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Minescript is a platform for controlling and interacting with Minecraft using scripts written in the Python programming language. It is implemented as mod that comes in two flavors: one for Forge and one for Fabric.

The examples below require Minescript v2.0 or higher.

How it works

Users place Python scripts (.py files) in the minecraft/minescript folder. These scripts can be run from the Minecraft chat console with a leading backslash and dropping the .py. E.g. a file at minecraft/minescript/ could be executed from the Minecraft chat as:

\example is automatically installed in the minecraft/minescript folder the first time that Minecraft launches with the Minescript mod installed. This Python module contains a library of functions for accessing Minecraft functionality:


import minescript

# Write a message to the chat that only you can see:
minescript.echo("Hello, world!")

# Write a chat message that other players can see:"Hello, everyone!")

# Get your player's current position:
x, y, z = minescript.player_position()

# Set the block directly beneath your player:
x, y, z = int(x), int(y), int(z)
minescript.execute(f"setblock {x} {y-1} {z} yellow_concrete")

# Print the type of block at a particular location:
minescript.echo(minescript.getblock(x, y, z))

# Display the contents of your inventory:
for item in minescript.player_inventory():

Pre-built mod jars

Pre-built mod jars for Fabric and Forge can be downloaded from Modrinth and CurseForge.

Command-line build instructions

These instructions are for POSIX systems like Linux and macOS.

To run the mod in dev mode, run:

# Fabric client:
$ ./gradlew fabric:runClient

# Forge client:
$ ./gradlew forge:runClient

To build the mod, run:

# Build Fabric and Forge mods:
$ ./gradlew build

# Or build each mod individually:
$ ./gradlew fabric:build
$ ./gradlew forge:build

The built mod jar (along with a sources jar) file will be in build/libs within the given mod platform's subdirectory, e.g.

$ ls fabric/build/libs/
minescript-mc1.20.4-fabric-mod-3.2-sources.jar	minescript-mc1.20.4-fabric-mod-3.2.jar


All code, compiled or in source form, in the built mod jar is licensed as GPL v3 (specifically SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only). Sources within the tools directory that are not distributed in the mod jar and are not required for building or running the mod jar may be covered by a different license.


Special thanks to Spiderfffun and Coolbou0427 for extensive testing on Windows.