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The OVO .Net Client.

The OVO .Net Client library can connect a cluster of OVO nodes and offers the same API calls as the Go client library.

Download the OVO client library for .Net

The library can be downloaded from at or using the Nuget Package Manager.

PM> Install-Package OVOdotNetClient

Client usage

Client initialization

	OvoDotNetClient.Client client = new OvoDotNetClient.Client(); // initialize the client using the default configuration file 
    client.SetLog(System.Console.Out); // enable the console logs 
	OvoDotNetClient.Model.Configuration config = new OvoDotNetClient.Model.Configuration(); // create a client's configuration object
	config.ClusterNodes.Add(new OvoDotNetClient.Model.Node()
		Host = "localhost",
		Port = 5050
	OvoDotNetClient.Client client = new OvoDotNetClient.Client(config);  // initialize the client using the configuration object

Put and Get an object

 	var p1 = new Product 
		Id = 101,
		Name = "bread",
		Description = "food made of flour, water, and yeast, mixed together and baked",
		CreationDate = DateTime.Now(),
    client.Put("myproduct", p1);
	Product p2 = client.Get<Product>("myproduct");
	client.Put("myExpirableProduct", p1, 120); // TTL = 120 secs

Delete an object

	Product p2 = client.Get<Product>("myproduct"); // p2 is null

Update an object if it's not changed

    var p1 = = new Product 
		Id = 102,
		Name = "bread",
		Description = "food made of flour, water, and yeast, mixed together and baked",
		CreationDate = DateTime.Now(),
    client.Put("myproduct", p1);
    var p2 = new Product 
		Id = 102,
		Name = "coffe",
		Description = "a drink made from the roasted and ground beanlike seeds of a tropical shrub",
		CreationDate = DateTime.Now(),

    var result = client.UpdateValueIfEqual("myproduct", p2, p2);  // result is false, the update operation is not done
	var result2 = client.UpdateValueIfEqual("myproduct", p1, p2);  // result2 is true, the update operation is done

Working with counters

	long result1 = client.Increment("mycounter", 7);  // the first call to Increment creates a new counter and set it to the value -> 7
	long result2 = client.Increment("mycounter", 10); // icrements the counter -> 17
	long result3 = client.SetCounter("mycounter", 5); // reset the value of the counter -> 5
	long result4 = client.Increment("mycounter", -1); // decrements the value of the counter -> 4
	long result5 = client.GetCounter("mycounter"); // read the counter without changing the value -> 4
	long result6 = client.Increment("mycounter2", 1, 60); // create a counter that reset (expires) after 60 secs

Test the client

A complete list of tests of all the client methods is implemented in the test project TestOvoDotNetClient.


OVO dotNet Client Library







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