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Demo for Gradle Auto Deploy[CICD] with Docker component

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Project Title

Sample demo application with docker, gradle, spring boot and mongo DB

Pre Requisites

Install docker &, docker-compose
If running without docker-compose, create the required network for docker containers to communicate.

Set Up &, Installation

- Mongo Set up
	Create DB: 
	use rest_tutorial;

adding collection

- Adding data to collection	
	    "name" : "Spot",
	    "species" : "dog",
	    "breed" : "pitbull"
	    "name" : "Daisy",
	    "species" : "cat",
	    "breed" : "calico"
	    "name" : "Bella",
	    "species" : "dog",
	    "breed" : "australian shepard"

- To connect Spring Boot &, MongoDB
	As the Mongo DB is locally hosted and the app is hosted on docker container so it will not be access the localhost on the computer.
	To connect MongoDB and App, follow the steps:
	#Create a network: 
	docker network create gradle_docker_net --> [spring_demo_net - Network Name]
	#Goto the mongo data directory. For eg:
	#Run the mongo container
	docker run --name gradle_docker-mongo --network=gradle_docker_net -v mongo-storage:/var/lib/mongo mongo  
	gradle_docker-mongo --> Name of the container
	gradle_docker_net --> Name of the network created
	#with the above steps the mongo is hosted as docker container

- To stop and remove the existing running container
	docker stop gradle_docker_app
	docker container rm gradle_docker_app

- To build 
	gradle build docker

- To create and run the docker image
	docker run --name gradle_docker_app --network=gradle_docker_net -p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 -t springio/gs-rest-service	
	gradle_docker_app --> container name of the app
	gradle_docker_net --> Network name
	springio/gs-rest-service --> image name

Running the tests

gradle build runs the created test.
To run build without test --> use '-x test' in the command.

Additional Component

- Integrating Sonar
	Entries added in build.gradle: 
	plugins {
	  id "org.sonarqube" version "2.6.2"
	sonarqube {
	    properties {
	        property 'sonar.projectName', 'Gradle Docker - Sonar'
	Command to publish to sonarqube server: gradle sonarqube
	Command to publish &, run app: gradle sonarqube bootrun
	For Maven: mvn sonar:sonar
	To export the report of the issues as csv:
	1. Goto:
	2. Download the jar and place the same into your SonarQube plugins folder at “(your SonarQube directory)/extensions/plugins/“.
	3. Restart Sonar
	4. Under more on dashboard select --> Csv Issue Import
	The export excel functionality is also available using the rest api --> SonarHookController
- Adding Swagger UI with SpringFox
	One of the most popular API documentation specifications is OpenApi, formerly known as Swagger.
	SpringFox is a swagger integration of Springs:
	"It can automatically inspect your classes, detect Controllers, their methods, model classes they 
	use and URLs to which they are mapped. Without any handwritten documentation, it can generate a lot 
	of information about your API just by inspecting classes in your application. "
	Added new config class: --> acts as the config class for Swagger and 
	Uses the @EnableSwagger2 annotation &, definition of what to document.
	Dependencies added: 
	compile "io.springfox:springfox-swagger2:2.9.2"
	compile "io.springfox:springfox-swagger-ui:2.9.2"
	Swagger UI URL: http://<IP>:<Port>/swagger-ui.html
	Eg: http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui.html
	//To select specific packages
		 * return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2) .select()
		 * .apis(RequestHandlerSelectors.basePackage("com.test.api"))
		 * .paths(PathSelectors.ant("/greeting**")) .build() .apiInfo(getApiInfo());

- Adding Prometheus
	Download and install prometheus
	Windows: choco install prometheus
	Change the config yml file as per need. For eg:
	global config -->
	scrape_interval:     5s 
	evaluation_interval: 5s 
	scrape_configs -->
	job_name: 'GradleAutoDeploy'
    metrics_path: '/prometheus'
    targets: ['localhost:8001']
    start prometheus:
    Go the installation directory:
    For eg: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\prometheus\tools\
    command: prometheus.exe --config.file=prometheus.yml
    Once the server is up, goto URL: http://localhost:9090
    Running prometheus with docker in the same network:
    Check the docs:
    -  Click the Docker icon in the toolbar, select Preferences, then select Daemon. Click Advanced.
    - "metrics-addr" : "", "experimental" : true
    - restart docker
    - create C:\tmp\prometheus.yml
    - under targets --> targets: ['']
    - docker run --name gradle_prometheus --network=gradle_docker_net --mount type=bind,source=C:/tmp/prometheus.yml,destination=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --publish published=9090,target=9090,protocol=tcp prom/prometheus
    - URL: localhost:9090
- Grafana
	Download and install grafana
	Windows: choco install grafana
	Goto the bin: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\grafana\tools\grafana-5.4.3\bin
	start grafana-server.exe
	grafana will start at port: 3000
	URL: http://localhost:3000
	Goto Add data source --> select prometheus and give the necessary details
	Click Save & Test --> DataSource is working !
	Create dashboard with relevant details:
	add dashboard and edit and provide the details of data source type of panels you want to display
	--> To run grafana with docker:
	- docker volume create grafana-storage
	- docker volume ls
	- docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name=grafana --network=gradle_docker_net -v grafana-storage:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana
	- set up the data source: for eg: http://gradle_prometheus:9090 --> used the docker app name as they are hosted in the same network
	- sample query for dashboard: http_server_requests_seconds_count{exception="None",instance="",job="GradleAutoDeploy",method="GET",status="200",uri="/greeting"}

- Spring Profile
	Added new task for Dev &, Prod in build.gradle to test profiling.

Deployment using docker-compose

- docker-compose up --> will bring up MongoDB and Application, prometheus, grafana, jenkins
- docker-compose up -d --> detached mode of above command
- docker-compose down --> to stop and remove the containers.

Built With

Gradle, spring boot, mongoDB, gradle


Demo Version


Mayank Gupta



