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Quickly build an online store with carts, orders, automatic email receipts and payment collection via Stripe, StripeConnect, PayPal and Moneris.


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Effective Orders

Carts, Orders, and collecting payment via Stripe, PayPal and Moneris.

A Rails Engine to handle the purchase workflow in a Rails 3.2.x / Rails 4 application.

Also works with Stripe Connect and Stripe Subscriptions with coupons.

Sends order receipt emails automatically.

Has Order History, My Purchases, My Sales and Admin screens.

Getting Started

Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'effective_orders'

Run the bundle command to install it:

bundle install

Then run the generator:

rails generate effective_orders:install

The generator will install an initializer which describes all configuration options and creates a database migration.

If you want to tweak the table name (to use something other than the default 'orders', 'order_items', 'carts', 'cart_items', 'customers', 'subscriptions'), manually adjust both the configuration file and the migration now.

Then migrate the database:

rake db:migrate

Require the javascript on the asset pipeline by adding the following to your application.js:

//= require effective_orders

Require the stylesheet on the asset pipeline by adding the following to your application.css:

*= require effective_orders

Upgrading from 0.3.x

In the 0.3.x versions of this gem, prices were internally represented as Decimals

This has been changed in 0.4.x to properly be Integer columns

If you're running a 0.3.x or earlier version, please upgrade to 0.4.x with this one command:

rails generate effective_orders:upgrade_from03x

the above command will upgrade the order_items and subscriptions tables.

If you have additional (products or whatever..) tables with a column price represented as a Decimal, they should also be upgraded.

To upgrade, use this generator to create a migration on table products with column price:

bundle exec rails generate effective_orders:upgrade_price_column products price

High Level Overview

Your rails app creates and displays a list of acts_as_purchsable objects, each with a link_to_add_to_cart(object).

The user clicks one or more Add to Cart links and adds some purchasables to their cart.

They then click the Checkout link from the My Cart page, or another link_to_checkout displayed somewhere, which takes them to effective_orders.new_order_path to begin checkout.

The checkout is a 2-page process:

The first page collects billing/shipping details and gives the user their final option to 'Change Items'.

After clicking 'Save and Continue', the user will be on the collect money page.

If the payment processor is PayPal or Moneris, the user will be sent to their website to enter their credit card details.

If the payment processor is Stripe, there is an on-screen popup form to collect those details.

Once the user has successfully paid, they are redirected to a thank you page displaying the order receipt.

An email notification containing the receipt is also sent to the buyer's email address, and the site admin.


effective_orders handles the add_to_cart -> checkout -> collect of payment workflow, but relies on the base application to define, create and display the purchaseable things.

These purchasables could be Products, EventTickets, Memberships or anything else.

Representing Prices

All prices should be internally represented as Integers. For us North Americans, think of it as the number of cents.

To represent the value of $10.00 the price method should return 1000.

Similarly, to represent a value of $0.50 the price method should return 50.

EffectiveOrders does not deal with a specific currency or do any currency conversions of any kind. The main gem authors are North American, and as such this gem is unfortunately North American biased.

Creating a purchasable

Once installed, we still need to create something to purchase.

Let's create a Product model that uses the acts_as_purchasable mixin.

We're also going to prevent the Product from being deleted by overriding def destroy and instead setting a boolean archived = true.

If someone purchased a Product which is later deleted, the Order History page will be unable to find the Product.

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base

  # this structure do... block is provided by the migrant gem
  structure do
    title               :string

    price               :integer, :default => 0
    tax_exempt          :boolean, :default => false

    archived            :boolean, :default => false


  validates_presence_of :title
  validates_numericality_of :price, :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0

  scope :products, -> { where(:archived => false) }

  # This archives Products instead of deleting them
  def destroy
    update_attributes(:archived => true)


The database migration will look like the following:

class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    create_table :products do |t|
      t.string :title
      t.integer :price, :default=>0
      t.boolean :tax_exempt, :default=>false
      t.boolean :archived, :default=>false
      t.datetime :updated_at
      t.datetime :created_at

  def self.down
    drop_table :products

Once the database has been migrated, it is time to scaffold/build the CRUD Product screens to create some Products to sell.


