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File metadata and controls

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Demo mode

The demo mode is meant to guide you through the application, following a predefined process with predefined roles.


Do not use this mode in production or any publicly accessible environment. In doing so, you might expose case data, documents, etc.


You will need:


We assume you are using Open Zaak but this can be an component that offers the API's voor Zaakgericht werken.

Setting up demo mode

  1. Enable demo mode.

    The demo mode can be activated by setting the environment variable ABC_DEMO_MODE to 1. By default ABC_DEMO_MODE=0.


    Change the docker-compose.yml file you are using to include the environment variable:

    image: maykinmedia/archiefbeheercomponent:latest
    environment: &web_env
       - ABC_DEMO_MODE=1
       - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=archiefbeheercomponent.conf.docker
       # etc...

    and stop and start the docker containers (do not just restart).

    $ docker-compose down
    $ docker-compose up -d


    $ ABC_DEMO_MODE=1 python src/ runserver
  2. Navigate to and you will see that demo mode is enabled.
  3. Click the red Administration button and login to start configuring the application.
  4. For testing purposes we can fake the current date. Normally, only cases that should be destroyed today or earlier show up. If we set the date to 50 years in the future, most cases will show up.
    1. Navigate to Configuratie > Archiveringsconfiguratie
    2. Fill in the Archiefdatum to specify the fake "current date".
    3. Click Opslaan.


When the record-management app is in demo mode, cases are not actually destroyed, i.e. they remain in OpenZaak and can be included in new destruction lists.

You can continue to configure <configuration> the application.

Optional destruction case

If the feature to create a zaak related to the destruction report is turned on, the environment needs to be configured with the right URLs (see the configuration <optional destruction case settings> section for more details).

For the demo environment, there is a management command that will create the required zaaktype, informatieobjecttype, statustype and resultaattype in Open-Zaak and print the URLs to the console. These can then be used for the configuration in the admin page.


$ docker-compose exec web src/ configure-types


$ source env/bin/activate
$ python src/ configure-types