hitlist.append(count_hits(arr, plot=plot, cutoff=cutoff))
return hitlist

if True:
def integrate_scans(scans, plot=False):
integrals = []
for scan in scans:
with h5py.File(PATH%scan, 'r') as fp:
arr = fp['entry/measurement/merlin/frames'][:]
arr[:] = arr * mask
av_image = np.mean(arr, axis=0)
m1 = make_mask(arr[0], 181, 20)
m2 = make_mask(arr[0], 117, 30)
m3 = make_mask(arr[0], 150, 10)
if plot:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=4)
integrals.append([np.mean(m1 * av_image),
np.mean(m2 * av_image),
np.mean(m3 * av_image)])
return np.array(integrals) # [scan, peak]

### Curve integration
if 0:
fluxes, curves = [], []
scans = np.arange(339, 339+15) # first series, highest flux
for i in range(15): # 15 fluxes
print('***', i)
curves_ = []
for scan in (scans + i * 15):
pix, I = radial_integral(load_avg(scan))
fluxes.append(get_flux(scans[0] + i * 15).mean())
pots = [get_potential(s) for s in scans]
curves = np.array(curves) # indexed [flux, pot, peak]
np.savez('fig_flux_dependence_integration.npz', curves=curves, pots=pots, fluxes=fluxes)
dct = np.load('fig_flux_dependence_integration.npz')
fluxes = dct['fluxes']
pots = dct['pots']
curves = dct['curves']

### Hit counting
if 0:
fluxes, hits = [], []
scans = np.arange(339, 339+15) # first series, highest flux
for i in range(15): # 15 fluxes
Expand All @@ -84,25 +130,57 @@ def get_hits_for_scans(scans, plot=True):
pots = [get_potential(s) for s in scans]
fluxes.append(get_flux(scans[0] + i * 15).mean())
hits = np.array(hits) # indexed [flux, pot, peak]
np.savez('fig_flux_dependence.npz', hits=hits, pots=pots, fluxes=fluxes)
np.savez('fig_flux_dependence_hits.npz', hits=hits, pots=pots, fluxes=fluxes)
dct = np.load('fig_flux_dependence.npz')
dct = np.load('fig_flux_dependence_hits.npz')
fluxes = dct['fluxes']
pots = dct['pots']
hits = dct['hits']

plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.08, left=.16, right=.99, top=.99)
## Figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3.33,6))
gs = GridSpec(2, 1, figure=fig, height_ratios=[1, .25])
ax = [fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]),
fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])]
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.05, left=.14, right=.99, top=.99)

for iflux in range(15):
offset = -iflux * 50
plt.plot(pots, hits[iflux, :, 1] + offset, 'x-',)# lw=2-iflux/10)
ax[0].errorbar(pots, hits[iflux, :, 1] + offset,
yerr=None, # np.sqrt(hits[iflux, :, 1]),
linestyle='-', marker='o', ms=2.5, lw=.8)
flux = fluxes[iflux]
order = int(np.log10(flux))
prefactor = flux / (10**order)
plt.text(.6, offset+10, '%.1f $\\times 10^{%d}$' % (prefactor, order),
ax[0].text(.62, offset+10, '%.1f$\\cdot 10^{%d}$' % (prefactor, order),
plt.text(.6, 100, 'Flux (s$^{-1}$):', ha='right')
plt.xlabel('E (V vs. Ag/AgCl sat.)')
plt.ylabel('$\\beta$-PdH$_x$(111) intensity')
ax[0].text(.62, 100, 'Flux (s$^{-1}$):', ha='right')
ax[0].set_xlabel('E (V vs. Ag/AgCl sat.)')
ax[0].set_ylabel('$\\beta$-PdH$_x$(111) diffraction hits', labelpad=-5)

i0, i1 = 158, 183
p0 = curves[:, :, i0:i1].sum(axis=-1) - (curves[:, :, i0] + curves[:, :, i1]) / 2 * (i1 - i0)
i0, i1 = 95, 130
p1 = curves[:, :, i0:i1].sum(axis=-1) - (curves[:, :, i0] + curves[:, :, i1]) / 2 * (i1 - i0)
# p0 and p1 indexed [flux, pot]

kw = dict(linestyle='-', marker='o', ms=2.5, lw=.8)
i_pot = 10
p0 = p0[:, i_pot] / fluxes * 1e10
p1 = p1[:, i_pot] / fluxes * 1e10
ax[1].plot(fluxes, p0, **kw, color='k')
ax[1].plot(fluxes, p1, **kw, color='gray')
ax[1].set_xlabel('X-ray flux (s$^{-1}$)', labelpad=-5)
ax[1].set_ylabel('$|I|$ / $I_0$ (arb.)')
ax[1].text(8e8, p0[-1] + .4, 'Pd(111)')
ax[1].text(8e8, p1[-1] + .4, '$\\beta$-PdH$_x$(111)', color='gray')
ax[1].text(1.3e10, -.3, 'E = %.1f V' % pots[i_pot], va='bottom', ha='right')
ax[1].set_ylim([-.5, 6.3])

fig.text(.01, .98, 'a)')
fig.text(.01, .23, 'b)')

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