Use the EffectiveOrders price input to enter the price.

It displays the underlying Integer price as a currency formatted value, ensures that a properly formatted price is entered by the user, and POSTs the appropriate Integer value back to the server.

This is available for simple_form, formtastic and Rails default FormBuilder.

= simple_form_for(@product) do |f|
  = f.input :title
  = f.input :tax_exempt
  = f.input :price, :as => :price
  = f.button :submit


= semantic_form_for(@product) do |f|
  = f.input :price, :as => :price


= form_for(@product) do |f|
  = f.price_field :price

The :as => :price will work interchangeably with SimpleForm or Formtastic, as long as only one of these gems is present in your application

If you use both SimpleForm and Formtastic, you will need to call price input differently:

= simple_form_for(@product) do |f|
  = f.input :price, :as => :price_simple_form

= semantic_form_for @user do |f|
  = f.input :price, :as => :price_formtastic


So back on the Product#show page, we will render the product with an Add To Cart link

%h4= @product.title
%p= price_to_currency(@product.price)
%p= link_to_add_to_cart(@product, :class => 'btn btn-primary', :label => 'Add To My Shopping Cart')

Please take note of the price_to_currency helper above.

This is an EffectiveOrders helper that will display an Integer price as a currency formatted value. It does an Integer to Float conversion then calls the rails standard number_to_currency.

When the user clicks 'Add To My Shopping Cart' the product will be added to the cart. A flash message is displayed, and the user will return to the same page.

My Cart

We still need to create a link to the Shopping Cart page so that the user can view their cart. On your site's main menu:

= link_to_current_cart()  # To display Cart (3) when there are 3 items


= link_to_current_cart(:label => 'Shopping Cart', :class => 'btn btn-prmary')  # To display Shopping Cart (3) when there are 3 items


= link_to 'My Cart', effective_orders.carts_path


The checkout screen can be reached through the My Cart page, or linked to directly via

= link_to_checkout() # To display Proceed to Checkout


= link_to_checkout(:label => 'Continue to Checkout', :class => 'btn btn-primary')


= link_to 'Go Checkout Already', effective_orders.new_order_path

From here, the effective_orders engine takes over, walks the user through billing and shipping details screens, then finally collects payment through one of the configured payment processors.

Acts As Purchasable

Mark your rails model with the mixin acts_as_purchasable to use it with the effective_orders gem.

This mixin sets up the relationships and provides some validations on price and such.


acts_as_purchasable provides the following methods:

.purchased? has this been purchased by any user in any order?

.purchased_by?(user) has this been purchased by the given user?

.purchased_orders returns the Effective::Orders in which the purchases have been made


acts_as_purchsable provides the following scopes:

Product.purchased all the Products that have been purchased

Product.purchased_by(user) all the Products purchased by a given user.

Product.sold all the Products that have been solid (same as purchased)

Product.sold_by(user) all the Products that this user has sold via Stripe Connect

Product.not_purchased all unpurchased Products

Digital Downloads

If your product is a digital download, simply create a method in your acts_as_purchasable rails model that returns the full URL to download.

The download link will be displayed on all purchased order receipts and the Order History page.

def purchased_download_url

Of course, there's no mechanism here to prevent someone from just copy&pasting this URL to a friend.

If you're interested in that kind of restricted-download functionality, please check out effective_assets and the authenticated-read temporary URLs.


All acts_as_purchasable objects will respond to the boolean method tax_exempt.

By default, tax_exempt is false, meaning that tax must be applied to this item.

The tax calculation is controlled by the config/initializers/effective_orders.rb config.tax_rate_method and may be set on an app wide basis.

If tax_exempt returns true, it means that no tax will be applied to this item.

Please see the initializer for more information.


