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####Preparation: In order to retrieve information from Google Maps API one should provide API_KEY.
The API_KEY should be set in .env file like KEY=Google_Maps_API_KEY (You will find the example in .env.example file). You don't have here the .env file, it should be created.

####General information: This is a simple php application that receives options -l or --location for retrieving the address from Google Maps API.
The output result will be the php array.
All stuff is dockerized. So one has to do several steps in order to get working application.

  • build docker container via command docker build --force-rm -t php-cli .
    one could set any other tag name for a new docker image (here php-cli name is provided as example);
  • run application in docker container (in case if one created image with tag php-cli) with following command:
    docker run --rm php-cli bin/geolocate -l 'amsterdam' or
    docker run --rm php-cli bin/geolocate --location='amsterdam'

If anything goes wrong in running the command then try to run
docker run --rm php-cli php index.php -l 'amsterdam'

In case of succeeded operation one would get such an answer:

    [city] => Amsterdam
    [areaLevel2] => Government of Amsterdam
    [areaLevel1] => North Holland
    [country] => Netherlands

If you want to check different locations in one container created, you'll have to run /bin/sh command in interactive mode. As example docker run --rm -it php-cli /bin/sh and then inside of the container you could call bin/geolocate -l 'Whatever value' several times you want.


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