When defined, upon purchase the following callback will be triggered:

class Product

  after_purchase do |order, order_item|   # These are optional, if you don't care about the order or order_item
    self.do_something() # self is the newly purchased instance of this Product



All authorization checks are handled via the config.authorization_method found in the config/initializers/effective_orders.rb file.

It is intended for flow through to CanCan or Pundit, but neither of those gems are required.

This method is called by the controller action with the appropriate action and resource

This method is called by all controller actions with the appropriate action and resource

Action will be one of [:index, :show, :new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy]

Resource will the appropriate Effective::Order, Effective::Cart or Effective::Subscription ActiveRecord object or class

The authorization method is defined in the initializer file:

# As a Proc (with CanCan)
config.authorization_method = { |controller, action, resource| authorize!(action, resource) }
# As a Custom Method
config.authorization_method = :my_authorization_method

and then in your application_controller.rb:

def my_authorization_method(action, resource) ||, resource).send('#{action}?')

or disabled entirely:

config.authorization_method = false

If the method or proc returns false (user is not authorized) an Effective::AccessDenied exception will be raised

You can rescue from this exception by adding the following to your application_controller.rb:

rescue_from Effective::AccessDenied do |exception|
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { render 'static_pages/access_denied', :status => 403 }
    format.any { render :text => 'Access Denied', :status => 403 }


The permissions you actually want to define are as follows (using CanCan):

can [:manage], Effective::Cart, :user_id =>
can [:manage], Effective::Order, :user_id => # Orders cannot be deleted
can [:manage], Effective::Subscription, :user_id =>

Whats Included

This gem has a lot of screens, all of which are automatically available via the Rails Engine.

Pretty much every screen also has a coresponding helper function that is used in rendering that content.

The idea behind this implementation is that you, the developer, should be able to use effective_orders as a quick drop-in purchasing solution, with all screens and routes provided, but also have all the individual pieces available to customize the workflow.


The standard website shopping cart paradigm. Add one or more objects to the cart and purchase them all in one step.

When a non-logged-in user comes to the website, a new Effective::Cart object is created and stored in the session variable. This user can add items to the Cart as normal.

Only when the user proceeds to Checkout will they be required to login.

Upon log in, the session Cart will be assigned to that User's ID, and if the User had a previous existing cart, all CartItems will be merged.

You shouldn't need to deal with the Cart object at all, except to make a link from your Site Menu to the 'My Cart' page (as documented above).

However, if you want to render a Cart on another page, or play with the Cart object directly, you totally can.

Use the helper method current_cart to refer to the current Effective::Cart.

And call render_cart(current_cart) to display the Cart anywhere.


On the Checkout page (effective_orders.new_order_path) a new Effective::Order object is created and one or more Effective::OrderItems are initialized based on the current_cart.

If the configuration options config.require_billing_address and/or config.require_shipping_address options are true then the user will be prompted for the appropriate addresses, based on effective_addresses.

As well, if the config option config.collect_user_fields is present, form fields to collect those user attributes will be present on this page.

When the user submits the form on this screen, a POST to effective_orders.order_path is made, and the Effective::Order object is validated and created.

On this final checkout screen, links to all configured payment providers are displayed, and the user may choose which payment processor should be used to make a payment.

The payment processor handles collecting the Credit Card number, and through one way or another, the Effective::Order @order.purchase! method is called.

Once the order has been marked purchased, the user is redirected to the effective_orders.order_purchased_path screen where they see a 'Thank You!' message, and the Order receipt.

If the configuration option config.mailer[:send_order_receipt_to_buyer] == true the order receipt will be emailed to the user.

As well, if the configuration option config.mailer[:send_order_receipt_to_admin] == true the order receipt will be emailed to the site admin.

The Order has now been purchased.

If you are using effective_orders to roll your own custom payment workflow, you should be aware of the following helpers:

  • render_checkout(order) to display the standard Checkout step inline.

  • render_checkout(order, :purchased_redirect_url => '/', :declined_redirect_url => '/') to display the Checkout step with custom redirect paths.

  • render_purchasables(one_or_more_acts_as_purchasable_objects) to display a list of purchasable items

  • render_order(order) to display the full Order receipt.

  • order_summary(order) to display some quick details of an Order and its OrderItems.

  • order_payment_to_html(order) to display the payment processor details for an order's payment transaction.

Effective::Order Model

There may be times where you want to deal with the Effective::Order object directly.

The acts_as_purchasable .purchased? and .purchased_by?(user) methods only return true when a purchased Effective::Order exists for that object.

To programatically purchase one or more acts_as_purchasable objects:[@product1, @product2], current_user).purchase!('from my rake task')

Here the billing_address and shipping_address are copied from the current_user object if the current_user responds_to billing_address / shipping_address as per effective_addresses.

Here's another example of programatically purchasing some acts_as_purchasable objects:

order =
order.user = @user
order.billing_address =
order.shipping_address =
order.purchase!(:some => {:complicated => 'details', :in => 'a hash'})

The one gotcha with the above two scenarios, is that when purchase! is called, the Effective::Order in question will run through its validations. These validations include:

  • validates_presence_of :billing_address when configured to be required

  • validates_presence_of :shipping_address when configured to be required

  • validates :user which can be disabled via config initializer

  • validates_numericality_of :total, :greater_than_or_equal_to => minimum_charge where minimum_charge is the configured value, once again from the initializer

  • validates_presence_of :order_items the Order must have at least one OrderItem

You can skip validations with the following command, but be careful as this skips all validations:, @user).purchase!('no validations', :validate => false)

The @product is now considered purchased.

To check an Order's purchase state, you can call @order.purchased?

There also exist the scopes: Effective::Order.purchased and Effective::Order.purchased_by(user) which return a chainable relation of all purchased Effective::Order objects.

My Purchases / Order History

This screen displays all past purchases made by the current user. You can add it to your site's main menu or User profile area:

= link_to_my_purchases()  # To display My Purchases


= link_to_my_purchases(:label => 'Order History', :class => 'btn btn-primary')


= link_to 'My Order History', effective_orders.my_purchases_path

or render it inline on an existing page with


If a user is passed, a call to Effective::Order.purchased_by(user) will be made to assign all purchased orders.

Totally optional, but another way of displaying the Order History is to use the included datatable, based on effective_datatables

In your controller:

@datatable = =>

and then in the view:

render_datatable @datatable

Please refer to effective_datatables for more information about that gem.

Admin Screen

To use the Admin screen, please also install the effective_datatables gem:

gem 'effective_datatables'

Then you should be able to visit:

link_to 'Orders', effective_orders.admin_orders_path   # /admin/orders

or to create your own Datatable of all Orders, in your controller:

@datatable =

and then in the view:

render_datatable @datatable

Testing in Development

Every payment processor seems to have its own development sandbox which allow you to make test purchases in development mode.

You will need an external IP address to work with these sandboxes.

We suggest the free application for this ability.

Paying via Moneris

Use the following instructions to set up a Moneris TEST store.

The set up process is identical to a Production store, except that you will need to Sign Up with Moneris and get real credentials.

We are also going to use ngrok to give us a public facing URL

Create Test / Development Store

Visit and login with: demouser / store1 / password

Select ADMIN -> hosted config from the menu

Click the 'Generate a New Configuration' button which should bring us to a "Hosted Paypage Configuration"

Basic Configuration

Description: 'My Test store'

Transaction Type: Purchase

Response Method: Sent to your server as a POST

Approved URL:

Declined URL:

Note: The Approved and Declined URLs must match the effective_orders.moneris_postback_path value in your application. By default it is /orders/moneris_postback

Click 'Save Changes'

PsStoreId and HppKey

At the top of the main 'Hosted Paypage Configuration' page should be the ps_store_id and hpp_key values.

Copy these two values into the appropriate lines of config/effective_orders.rb initializer file.

  config.moneris_enabled = true

  if Rails.env.production?
    config.moneris = {
      :ps_store_id => '',
      :hpp_key => '',
      :hpp_url => '',
      :verify_url => ''
    config.moneris = {
      :ps_store_id => 'VZ9BNtore1',
      :hpp_key => 'hp1Y5J35GVDM',
      :hpp_url => '',
      :verify_url => ''

Paypage Appearance

Click 'Configure Appearance' from the main Hosted Paypage Configuration

Display item details: true

Display customer details: true

Display billing address details: true

Display shipping address details: true

Enable input of Billing, Shipping and extra fields: false

Display merchange name: true, if you have an SSL cert

Cancel Button Text: 'Cancel'

Cancel Button URL:

Click 'Save Appearance Settings'

Click 'Return to main configuration'

Response Fields

None of the 'Return...' checkboxes are needed. Leave unchecked.

Perform asynchronous data post: false, unchecked

Async Response URL: leave blank

Click 'Save Response Settings'

Click 'Return to main configuration'


Referring URL: Depends how you're using effective_orders in your application, you can add multiple URLs By default, use

Enable Card Verification: false, unused

Enable Transaction Verification: true Response Method: Displayed as key/value pairs on our server. Response URL: leave blank

Click 'Save Verification Settings' Click 'Return to main configuration'

Configure Email Receipts

effective_orders automatically sends its own receipts.

If you'd prefer to use the Moneris receipt, disable email sendouts from the config/effective_orders.rb initializer

Purchasing an Order through Moneris

With this test store set up, you can make a successful purchase with:

Cardholder Name: Any name Credit Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242 Expiry Date: Any future date

Some gotchas:

  1. When using a test store, if your order total price is less than $10, the penny amount may be used to raise an error code.

Order totals ending in .00 will be Approved Order totals ending in .05 will be Declined

And there's a whole bunch more. Please refer to:,d.cWc&cad=rja

  1. Moneris will not process a duplicate order ID

Once Order id=1 has been purchased/declined, you will be unable to purchase an order with id=1 ever again.

Paying via Stripe

First register for an account with Stripe

and configure your bank accounts appropriately.

Then enable Stripe in the app/config/effective_orders.rb initializer and enter your keys.

config.stripe_enabled = true

config.stripe = {
  :secret_key => 'sk_live_IKd6HDaYUfoRjflWQTXfFNfc',
  :publishable_key => 'pk_live_liEGn9f0mcxKmoSjoeNbbuE1',
  :currency => 'usd'

You an find these keys from the Stripe Dashbaord -> Your Account (dropdown) -> Account Settings -> API Keys

You're ready to accept payments.

Stripe Connect

Stripe Connect allows effective_orders to collect payments on behalf of users.

First register your application with Stripe

Stripe Dashbaord -> Your Account (dropdown) -> Account Settings -> Apps

Register your application

Name: Your Application Name Website URL: root_url


client_id: given by stripe, we need to record this. redirect_uri: stripe_connect_redirect_uri_url # webhook_uri: none

And add these values to the app/config/effective_orders.rb initializer:

config.stripe = {
  :secret_key => 'sk_live_IKd6HDaYUfoRjflWQTXfFNfc',
  :publishable_key => 'pk_live_liEGn9f0mcxKmoSjoeNbbuE1',
  :currency => 'usd',
  :connect_client_id => 'ca_35jLok5G9kosyYF7quTOwcauJjTnUnud'

Stripe Subscriptions

Subscriptions and Stripe Connect do not currently work together.

Register an additional Webhook, to accept Stripe subscription creation events from Stripe





MIT License. Copyright Code and Effect Inc.

Code and Effect is the product arm of AgileStyle, an Edmonton-based shop that specializes in building custom web applications with Ruby on Rails.


The test suite for this gem is mostly complete.

Run tests by:



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Bonus points for test coverage
  6. Create new Pull Request


Quickly build an online store with carts, orders, automatic email receipts and payment collection via Stripe, StripeConnect, PayPal and Moneris.







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